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Standard Model and Higgs Physics SLAC SUMMER INSTITUTE, 2009 Sally Dawson, BNL
Introduction to the Higgs Sector Review of the SU(2) x U(1) Electroweak theory Constraints from Precision Measurements Searching for the Higgs Boson Theoretical problems with the Standard Model
Lecture 1 Introduction to the Standard Model My favorite references:
Just the SU(2) x U(1) part (See Petriello lecture) My favorite references: A. Djouadi, The Anatomy of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, hep-ph/ Chris Quigg, Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic Interactions Michael Peskin, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Sally Dawson, Trieste lectures, hep-ph/ David Rainwater, TASI2006, hep-ph/
What we know The photon and gluon are massless
The W and Z gauge bosons are heavy MW= GeV MZ = GeV There are 6 quarks Mt=173.11.3 GeV Mt >> all the other quark masses There are 3 distinct neutrinos with small but non-zero masses The pattern of fermions appears to replicate itself 3 times
Standard Model Synopsis
Group: SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) Gauge bosons: SU(3): Gi, i=1…8 SU(2): Wi, i=1,2,3 U(1): B Gauge couplings: gs, g, g SU(2) Higgs doublet: QCD Electroweak Gauge bosons are massless Massless gauge bosons have 2 transverse degrees of freedom
Fermions come in generations
Except for masses, the generations are identical
Masses for Gauge Bosons
Why are the W and Z boson masses non-zero? U(1) gauge theory with single spin-1gauge field, A U(1) local gauge invariance: Mass term for A would look like: Mass term violates local gauge invariance We understand why MA = 0 Gauge invariance is guiding principle
Abelian Higgs Model Add a scalar to U(1) gauge theory Case 1: 2>0
QED with MA=0 and m= Unique minimum at =0 By convention, > 0
Abelian Higgs Model Case 2: 2 < 0 Minimum energy state at:
Vacuum breaks U(1) symmetry Aside: What fixes sign (2)?
Abelian Higgs Model Rewrite L becomes: Theory now has:
Photon of mass MA=ev Scalar field H with mass-squared –22 > 0 Gauge invariant mechanism to give mass to spin-1 boson
SM Higgs Mechanism Standard Model includes complex Higgs SU(2) doublet
With SU(2) x U(1) invariant scalar potential If 2 < 0, then spontaneous symmetry breaking Minimum of potential at: Choice of minimum breaks gauge symmetry
More on SM Higgs Mechanism
Couple to SU(2) x U(1) gauge bosons (Wi, i=1,2,3; B) Gauge boson mass terms from:
SM Higgs Mechanism Massive gauge bosons:
Orthogonal combination to Z is massless photon:
Higgs Mechanism in a Nutshell
Higgs doublet had 4 free parameters 3 are absorbed to give longitudinal degrees of freedom to W+, W-, Z 1 scalar degree of freedom remains This is physical Higgs boson, H Necessary consequence of Higgs mechanism Smoking gun for Higgs mechanism: WWH coupling requires non-zero v!
Muon Decay Consider e e Fermi Theory: EW Theory: W e
For k<< MW, 22GF=g2/2MW2
Higgs Parameters GF measured precisely
Higgs potential has 2 free parameters, 2, Trade 2, for v2, MH2 Large MH strong Higgs self-coupling A priori, Higgs mass can be anything
What about Fermion Masses?
