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NICAEA “Until that moment in history [the Council of Nicaea, AD 325], Jesus was viewed by His (sic) followers as a mortal prophet... a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. A Mortal” (Sir Leigh Teabing). “Until that moment in history [the Council of Nicaea, AD 325], Jesus was viewed by His (sic) followers as a mortal prophet... a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. A Mortal” (Sir Leigh Teabing). The question before the bishops of Nicaea was NOT “Is Jesus divine?” but “Is Jesus equal to or subordinate to God the Father?” The bishops resoundingly affirmed (not “a relatively close vote” as the DVC claims), as the faith of the Church from the beginning, that that he is “true God from true God, one in being with Father.” The question before the bishops of Nicaea was NOT “Is Jesus divine?” but “Is Jesus equal to or subordinate to God the Father?” The bishops resoundingly affirmed (not “a relatively close vote” as the DVC claims), as the faith of the Church from the beginning, that that he is “true God from true God, one in being with Father.”
CANONIZATION “More than eighty gospels were considered for the New Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John among them” (Sir Leigh again). “More than eighty gospels were considered for the New Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John among them” (Sir Leigh again). The four apostolic gospels were received by the Church very early on as indisputably the inspired record of Christ’s saving words and deeds. The four apostolic gospels were received by the Church very early on as indisputably the inspired record of Christ’s saving words and deeds. The New Testament contains 27 books including the four gospels. The New Testament contains 27 books including the four gospels. There were quite a few Christian books written in the first couple of centuries of Christianity; but, besides these 27, only a handful of other books were ever seriously considered for inclusion but eventually rejected. There were quite a few Christian books written in the first couple of centuries of Christianity; but, besides these 27, only a handful of other books were ever seriously considered for inclusion but eventually rejected.
WHO CHOSE the Gospels? “The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by the pagan Roman emperor Constantine the Great. … He was a lifelong pagan who was baptized in his deathbed, too weak to protest” (Sir Leigh does it again). “The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by the pagan Roman emperor Constantine the Great. … He was a lifelong pagan who was baptized in his deathbed, too weak to protest” (Sir Leigh does it again). “The Bible” also contains 45 books of inspired Jewish writings which Constantine clearly had nothing to do with. “The Bible” also contains 45 books of inspired Jewish writings which Constantine clearly had nothing to do with. The list of books of the New Testament (the “canon”) was on the way to formation well before Constantine was a gleam in his father’s eye. The list of books of the New Testament (the “canon”) was on the way to formation well before Constantine was a gleam in his father’s eye. St. Athanasius: the first to give the list of books as they appear exactly in the New Testament today in a letter written in AD 367. St. Athanasius: the first to give the list of books as they appear exactly in the New Testament today in a letter written in AD 367. The list had been pretty well firmed up by about AD 200. St. Iranaeus, writing around AD 180, quotes from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as THE four gospels. That’s 140 years before Constantine and Nicaea. The list had been pretty well firmed up by about AD 200. St. Iranaeus, writing around AD 180, quotes from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as THE four gospels. That’s 140 years before Constantine and Nicaea.
CONSTANTINE As for Constantine, he was a politician who had the foresight to see that the future lay with Christianity, but he also had to rule an empire that was still largely pagan, especially the Senate in the ancient capital of Rome. Still, he clearly cast his lot with Christianity, raising his heirs as Christians and being baptized on his deathbed, when he faced no more awkward compromises. As for Constantine, he was a politician who had the foresight to see that the future lay with Christianity, but he also had to rule an empire that was still largely pagan, especially the Senate in the ancient capital of Rome. Still, he clearly cast his lot with Christianity, raising his heirs as Christians and being baptized on his deathbed, when he faced no more awkward compromises.
