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Reefs Formation and Growth I. The Environment of the Reef Nutrient supply: 1.Oligotrophic environment- nutrient poor Shallow waters where most reefs develop.

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Presentation on theme: "Reefs Formation and Growth I. The Environment of the Reef Nutrient supply: 1.Oligotrophic environment- nutrient poor Shallow waters where most reefs develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reefs Formation and Growth I

2 The Environment of the Reef Nutrient supply: 1.Oligotrophic environment- nutrient poor Shallow waters where most reefs develop Low abundance of food Hermatypic corals need symbiont 2.Eutrophic- nutrient rich Dominated by phytoplankton production Reduces light for coral symbiont Not necessarily beneficial

3 Oligotrophic vs Eutrophic

4 Limiting factors for reef development: 1.Temperature 18-32 o C 2.Light Symbiont Corals thrive in shallow waters where light intensity is the strongest Hermatypic corals <30m 3.Salinity Ave 35 ppt 28-38 ppt; corals have a difficult time developing at extreme salinity


6 Framework Building Sediment Production Cementation

7 Scleractinian Corals Non-Scleractinian Corals Coraline Algae

8 Scleractinian Coral Framework Builders

9 Non-Scleractinian Coral Framework Builders fire coral

10 Coralline Algae Framework Builders

11 Other Framework Builders giant clam

12 Fragmented Coral and Coraline Algae Foraminifera Skeletons Halimeda “Dust” Sponge Spicules Other Skeletal Debris Inorganic Precipitation

13 Reef Sediments: Foraminifera

14 Reef Sediments: Halimeda Sand Reef Sediments: Halimeda Sand Reef Sediments: Halimeda Sand

15 Reef Sediments: Sponge Spicules

16 Reef Sediments: Other Skeletal Remains cone shell

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