Forbidden by SU(2)xU(1) gauge invariance Fermion mass term: Left-handed fermions are SU(2) doublets Scalar couplings to fermions: Effective Higgs-fermion coupling Mass term for down quark
Fermion Masses Mu from c=i2* (not allowed in SUSY)
For 3 generations, , =1,2,3 (flavor indices) Diagonalizing mass matrix also diagonalizes Higgs-fermion couplings: No FCNCs from Higgs
Review of Higgs Couplings
Higgs couples to fermion mass Largest coupling is to heaviest fermion Top-Higgs coupling plays special role? No Higgs coupling to neutrinos Higgs couples to gauge boson masses Only free parameter is Higgs mass! Everything is calculable….testable theory No coupling to photon or gluon at tree level
Higgs Searches at LEP2 LEP2 : MH > 114.1 GeV
LEP2 searched for e+e-ZH Rate turns on rapidly after threshold, peaks just above threshold, 3/s Measure recoil mass of Higgs; result independent of Higgs decay pattern Pe-=s/2(1,0,0,1) Pe+=s/2(1,0,0,-1) PZ=(EZ, pZ) Momentum conservation: (Pe-+Pe+-PZ)2=Ph2=MH2 s-2 s EZ+MZ2= MH2 LEP2 : MH > GeV
SM Parameters Four free parameters in gauge-Higgs sector
Conventionally chosen to be =1/ (61) MZ= GeV GF = (1) x 10-5 GeV -2 MH Express everything else in terms of these parameters Predicts MW
Radiative Corrections and the SM
Tree level predictions aren’t adequate to explain data SM predicts MW Plug in numbers: MW (predicted) = GeV MW(experimental) = 0.025 GeV Need to calculate beyond tree level Loop corrections sensitive to MH, Mt
S,T,U formalism Suppose “new physics” contributes primarily to gauge boson 2 point functions Also assume “new physics” is at scale M>>MZ Two point functions for , WW, ZZ, Z Taylor expand around p2=MZ2 and keep first 2 terms
S,T,U aka Advantages: Easy to calculate Valid for many models
Higgs and Top Contributions to T
Calculate in unitary gauge and in n=4-2 dimensions H V=W,Z
Higgs Contribution to T
For Z: gZZHH=g2/(2 cos2 W), gZZH=gMZ/cos W MH2 pieces cancel! For W: gWWHH=g2/2 , gWWH=gMW 1/ cancelled by contributions from W, Z loops, etc
Top Quark Contribution to T
Top quark contributions to T Quadratic dependence on Mt
Limits on S & T A model with a heavy Higgs requires a source of large (positive) T Fit assumes MH=150 GeV
Loops Modify Tree Level Relations
r is a physical quantity which incorporates 1-loop corrections Contributions to r from top and Higgs loops Extreme sensitivity to Mt
Top Quark Mass Restricts Higgs Mass
Data prefer a light Higgs Assumes SM MW (GeV) Mt (GeV)
Precision Measurements Limit MH
LEP EWWG (March, 2009): Mt=173.1 1.3 GeV MH= GeV (68% CL) MH < 163 GeV (one-sided 95% CL) MH < 191 GeV (Precision measurements plus direct search limit) 2 MH (GeV) Best fit in region excluded by direct searches Limits move with top quark mass/ inclusion of different data
Tevatron Limits Have Impact on MH
Higgs limit including Tevatron and LEP direct searches: 2 MH (GeV) Gfitter, March 2009
Higgs production at Hadron Colliders
Many possible production mechanisms; Importance depends on: Size of production cross section Size of branching ratios to observable channels Size of background Importance varies with Higgs mass Need to see more than one channel to establish Higgs properties and verify that it is a Higgs boson
Production Mechanisms in Hadron Colliders
Gluon fusion Largest rate for all MH at LHC and Tevatron Gluon-gluon initial state Sensitive to top quark Yukawa t Largest contribution is top loop In SM, b-quark loops unimportant
Gluon Fusion Lowest order cross section |F1/2|2 4Mq2/MH2
Light Quarks: F1/2(Mb/MH)2log(Mb/MH) Heavy Quarks: F1/2 -4/3 |F1/2|2 4Mq2/MH2 Rapid approach to heavy quark limit NNLO corrections calculated in heavy top limit
Vector Boson Fusion W+W- X is a real process:
Rate increases at large s: (1/ MW2 )log(s/MW2) Integral of cross section over final state phase space has contribution from W boson propagator: Outgoing jets are mostly forward and can be tagged Peaks at small H k=W,Z momentum
Vector Boson Fusion Idea: Tag 2 high-pT jets with large rapidity gap in between No color flow between tagged jets – suppressed hadronic activity in central region
W(Z)-strahlung W(Z)-strahlung (qqWH, ZH) important at Tevatron