The Dead Sea Scrolls “Fortunately for historians, some of the gospels that Constantine attempted to eradicate managed to survive. The Dead Sea scrolls were found in the 1950s hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Judean desert. And, of course, the Coptic Scrolls in 1945 at Nag Hammadi. … these documents speak of Christ’s ministry in very human terms” (Sir Leigh has a million of them). “Fortunately for historians, some of the gospels that Constantine attempted to eradicate managed to survive. The Dead Sea scrolls were found in the 1950s hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Judean desert. And, of course, the Coptic Scrolls in 1945 at Nag Hammadi. … these documents speak of Christ’s ministry in very human terms” (Sir Leigh has a million of them). The Dead Sea Scrolls don’t contain gospels or any Christian writings. The Dead Sea Scrolls don’t contain gospels or any Christian writings. They antedate the time of Jesus and contain exclusively Jewish writings. They antedate the time of Jesus and contain exclusively Jewish writings.
Nag Hammadi As for the Nag Hammadi texts, they follow the time of Jesus by a significantly greater distance in time than Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. As for the Nag Hammadi texts, they follow the time of Jesus by a significantly greater distance in time than Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Gnostics The Jesus of Nag Hammadi rejects the material world and makes salvation available only to a few who receive special knowledge. The Jesus of Nag Hammadi rejects the material world and makes salvation available only to a few who receive special knowledge. The Greek for “knowledge” is “gnosis,” so these groups are called “Gnostic.” The Greek for “knowledge” is “gnosis,” so these groups are called “Gnostic.” These writings do not represent an earlier form of Christianity but a later development which uses Christian names and terminology for a philosophy/theology very different from that which Jesus and apostles preached. These writings do not represent an earlier form of Christianity but a later development which uses Christian names and terminology for a philosophy/theology very different from that which Jesus and apostles preached. Sir Leigh cannot have read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, if he thinks that the Jesus portrayed in them is some inscrutable divinity. Sir Leigh cannot have read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, if he thinks that the Jesus portrayed in them is some inscrutable divinity.
Jesus, Devine or Mortal? “Many scholars claim that the early Church literally stole Jesus from His (sic) original followers, hijacking His human message, shrouding it in an impenetrable cloak of divinity, and using it to expand their own power” (Sir Leigh – what he doesn’t know about Christianity could fill a book. … Sorry, it does). “Many scholars claim that the early Church literally stole Jesus from His (sic) original followers, hijacking His human message, shrouding it in an impenetrable cloak of divinity, and using it to expand their own power” (Sir Leigh – what he doesn’t know about Christianity could fill a book. … Sorry, it does). Sir Leigh seems to be entirely unaware that there was a powerful tendency in the first five centuries among some Christians to consider Jesus ONLY DIVINE. Sir Leigh seems to be entirely unaware that there was a powerful tendency in the first five centuries among some Christians to consider Jesus ONLY DIVINE. These early Christians thought it necessary to portray his humanity as a pretend kind of thing to protect his divinity. These early Christians thought it necessary to portray his humanity as a pretend kind of thing to protect his divinity. The Church’s response to that was to affirm unequivocally both the humanity and divinity of Jesus. The Church’s response to that was to affirm unequivocally both the humanity and divinity of Jesus.
The “True” Jesus The Council of Chalcedon, in 451, proclaimed that “…our Lord Jesus Christ is one and the same Son, the same perfect in Godhead and the same perfect in manhood, truly God and truly man ….made known in two natures without confusion, without change, without division, without separation, the difference of the natures being by no means removed because of the union…” The Council of Chalcedon, in 451, proclaimed that “…our Lord Jesus Christ is one and the same Son, the same perfect in Godhead and the same perfect in manhood, truly God and truly man ….made known in two natures without confusion, without change, without division, without separation, the difference of the natures being by no means removed because of the union…”
Church Conspiracy: Jesus and Mary Magdalene “…the early Church needed to convince the world that the mortal prophet Jesus was a divine being. Therefore, any gospels that described earthly aspects of Jesus’ life had to be omitted from the Bible … More specifically, [Mary Magdalene’s] marriage to Jesus Christ” (Sir Leigh Teabing, very much enjoying Sophie’s shock). “…the early Church needed to convince the world that the mortal prophet Jesus was a divine being. Therefore, any gospels that described earthly aspects of Jesus’ life had to be omitted from the Bible … More specifically, [Mary Magdalene’s] marriage to Jesus Christ” (Sir Leigh Teabing, very much enjoying Sophie’s shock). The issue isn’t what one thinks of the idea of Jesus’ being married. The issue is the evidence. This is an utterly gratuitous assertion. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John clearly portray Mary Magdalene as an important disciple of Jesus. The issue isn’t what one thinks of the idea of Jesus’ being married. The issue is the evidence. This is an utterly gratuitous assertion. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John clearly portray Mary Magdalene as an important disciple of Jesus. They don’t conceal this fact, but they also never give the slightest indication that she or any woman was his spouse. They don’t conceal this fact, but they also never give the slightest indication that she or any woman was his spouse.
