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Keeping ahead in your field using RSS feeds. What is RSS? “Really Simple Syndication” RSS delivers new content from websites or databases to you. Saves.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping ahead in your field using RSS feeds. What is RSS? “Really Simple Syndication” RSS delivers new content from websites or databases to you. Saves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping ahead in your field using RSS feeds

2 What is RSS? “Really Simple Syndication” RSS delivers new content from websites or databases to you. Saves you time visiting websites and searching.

3 Look for the RSS icon

4 What can I get using RSS? Websites – all sorts! Journals Database feeds based on keyword search Google alerts – automated google search Social bookmarking / citation sharing sites Generate feeds for sites that don’t have them.

5 How do I get RSS feeds? You need an: RSS feed Feed reader: - web based you can get them from anywhere - Google reader (aggregator); Netvibes (AJAX) - Your Mobile

6 Show me…. Google reader: Netvibes: Here is one I prepared earlier..

7 How do I add an RSS feed? Click on RSS icon Copy and paste into box indicated. Watch! - Getting a feed from BBC news, Google alert, Pubmed and PsychINFO into Google reader and Netvibes.

8 Time to start Decide on your content: How would you like to read your feeds? Highly adaptable – easy to change. Avoid overload; delete if its no longer needed. Create a free account for google reader / netvibes

9 I’d like to know about your long-term use of RSS Sarah Whittaker Clinical Sciences Library, University of Leicester. 0116 252 3101

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