Same couplings as vector boson fusion Rate proportional to weak coupling Theoretically very clean channel NNLO QCD corrections: KQCD Electroweak corrections known (-5%) Small scale dependence (3-5%) Small PDF uncertainties Improved scale dependence at NNLO
Higgs Decays Hff proportional to Mf2 H Branching Ratios
Identifying b quarks important for Higgs searches H Branching Ratios MH (GeV) For MH<2MW, decays to bb most important
Higgs Decays to Photons
Dominant contribution is W loops Contribution from top is small W top
Higgs Decays to W/Z Tree level decay
Below threshold, H→WW* with branching ratio W* →ff' implied Final state has both transverse and longitudinal polarizations H W- f W+ f' H W-
Higgs decays to gauge bosons
H W+W- ffff has sharp threshold at 2 MW, but large branching ratio even for MH=130 GeV H Branching Ratios MH (GeV) For any given MH, not all decay modes accessible
Higgs Decays to W+ W-, ZZ The action is with longitudinal gauge bosons (since they come from the EWSB) Cross sections involving longitudinal gauge bosons grow with energy H→WL+WL- As Higgs gets heavy, decays are longitudinal
Total Higgs Width Small MH, Higgs is narrower than detector resolution
As MH becomes large, width also increases No clear resonance For MH 1.4 TeV, tot MH H Decay Width (GeV) MH (GeV)
Producing the Higgs at the Tevatron
Aside: Tevatron analyses now based on 4 fb -1 (pb) MH/2 < < MH/4 NNLO or NLO rates MH (GeV) New cross section calculations affect Tevatron Higgs bound: See Petriello lecture
Higgs at the Tevatron Largest rate, ggH, H bb, is overwhelmed by background (ggH)1 pb << (bb) MH (GeV)
Looking for the Higgs at the Tevatron
MH (GeV) High mass: Look for HWWll Large ggH production rate Low Mass: Hbb, Huge QCD bb background Use associated production with W or Z Analyses use more than 70 channels
SM Higgs Searches at Tevatron
MH (GeV)
SM Higgs Searches at Tevatron
Assumes SM!!!!
How Far Will Tevatron Go?
Now have 6 fb -1; expect 10 fb -1 by 2010 MH (GeV) Luminosity/experiment (fb-1) Projections assume improvements in analysis/detector
Production Mechanisms at LHC
Bands show scale dependence (pb) All important channels calculated to NLO or NNLO MH (GeV) See Petriello lecture
Search Channels at the LHC
ggHbb has huge QCD background: Must use rare decay modes of H ggH Small BR (10-3 – 10-4) Only measurable for MH < 140 GeV Largest Background: QCD continuum production of Also from -jet production, with jet faking , or fragmenting to 0 Fit background from data
H→: A Few Years Ago…. MH=120 GeV; L=100 fb-1
H→: Today’s Reality Aside: CMS slightly more optimistic
Golden Channel: H→ZZ→4 leptons
Need excellent lepton ID Below MH 130 GeV, rate is too small for discovery
H→ZZ→(4 leptons) CMS: Possible discovery with < 10 fb-1
Heavy Higgs in 4-lepton Mode
H ZZ l+l- l+l- 200 GeV < MH < 600 GeV: - Discovery in H ZZ l+l- l+l- Background smaller than signal Higgs width larger than experimental resolution (MH > 300 GeV) Confirmation in H ZZ l+l- jj Events/7.5 GeV MH (GeV)
Data-driven methods to estimate backgrounds
5σ discovery with less than 30 fb-1 No systematic errors Preliminary CMS Significance Significance MH (GeV) MH (GeV)
Vector Boson Fusion Important channel for extracting couplings
Need to separate gluon fusion contribution from VBF Central jet veto Azimuthal distribution of 3rd hardest jet VBF QCD H
CMS SM Higgs, 2008 Improvement in channel from earlier studies
Note: no tth discovery channel
ATLAS SM Higgs, 2008 Observation: VBF H, HWWll, and HZZ4l
ATLAS preliminary MH(GeV)
ATLAS SM Higgs, 2008 Discovery: Need ~20 fb-1 to probe MH=115 GeV
10 fb-1 gives 5σ discovery for 127< MH< 440 GeV 3.3 fb-1 gives 5σ discovery for 136< MH 190 GeV 5σ Luminosity numbers include estimates of systematic effects and uncertainties Herndon, ICHEP 2008
ATLAS SM Higgs, 2008 Exclusion:
2.8 fb-1 excludes at 95% CL MH = 115 GeV 2 fb-1 gives exclusion at 95% CL for 121< MH < 460 GeV Herndon, ICHEP 2008
Early LHC Data
What if the LHC Energy is Lower?
Is it the Higgs? Measure couplings to fermions & gauge bosons
Measure spin/parity Measure self interactions Need good ideas here!
Higgs Couplings Difficult
Extraction of couplings requires understanding NLO QCD corrections for signal & background Ratios of couplings easier Logan et al, hep-ph/ ; LaFaye et al, hep-ph/
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