Jesus and His Kingdom Jesus proclaims the nearness of God’s kingdom. Jesus proclaims the nearness of God’s kingdom. He challenges some who would follow him to give up their possessions or to leave their families behind: hardly a prophet of cozy domesticity. He challenges some who would follow him to give up their possessions or to leave their families behind: hardly a prophet of cozy domesticity. Nor does he want his followers to make any mistake about the fact that his kingdom “is not of this world.” He’s not interested in establishing a “royal bloodline.” Nor does he want his followers to make any mistake about the fact that his kingdom “is not of this world.” He’s not interested in establishing a “royal bloodline.” Even the Gnostic writings that Sir Leigh calls to his aid, especially the “Gospel” of Philip, do not make any claims about a sexual relationship. Even the Gnostic writings that Sir Leigh calls to his aid, especially the “Gospel” of Philip, do not make any claims about a sexual relationship.
Jewish Tradition? “… Jesus as a married man makes infinitely more sense than our standard biblical view of Jesus as a bachelor. … Because Jesus was a Jew and the social decorum during that time virtually forbid a Jewish man to be unmarried” (Sir Leigh, then Robert Langdon). “… Jesus as a married man makes infinitely more sense than our standard biblical view of Jesus as a bachelor. … Because Jesus was a Jew and the social decorum during that time virtually forbid a Jewish man to be unmarried” (Sir Leigh, then Robert Langdon). The Dead Sea Scrolls belonged to a community called the Essenes among whom there were clearly celibate men. The Dead Sea Scrolls belonged to a community called the Essenes among whom there were clearly celibate men. St. Paul, who lived at “that time,” writes to the Corinthians, “Now to the unmarried and to widows, I say: it is a good thing for them to remain as they are, as I do, but if they cannot exercise self-control they should marry, for it is better to marry than to be on fire” (1 Cor.7.8-9). St. Paul, who lived at “that time,” writes to the Corinthians, “Now to the unmarried and to widows, I say: it is a good thing for them to remain as they are, as I do, but if they cannot exercise self-control they should marry, for it is better to marry than to be on fire” (1 Cor.7.8-9). There was a sense in those times that God was taking crucial action to bring about his kingdom, and that superseded even the most important human relationships, including marriage. There was a sense in those times that God was taking crucial action to bring about his kingdom, and that superseded even the most important human relationships, including marriage.
Unoriginal Christians! “Nothing in Christianity is original. The pre-Christian God Mithras … was born on December 25 … Even Christianity’s weekly holy day was stolen from pagans. … Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with the pagan’s veneration of the day of the sun” (Sir Leigh and Robert Langdon). “Nothing in Christianity is original. The pre-Christian God Mithras … was born on December 25 … Even Christianity’s weekly holy day was stolen from pagans. … Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with the pagan’s veneration of the day of the sun” (Sir Leigh and Robert Langdon). The Christians despoiled the pagans in a different way. The Christians despoiled the pagans in a different way. They transformed pagan realities into Christian ones to make it clear that Christianity had surpassed paganism. They transformed pagan realities into Christian ones to make it clear that Christianity had surpassed paganism. Constantine may very well have made Sunday a weekly day of rest because it was already the day of Christian worship, rather than making Christians worship on the “Sun”-day. Constantine may very well have made Sunday a weekly day of rest because it was already the day of Christian worship, rather than making Christians worship on the “Sun”-day.
