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Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Doyle Allen, Stormwater Manager SCASM Meeting May 8, 2007 Fort Jackson, SC Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Doyle Allen, Stormwater Manager SCASM Meeting May 8, 2007 Fort Jackson, SC Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination."— Presentation transcript:


2 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Doyle Allen, Stormwater Manager SCASM Meeting May 8, 2007 Fort Jackson, SC Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination The process has begun…

3 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Fort Jackson Facts Largest Initial Entry Training Center Largest Initial Entry Training Center Train 50% of all soldiers Train 50% of all soldiers Train 45,000 soldiers annually Train 45,000 soldiers annually 14,000 Soldiers attend courses at the various schools 14,000 Soldiers attend courses at the various schools 3,600 active duty Soldiers 3,600 active duty Soldiers 10,000 family members 10,000 family members 4,200 civilian employees 4,200 civilian employees 105,000 retirees and family members 105,000 retirees and family members 53 Ranges and field training sites 53 Ranges and field training sites 1,000 buildings 1,000 buildings

4 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program 52,000 Acres Watersheds 30,000 Acres of Pine Forests 12,000 Acres of Hardwood 5,000 Acres Not Forested 70 Miles of Streams 27 Lakes and Ponds 5,000 Acres Wetlands 115 Miles Paved Roads 350 Miles of Unpaved Roads 327 Miles of Firebreaks

5 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program

6 390 Outfalls Identified

7 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program 194 Outfalls Selected for Dry Weather Screening

8 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program


10 But be careful in those culverts But be careful in those culverts

11 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Sampling Parameters pH pH Phenols Phenols Fluoride Fluoride Total Chlorine Total Chlorine Copper Copper Surfactants Surfactants Physical Parameters Odor Odor Color Color Turbidity Turbidity Floatables Floatables Residue Residue Vegetation Vegetation Structural Damage Structural Damage Temperature Temperature Dry Weather Screening is only a snapshot in time…

12 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Summary of Results of Dry Weather Screening 194 Outfalls Screened 194 Outfalls Screened 170 No Flow 170 No Flow 25 Dry Flow Found 25 Dry Flow Found  15 - No limits exceeded, no source found  2 – No limits exceeded, source found  Cooling towers  8 – Flow found, limits exceeded  6 pH Determined to be naturally occurring  1 Chlorine at the limit but not exceeding  1 Surfactant Mop water from Dining Facility 2 sewer leaks found during outfall inventory 2 sewer leaks found during outfall inventory

13 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program

14 Enforcement

15 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Dry Weather Screening is only a snapshot in time.

16 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program Trends Dining Facilities Dining Facilities Sewer leaks – develop GIS database Sewer leaks – develop GIS database As illicits are found, you change the way you look at different activities As illicits are found, you change the way you look at different activities  Janitorial services  Car washing  Grease  Cross Connections  Bagged leaves in storm drains

17 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program





22 Automation Tablet computers Tablet computers GPS GPS Camera Camera Large source of field data and maps at your fingertips Large source of field data and maps at your fingertips GIS Database GIS Database Documentation for annual reports and audits Documentation for annual reports and audits Tracking progress Tracking progress Establish trends in problem areas Establish trends in problem areas

23 Building a Comprehensive IDDE Program



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