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Datapaths Lecture L10.2 Sections 10.2, 10.3. ALU (Sect. 7.5 and Lab 6)

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Presentation on theme: "Datapaths Lecture L10.2 Sections 10.2, 10.3. ALU (Sect. 7.5 and Lab 6)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Datapaths Lecture L10.2 Sections 10.2, 10.3

2 ALU (Sect. 7.5 and Lab 6)

3 An ALU datapath

4 MODULE simple TITLE 'A simple computer' DECLARATIONS hex7seg interface([D3..D0] -> [a,b,c,d,e,f,g]); d7L FUNCTIONAL_BLOCK hex7seg; d7R FUNCTIONAL_BLOCK hex7seg; alu interface([A3..A0],[B3..B0], [s2..s0] -> [Y3..Y0],CF,OVF,ZF,NF); alu1 FUNCTIONAL_BLOCK alu; reg4bit interface([D3..D0],clr,clk,load -> [Q3..Q0]); W FUNCTIONAL_BLOCK reg4bit; status FUNCTIONAL_BLOCK reg4bit; simple.abl

5 simple.abl (cont.) " INPUT PINS " clk PIN 74;" clock clr PIN 70;" clear PA3..PA0 PIN 11,7,6,5;" Left Switches S6 - 1..4; PA = [PA3..PA0]; alusel2..alusel0 PIN 3,2,1;" alu select S7 – 2…4 alusel = [alusel2..alusel0];

6 simple.abl (cont.) " OUTPUT PINS " N, Z, V, C PIN 35,36,37,39 ISTYPE 'com'; " flags PW3..PW0 NODE ISTYPE 'reg'; " 4-bit reg output PW = [PW3..PW0]; LD3..LD0 PIN 40,41,43,44 ISTYPE 'reg'; " leds 13-16 LD = [LD3..LD0]; [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] PIN 57,58,61,62,63,65,66 ISTYPE 'com'; "Leftmost (tens) 7-segment LED display [aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,gg] PIN 15,18,23,21,19,14,17 ISTYPE 'com'; " Rightmost (units) 7-segment LED display

7 simple.abl (cont.) EQUATIONS W.load = 1; W.clr = clr; W.clk = clk; W.[D3..D0] = alu1.[Y3..Y0]; status.load = 1; status.clr = clr; status.clk = clk; status.D0 = alu1.CF; status.D1 = alu1.OVF; status.D2 = alu1.ZF; status.D3 = alu1.NF; alu1.[A3..A0] = PA; alu1.[B3..B0] = W.[Q3..Q0]; alu1.[s2..s0] = [alusel2..alusel0];

8 C = status.Q0; V = status.Q1; Z = status.Q2; N = status.Q3; PW = W.[Q3..Q0]; LD = alu1.[Y3..Y0]; [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] = d7L.[a,b,c,d,e,f,g]; d7L.[D3..D0] = PA; [aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,gg] = d7R.[a,b,c,d,e,f,g]; d7R.[D3..D0] = PW; simple.abl (cont.)

9 @ radix 16; test_vectors([clk,alusel,PA] -> [PW,C,Z]) [.C.,0,7] -> [7,0,0]; [.C.,1,5] -> [0C,0,0]; [.C.,1,6] -> [2,1,0]; [.C.,2,9] -> [7,0,0]; [.C.,3,1] -> [6,0,0]; [.C.,4,0A] -> [5,0,0]; [.C.,5,0C] -> [4,0,0]; [.C.,6,2] -> [6,0,0]; [.C.,7,0C] -> [0A,0,0]; [.C.,1,6] -> [0,1,1]; END simple simple.abl (cont.)

10 A modified datapath

11 A datapath with two data registers

12 Switching using a demultiplexer Is it necessary?

13 Multiple inputs without multiplexers – a design hazard 0 1 Smoke!

14 An optimum datapath

15 Datapath of a PIC type processor

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