Sunday, Sunday As devout Jews, Jesus’ disciples continued their Jewish worship on Saturday, but gradually Sunday surpassed Saturday, because Sunday is the day of Christ’s Resurrection. As devout Jews, Jesus’ disciples continued their Jewish worship on Saturday, but gradually Sunday surpassed Saturday, because Sunday is the day of Christ’s Resurrection. Also, God began creating on the “first day” of the week, and in Christ there is a new creation. Christianity’s closest relationship was to the fiercely monotheistic Judaism. Pagans who became Christians chose the worship of one God, and many paid with their lives for refusing to worship false gods during eras of persecution. Also, God began creating on the “first day” of the week, and in Christ there is a new creation. Christianity’s closest relationship was to the fiercely monotheistic Judaism. Pagans who became Christians chose the worship of one God, and many paid with their lives for refusing to worship false gods during eras of persecution.
Christians Hate Women! “Those deemed ‘witches’ by the Church included all female scholars, priestesses, gypsies, mystics, nature lovers, herb gatherers and any women ‘suspiciously attuned to the natural world.’ … During three hundred years of witch hunts, the Church burned at the stake an astounding five million women” (Robert Langdon, apparently). “Those deemed ‘witches’ by the Church included all female scholars, priestesses, gypsies, mystics, nature lovers, herb gatherers and any women ‘suspiciously attuned to the natural world.’ … During three hundred years of witch hunts, the Church burned at the stake an astounding five million women” (Robert Langdon, apparently). No one is going to defend the prosecution of thousands of women and men (about 20% of victims were men) which went on from the late Middle Ages, through the Renaissance and even into the first years of the Age of the Enlightenment. No one is going to defend the prosecution of thousands of women and men (about 20% of victims were men) which went on from the late Middle Ages, through the Renaissance and even into the first years of the Age of the Enlightenment.
Do Not Suffer Unto Thee a Witch! During centuries of widespread social upheaval, Catholics, Protestants, and the Puritans of New England turned with irrational suspicion against some of their neighbors and accused them of witchcraft. During centuries of widespread social upheaval, Catholics, Protestants, and the Puritans of New England turned with irrational suspicion against some of their neighbors and accused them of witchcraft. However, scholars estimate the number of victims at about 50,000, at a time when capital punishment was imposed for many more crimes than it is today. However, scholars estimate the number of victims at about 50,000, at a time when capital punishment was imposed for many more crimes than it is today. It is an absolute libel to accuse the Church of what amounts to a campaign of genocide against women. It is an absolute libel to accuse the Church of what amounts to a campaign of genocide against women.
Protectors of the Hoax “The Priory (of Sion) believes that Constantine and his male successors successfully converted the world from matriarchal paganism to patriarchal Christianity by waging a campaign of propaganda that demonized the sacred feminine, obliterating the goddess from modern religion forever” (Robert Langdon). “The Priory (of Sion) believes that Constantine and his male successors successfully converted the world from matriarchal paganism to patriarchal Christianity by waging a campaign of propaganda that demonized the sacred feminine, obliterating the goddess from modern religion forever” (Robert Langdon). The Priory of Sion is an elaborate hoax of few modern Frenchmen. The Priory of Sion is an elaborate hoax of few modern Frenchmen. One of the great achievements of the Judeo-Christian tradition is the realization that God is pure Spirit. He created the human race in his image, and he created the human race male and female. Yet God is neither male nor female. One of the great achievements of the Judeo-Christian tradition is the realization that God is pure Spirit. He created the human race in his image, and he created the human race male and female. Yet God is neither male nor female. There was no worship of goddesses in the religious tradition into which Jesus Christ was born. There was no worship of goddesses in the religious tradition into which Jesus Christ was born.
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