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There be dragons… Course Management and Library Systems at SFU Library and BC Campus Lynn Copeland Simon Fraser University Library IFLA August 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "There be dragons… Course Management and Library Systems at SFU Library and BC Campus Lynn Copeland Simon Fraser University Library IFLA August 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 There be dragons… Course Management and Library Systems at SFU Library and BC Campus Lynn Copeland Simon Fraser University Library IFLA August 2005

2 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues ABOUT THE PRESENTATION n A Case Study in broader Canadian context n Librarian Student Teacher, LMS Librarian n Optimistic signs but for the future n What we’re doing till interoperability appears n Thanks to SFU Librarians: Mark BodnarGordon ColemanCarla Graebner Mark JordanSylvia RobertsTrish Rosseel

3 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Introduction n Diana Laurillard, author of Rethinking University Teaching (Laurillard, 2002) reiterated what should be a commonplace: that “A university is defined by the quality of its academic conversations, not by the technologies that service them.”

4 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Reasons for librarians’ non-involvement n Traditional role not course-specific n Librarians as a whole haven’t made their case n Administrators and educators haven’t bought in

5 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Campus Learning and Libraries

6 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues A very few Canadian examples n Univ. Victoria n SFU Library n UBC Library n U Calgary Library n York U Library n …

7 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Library resources: core value n “Scientists who read more tend to get achievement awards and other special honors. In universities, those whose teaching has been honored read about 26 percent more articles, while those honored for research read about 33 percent more articles.”

8 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Library resources: core value (2) n In 2002/03, CARL academic libraries subscribed to 297,108 electronic journals, representing 46% of their serials subscriptions, and the number is growing.

9 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Library resources core value (3) n a positive relationship between academic achievement and use of open shelf library books

10 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Librarian involvement core value (1) n “... the average essay grade is … a whole 2 grade points improved over last year. I suspect this is in no small part due to you and your excellent orientation.” n 330,000 students at CARL institutions receive instruction

11 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Librarian involvement core value (2) n College students’ self-efficacy in electronic information searching was significantly higher after library instruction. n Frequent use of library electronic databases correlated with self-efficacy, and posttraining self-efficacy correlated with grade points.

12 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues SFU Librarians: reasons for library/CMS integration n ‘Value of going back’ esp. for ESL students; students learn at own pace n Students preference to stay inside domain (webct); students ‘live’ in WebCt; learning is contextual n Avoid reinvention of library wheel

13 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues General issues from SFU Librarians: n Library a ‘resource’ within WebCT but not within context n Building content within course: –Information dates and must be re-copied –Need to make multiple copies of the same material for multiple courses or sections –Quiz content not easily imported n Student evaluation within course n Student reluctant to leave course environment to access important information

14 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues General LMS/library integration issues: n Copying rather than linking of content n Authentication/authorized vs. open environment – esp. in multi-institutional environment n Authentication/authorization - persistence n Cross-course referral/links within one platform n Cross course/platform evaluation n Integration in planning should extend: –DE model, f2f model n Student preference for familiar

15 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues OCLC Best Practices Technical and Functional Requirements n Information windows n Aggregate access n Provide bibliographic tools: easy searching and reference completions n Provide content in user-customized formats n Integrate plagiarism software

16 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues OCLC Best Practices Technical and Cultural Requirements n Embed library resources in course management systems n Integrate commercial information services n Customize personal preferences n Provide virtual reference at point of need n Embed information seeking training modules

17 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues


19 Reasons for optimism n IMS n SAKAI n JISC/ELF n DEST n CanKNOW All considering the role of library resources in CMS’s n In Canada, national bodies eg CanKNOW are involving CARL n CARL position paper shows librarians’ engagement

20 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues IMS Resource List interoperability Best practice and Implementation n First focus – reading lists (ie ereserves) n Content Packaging: Create/read/delete –Copyright issues –Time sensitive n Digital repositories: Search/expose, gather/expose, submit/store, request/deliver, alert/expose

21 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues IMS Stakeholders: n Learners: Faculty: in their course environment n Instructional designers:working with an authoring tool n Librarians: a combination of library services

22 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues IMS Use cases n Resource List Is Created n Online Public Access Catalog Records for Course Reserves n Resource List Is Shared n Supplying the Learner with a Course Reading List n Resource List is Created from Harvested Meta-data n Resource List can include Local Content n Extensibility for Vendor Specific Needs n Propagate changes n Harvesting and Reusing n Facilitating Reuse via Annotations (References) n Library digital repository archives selected resource lists n Resource list can be empty

23 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues JISC/ELF Framework: Library roles n Application Services: 6,8 of 17 n Common Services: 13,9 of 38 Library roles are closely or somewhat tied to 36 of 55 services in the ELF framework

24 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Simon Fraser University n 15,000 students n Highly decentralized n LMS’s in wide use; –WebCT, LonCapa, First class (phasing out) –LMS (proprietary – Surrey campus) –SEPP member of SAKAI but not installed n e-learning management isn’t easy!

25 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues SFU Library: ‘Our Library is where YOU are’ n Liaison Librarian model: –Discipline based partnership –Collections, instruction, reference n Strong systems division –Local development n Presence on key committees, decisions

26 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues SFU Library: services n Reciprocal borrowing n Reference: online, in-person, email n Instruction: general, course-based n Online resources n Etc. etc.

27 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Local development (Open source) ReSearcher: GODOT: < ‘Where can I get this’ links from EBSCO, Proquest +++ < Links to online journals, requests –CUFTS: < e-journal linker/ knowledge database < Similar to SFX+Serials solutions –dbWiz < Meta search –Citation Manager

28 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues SFU Library systems (cont’d) n PKP OJS, OCS, OAI harvester n MOSST (1999) –Funded, open access, quizzes n E-reserves n Online reference: –email; –Interactive w. U. Victoria; soon BCcampus

29 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues "Guess what, we had our first meaningful dialogue today."

30 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues SFU Library n Plagiarism tutorial n Librarian: Course pages ‘have it all’; change regularly n RSS feeds WEbCT n WebCT course site managed by Lib’n not faculty member

31 IFLA 2005: CMS and Library Inf. Sys. Interoperability Issues Conclusion Lynn Copeland

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