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SOCY 3700 IndexesScalesTypologies Greg S. Weaver Dept. of Sociology.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCY 3700 IndexesScalesTypologies Greg S. Weaver Dept. of Sociology."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCY 3700 IndexesScalesTypologies Greg S. Weaver Dept. of Sociology

2 Love What?Who?How?* *Note: We’re adults, so act like it.

3 Rubin (1970) P. 267 Affiliative or Dependent Need Predisposition to Help Exclusiveness and Absorption Question: Which item is best? “The Essence of Love”

4 Two Things: Love is a Concept  Abstract  Types of Definitions: 1. Real 2. Nominal 3. Operational Error/Bias

5 Composite Measure IndexScale

6 Index Sum or Average of Scores Political Involvement


8 Scale Unidimensionality Same Score Different Responses Assign Scores to Patterns of Responses

9 Example:

10 Rubin (1970) Love Index 13 Items Response Range of 1-9 Disagree Agree Disagree Agree CompletelyCompletely 1……………….9 1……………….9

11 Rubin (1970) Love Index Sum of Individual Items Range of 13-117

12 Types of Scales Bogardus Social Distance Thurston Scale Likert Scale Semantic Differential Guttman

13 Bogardus Scale Varying Degrees in Relation to Topic Example: Halfway House for Sex Offenders “Not in My Backyard” F NIMBY

14 Thurston Scale Weights are assigned to indicators. Example: 100 Indicators of “Love”

15 Semantic Differential Opposing Adjectives Example: Music

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