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Cutting-Edge Results from Formation Flying Observations Cutting-Edge Results from Formation Flying Observations near Earth’s magnetopause Hiroshi Hasegawa.

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Presentation on theme: "Cutting-Edge Results from Formation Flying Observations Cutting-Edge Results from Formation Flying Observations near Earth’s magnetopause Hiroshi Hasegawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cutting-Edge Results from Formation Flying Observations Cutting-Edge Results from Formation Flying Observations near Earth’s magnetopause Hiroshi Hasegawa (長谷川 洋) ISAS/JAXA Meeting on “Opportunity for Collaboration on ERG and SCOPE Missions & Community Input” (16-17 March 2009)

2 We hope to reach a complete understanding of fundamental physical processes (reconnection, shock, & turbulence) in the Plasma Universe. How does it start? How does it evolve? What feedbacks/consequences does it bring about? In the future SCOPE era

3 As data analysts or theorists, We should prepare well enough for the future missions, by learning from “currently” available data from on-going multi-satellite missions. We should not just wait

4 >10 satellites in near-Earth space Geotail Cluster (4 sc) THEMIS (5 sc) KAGUYA, & SW monitor Most of the data are publicly available.

5 How does it start? How does it evolve? What feedbacks/consequences does it bring about? As a demonstration, Here we address the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) that can be excited at the magnetopause (it = KHI). What we can do with available data

6 Shocked solar wind M agnetopause KHI Hasegawa et al., 2004; Nakamura et al., 2004 Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices may play a role in transport of solar wind into the magnetosphere, in other words, anomalous transport of collision-less plasma.

7 How does it start? How does it evolve? What feedbacks/consequences does it bring about? What we can do with available data

8 C1 electron C1 ion density Cluster event on 20 Nov 2001 (19 LT) (Hasegawa et al., 2004; Chaston et al., 2007; Foullon et al., 2008) temperature velocity magnetic field

9 Total-P perturbation in the vortex streamline Force balance

10 Total-P perturbation in the vortex Dominant-mode period ~200 s (Wavelength ~6 Re) Power also at ~400 s: Beginning of vortex pairing?

11 Spatial initial value problem Assumptions: MHD, d/dt =0, 2D, & B along invariant axis z. Dominant-mode wavelength ~6 Re Vortex structure from Grad-Shafranov-like reconstruction of streamlines (Sonnerup et al., 2006; Hasegawa et al., 2007) C1 C3 Two vortices within one dominant-mode wavelength. Breakup of a parent MHD-scale vortex (cascade)? The KHI seen by Cluster was fully in a nonlinear phase, characterized by merging/breakup (inverse- cascade/cascade) of the vortices.

12 How does it start? How does it evolve? What feedbacks/consequences does it bring about? The observed KHI wavelength (~6 Re) is much longer than predicted by theory. Why??? What we can do with available data

13 Simultaneous observations of the magnetopause at different longitudes Cluster @ 19 MLT (X ~ -4 Re) saw nonlinear KH wave. Geotail @ 15 MLT (X ~ +8 Re) saw what??? Geotail Cluster

14 Fluctuation in the dayside boundary Magnetic fluctuations had a period similar to that of the KH waves. Geotail Cluster The KHI was generated by the mechanism that generated the magnetic fluctuations.

15 Reconnection @ the dayside boundary B tension Centrifugal force Walén relation satisfied (Sonnerup et al., 1987) Reconnection (or sheath fluctuations) generated the seed perturbations for the KHI excitation. Reconnection generated the B fluctuations?

16 How does it start? How does it evolve? What feedbacks/consequences does it bring about? What we can do with available data

17 4-satellite timing method → Vn ~ 80 km/s Crossing took ~3 sec. Current Sheet thickness ~250 km = 2-3 times ion inertia length (~100 km) 1 min converging vortex flow 25 min BLBL Ion-scale CSs at the edge of KH vortices BLBL

18 Reconnection signatures in the thin CS Bifurcated Current Sheet Bn < 0 Outflow jet (  V = 60 km/s ~ Alfven speed in sheath = 90 km/s) Ne BLBL jMjM VLVL 20 sec Plasma Sheet Sheath VLVL Consistent with reconnection triggered in the thin CS at the vortex edge

19 closest to Earth 0600 UT 1000 UT X (sunward) Y (dusk) THEMIS string-of-pearls observation of a dayside boundary layer (BL) @16 MLT 8 June 2007

20 THEMIS obs. of a dayside BL Surface waves activity with 1-2 min period Simultaneous BL encounters by 2-4 SC, at several times. SC separated in X by ~1.5 Re. ↓ BL width ~0.5 Re 40 min closest to Earth Eriksson et al., JGR, 2009

21 Bipolar B N, at BL-to-sheath transitions, i.e., at the sunward-side edge of the surface wave. Bipolar B oscillations on the surface wave BNBN 80 min

22 streamline B-field streamline Recovery of 2D MHD structure Sonnerup & Teh, JGR, 2008 Magnetic island & small vortex between two large-scale vortices Local reconnection leading to the magnetic island formation sheath side Plasma sheet N T

23 What we can do with available data How does it start? How does it evolve? What feedbacks/consequences does it bring about? Nonlinear KHI growth can lead to the formation of thin (ion inertia-length scale) current sheets and magnetic islands.

24 Geotail TH-B TH-C TH-A,D,E Cluster An ideal satellite distribution in 2008

25 Summary With currently available satellite data, How it starts & how it evolves can partly be addressed for some processes/phenomena. We can get some glimpse of what consequences arise from it. Feedback & fast processes (electron dynamics, etc.) will be pursued by SCOPE. Prepare for the future, by analyzing data from on-going missions, or by developing & testing novel data analysis techniques.


27 Nakamura et al., 2004 Matsumoto & Hoshino, 2004 (Inverse-) cascade Miura, PoP, 1997

28 Nakamura et al., GRL, 2006 Interpretation of THEMIS & Cluster events Thin current sheet can form at the edge of KH vortex where the CS is compressed, and may become subject to reconnection. KH-induced reconnection can lead to the flux rope formation. Can it lead to large-scale plasma transport???

29 Anisotropy in ion V distribution sheath Plasma sheet Perp heating: consistent with diffusive transport via KAW (Johnson & Cheng, 2001)

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