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EE 316 Computer Engineering Junior Lab Word Mastermind.

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Presentation on theme: "EE 316 Computer Engineering Junior Lab Word Mastermind."— Presentation transcript:

1 EE 316 Computer Engineering Junior Lab Word Mastermind

2 Topics Important Specifications for the Digital Word Mastermind. For details read the project description Serial Port Software PS/2 Keyboards

3 Word Mastermind Game will be played using a PS/2 keyboard attached to hardware The Personal computer will ● Randomly select word puzzles from a text-file. ● Display all correctly picked letters and positions of unknown letters on the LCD connected via a serial port. ● Keep count of the number of guesses played so far. ● Display messages for the player as specified in the game.

4 Operational Characteristics of the LCD Display Short messages (20 or fewer characters)  displayed “instantly”, left justified Long messages (>20 characters)  start at right, scroll right to left  scroll at “reading rate” Remain displayed until next message or clear

5 Software Standard Windows GUI (Windows XP) Must be able to read text-files Must be able to control serial port  use the references in the Project assignment  there are several classes (Cserial and CSerialPort) that are for general use Use them with caution You may want to write your own code too

6 The PS/2 Keyboard PS/2 device interface was developed by IBM. PS/2 port these days use the 6-pin mini-DIN connectors. The Data and clock are open-collector with pull-up resistors.

7 PS/2 Keyboard, contd..  PS/2 devices use bidirectional synchronous serial protocol.  The device (keyboard in this case) generates the clock.  The clock frequency is 10-16.7 kHz.  One byte of data is sent at a time.  Each frame from keypad to the PC contains 11 bits. These bits are: 1 start bit. This is always 0. 8 data bits, least significant bit first. 1 Parity bit. 1 stop bit. This is always 1.

8 Scan code Keyboards consist of a large matrix of keys The keys are monitored or scanned by an on-board processor (aka the "keyboard encoder“). If a key is pressed, held and released, the keypad sends out an 11-bit “Scan code” (data). There are several scan codes. We will use the default code (See Scan code 2) for all modern keyboard.(See Scan code 2)

9 Keyboard to Host communication The “Make scan code” for Q Stop bit = 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0001 0101 = 0X15 <= The make scan code for the “Q” key Start bit = 0 Parity bit Keypad data is read on the Falling edge of the clock

10 References

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