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Mass Fatality Planning H1N1 Parish Summit 2009 For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute.

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1 Mass Fatality Planning H1N1 Parish Summit 2009 For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

2 Planning to Date Built on Katrina experience  Plans, procedures, problems, mistakes Major mass fatality planning meetings  2006 – 2007 – work group meetings  October 2008 – pandemic flu focus  February 2009  April 2009 For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

3 Planning Outcomes Coroner and hospital survey in 2007 “In extremis” plan template in 2007 Regional planning template in 2009 DRC network in 2009 For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

4 Coroner and Hospital Survey Results For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

5 Coroner Storage Results  Very few have their own morgue  Most rely on local hospitals or larger parishes to assist them with storage Total Probable Statewide = 595 For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

6 “In Extremis” Plan Template For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

7 Basic Worse Case Plan Goals  Keep critical healthcare facilities open and functioning  Take care of victims with as much respect as possible For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

8 Additional Plans and Tools Transfer Site Operating Plan  Procedures  Forms  “Grocery List” of supplies and equipment Imagination…  Developing plan for web-based victim tracking application based on current infrastructure For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

9 Transfer Site: Human Resources 24 Hour Operation HR Movement Document and Label HR/body bags Site Supervisor Security For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

10 Transfer Site: Refrigeration For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute 40’, 48’ and 53’ sizes

11 Transfer Site: Refrigeration Capacity For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute # of HR 2 wide # of HR 3 wide # of HR 4 wide 40ft1015 48ft1218 53ft142128

12 Transfer Site: Truck “Wraparound” Fuel Maintenance Locks Plastic locking tabs Adequate lighting Cover for company name For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute Joe’s Grocery

13 Transfer Site: Supplies Facility – trailers, tents, etc. Major Equipment  X-Ray units  Cameras  Coolers, Refrigerated Trucks/Containers  Refrigerator/Freezers  Carts  Cadaver transports PPE and First Aid For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

14 Transfer Site: Supplies Supplies  Body Bags  Identification and tagging materials  Disinfectant  Fingerprint/DNA/Anthropology equipment  Dental equipment  Specimen tools and containers Communications/Computer Equipment  Telephones, cell phones, etc.  Radios  Laptops, printers  Electronic tagging equipment  Data/voice lines For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

15 Transfer Site: Documentation HR Recovery Form Trailer Manifest HR Recovery Log Other:  Supply Requests  Accident/Incident Reports For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

16 HR Recovery Form For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

17 Transfer Site: Procedures Receiving HR Moving and Placing HR in Refrigerated Trailers Determine Layout of Trailers Refrigerated Trailer Departure Procedures Tracking HR from point to point Release procedures Law enforcement interface For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

18 Regional Planning Templates For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

19 Regional Template Components Coroner decedent operations:  Human Remains Recovery  Morgue Services  Family Assistance Other decedent operations:  Family Assistance (Investigations, Family Affairs/Victim Release, components of DNA identification operations, mental health services, other social services).  Public Communication  Vital Records  Coordination with the Death Care Industry For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

20 Planning Factors For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

21 What is the Process in Your Community? For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

22 DRC Network For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

23 DRC Job Description DRCs in all 9 regions Duties:  Serve as the voice of regional coroners in real-time decision-making  Coordinate the delivery of essential supplies within the region  Coordinate the assignment of staffing resources  Lead role in developing surge capacity resources  Assist in the development of an immediate storage, staffing and transportation inventory by type and institution for the region  Attend DRC emergency preparedness committee and other related sub- committee meetings  Assist with the coordination and execution of regional Emergency Preparedness drills For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

24 DRC Network For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

25 Larger Issues For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

26 Larger Issues Standard definition for “event-related” deaths Standard guidelines for managing deaths during an event Standard procedures for victim recovery and documentation Mutual Aid agreements Defining the chain of command when a jurisdictional coroner is out of commission or during a multi- jurisdictional incident Funding for planning and preparation For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

27 Statewide Planning Commission Proposed Members:  State Health Officer  Director, GOHSEP  1 representative of the elected Coroners from each DHH Region.  President of the Louisiana Funeral Directors Association  President of the Embalmers and Funeral Directors of Louisiana  Superintendent, Louisiana State Police  Executive Director of the Louisiana Forensic Anthropology and Computer Enhancement Services laboratory (FACES Lab) For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

28 Commission Duties Enhancing the mass fatality planning efforts of the state of Louisiana by linking state, parish, and local government efforts; Recommending policy and endorsing initiatives within all fields of expertise related to mass fatality preparedness and management; Recommending updates and improvements to the state’s mass fatality management strategy consistent with national and state policy and technological advances and innovations; Providing a process for analyzing state and local assets for a possible response requirement; Ensuring coordination with state and national homeland security, emergency preparedness and defense objectives; and Notifying and informing the governor, the state legislature and Louisiana’s congressional delegation on all mass fatality initiatives requiring congressional action. For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

29 Questions? For Official Use Only - Do Not Distribute

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