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There are three kinds of men… –One who learns by reading, –The few who learn by observation, –The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence themselves.

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Presentation on theme: "There are three kinds of men… –One who learns by reading, –The few who learn by observation, –The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence themselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 There are three kinds of men… –One who learns by reading, –The few who learn by observation, –The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence themselves. –Will Rogers Learning

2 Take Ownership. Matt Perrier Director, Commercial Programs American Angus Association

3 own or OWN? own: a : to have or hold as property : POSSESS b : to have power over : CONTROL -Merriam-Webster online

4 Ownership of genetics EPD Update –40,000 - 50,000 distributed to AAA Affiliate bull buyers each year –Lists all bulls in their ownership on AAA records

5 Ownership of production records Beef Record Service –SPA-certified summaries –Paper forms or Internet-based –Non-breed specific $2/weaning submitted

6 Ownership of carcass data 40 head minimum –Steers and/or heifers Must be fed at FLP Yards $2/head entry fee –Basic individual data collection included –Detailed data at cost Harvest date: 12/31/02

7 Ownership of a marketing plan

8 OWNERSHIP of a marketing plan Tagging and marketing program –Source, genetic, and process information –Tags and marketing documents included with enrollment Feeder cattle AND replacement females $1/calf enrolled or 816-383-5100

9 … the real reason for AngusSource? Documentation for Country of Origin Labeling? Participation in “source- verified” programs? Differentiate Angus- influenced from just “black?” Increase value of transferred, registered Angus bulls? I have good, Angus-sired cattle. I just wish someone would pay a premium for ‘em!

10 What drives “premiums” today? “Premiums will no longer be paid on live cattle for sale. They will be paid on the reliable information about the cattle.” Greg Arendt, Valentine (NE) Livestock

11 Information – source and genetics Contact information for farm/ranch of origin Sire or MGS registration numbers (must be in Affiliate’s ownership on AAA records) –Special cases for AI sires, etc. Calves should be at least 50% Angus Birth season and location Cowherd breed make-up

12 Information - marketing Sale location, date, etc Average weight and range Management information –Vaccination/treatment info –Past groups’ feedyard & harvest data General comments

13 Enrollment/tag ordering process 1.Submit enrollment form (name, address, signature) to AAA Available on web or by calling AAA 2.Order tags/enroll calves List quantity, sex, range of calving dates, sires, cowherd breed, origin 3.Tag calves

14 Tag description



17 KISS method K eep ItIt S imple, S tupid!

18 Ownership of… Genetics Production records Carcass data Marketed product(s)

19 AAA - Sittin’ pretty, right? Quadruple the registrations of the next closest breed. 38% of total beef registrations 60%+ of U.S. cowherd Angus or Angus-based

20 Status Quo Even on the right track… If you stand still, you WILL get run over. –Will Rogers

21 “But we’ve never had to do that…” When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. –Benjamin Franklin

22 Matt Perrier 816-383-5118

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