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1 Joyful mood is a meritorious deed that cheers up people around you like the showering of cool spring breeze.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Joyful mood is a meritorious deed that cheers up people around you like the showering of cool spring breeze."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Joyful mood is a meritorious deed that cheers up people around you like the showering of cool spring breeze.

2 2 Categorical Data Analysis Chapter 6: Building Logistic Regression Models

3 3 Model Selection Stepwise/backward/forward selection SAS PROC LOGISTIC AIC criterion: AIC = -2(max. log likelihood - # of parameters) The smaller the AIC is, the better the model is

4 4 Example: Crab data Visit Table 6.2 (p. 215)  Model symbols  Backward elimination (models 1-7)  AIC values  More advanced model selection (model 8) SAS example code:

5 5 Model Diagnostics Assessment of the overall goodness of fit: Deviance measures the amount of loss of information Residuals: Identify the lack of fit cells

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