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Judaism and Early Christianity

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1 Judaism and Early Christianity
The Judeo-Christian Spirit

2 The Judaic Tradition Judaism preceded the Christian faith
Great influence on Western civilization Monotheistic religion Old Testament--man’s relationship with God

3 History and the Israelites
Patriarchs David (c B.C.) Solomon ( B.C.)Temple of Jerusalem Babylonian exile ( B.C.) Aramaic, the Devil Return to Palestine, Temple rebuilt Herod d. 4 B.C. Diaspora, persecution

4 The Hebrew Bible Yaweh Bible transmitted orally until 1,000 B.C
Torah-- instruction Prophets--duty to God Writings-- psalms, wisdom

5 Book of Job Apocalypse-- coming of the messiah: overthrow foreign rulers, restore glories of King David.

6 The Rise of Christianity
By 400, Christianity religion of Roman Empire Forgiveness of sins, everlasting life after death: Sermon on the Mount Peter given the keys; first pope

7 Jesus of Nazareth Love one another, forsake material goods
Teacher: parables From his death came the beginning of the new religious faith

8 The Growth of Christianity
Paul (d. 64?) Roman army sacked Jerusalem destroyed Second Temple.(70) Gospels written after 70 Christianity separate from Judaism in 2nd century. Eucharist: Christ’s last supper

9 Early Christianity Baptism: a new beginning
Constantine: baptism before death New Testament written in Greek Paul’s letters followed by four gospels Early Christians worshipped in catacombs Catacomb wall paintings depicted religious scenes

10 Christianity in the Late Roman Empire
Christianity’s equality before God was attractive to slaves and the poor Art--blend of Christian figures and classical style: Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus. Symbols--ikons: sacred images

11 Constantine and Christianity
Constantine’s dream “In this sign you will conquer.” Spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire By the 5th century, the Christian church was the most powerful institution in the world.

12 Christian Philosophy Pagan philosophies: Manicheanism and Neoplatonism
Hypatia: killed by Christian zealots Library at Alexandria burned Eventually classical beliefs were synthesized into the Church’s beliefs. Patristic tradition: Four Fathers of Church

13 Augustine of Hippo Christian soul always at war with itself.
Original sin Rome’s sacking in 410 was blamed on Christian’s not doing civic duties Augustine asked Christians to obey the state

14 The Christian Empires:Rome and Byzantium
Grand new capital of Roman Empire: Constantinople in Turkey Rome, sacked by barbarians went into decline and turmoil Difference in the Christian Greek Church: Byzantine Orthodox and the Latin: Catholic.

15 St. Peter’s and the Pope St. Peter’s was built over the saint’s tomb outside Rome Basilica-style structure for early churches Narthex, aisles, nave, transept and apse Rome moved to Ravenna; 476, last Roman emperor abdicated to the Goths Pope supreme authority of the Roman Church

16 Justinian and the Byzantine World
Byzantine Empire stable: Church under the rule of the emperor Emperor Justinian, 6th century, reformed Roman law, fostered culture; co-ruled with wife Theodora Commissioned the Hagia Sophia: Largest church in Christendom

17 Hagia Sophia Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus: built it in 6 years—rebuilt after fire destroyed it. Domed basilica: rectangular hall with a dome in the center. Pendentive construction. Dome: 180 feet in height Intricate decoration, mosaics, windows, gold.

18 Ravenna: Showcase of the Christian Arts
Mosaic representations of Bible stories Sant’Apollinaire Nuovo: Procession of Virgin Martyrs Christ depicted as royalty--to please royal patrons Decline of naturalism-- spiritual, symbolic representation

19 San Vitale of Ravenna San Vitale: truly Byzantine; central plan
Second story gallery for female worshippers Mosaics of Justinian and Theodora Royal power and Church power

20 Christianity and the Arts
Struggle of early church against music and theater Music, associated with paganism, banned from Christian worship Vocal music: Chants: Gregorian chants (plainchant or plainsong) Monophonic until the 12th century Boethius

21 The Christians and Theater
Actors could not be baptized Virtually disappeared from society until the 10th century Iconoclasm: Icons removed from Byzantine churches and destroyed Struggles between the Christian faith and creative arts

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