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Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Computer Organization Lecture 14 - Multi-Cycle Processor Design 1 Fall 2004 Reading: 5.5 Portions of these slides are derived from: Textbook figures © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Tod Amon's COD2e Slides © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Dave Patterson’s CS 152 Slides - Fall 1997 © UCB Rob Rutenbar’s 18-347 Slides - Fall 1999 CMU other sources as noted
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 12 Outline - Multicycle Design Overview Datapath Design Controller Design Microprogramming Exceptions Performance Considerations
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 13 Multicycle Execution - Key Idea Break instruction execution into multiple cycles One clock cycle for each major task 1.Instruction Fetch 2.Instruction Decode and Register Fetch 3.Execution, memory address computation, or branch computation 4.Memory access / R-type instruction completion 5.Memory read completion Share hardware to simplify datapath
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 14 Characteristics of Multicycle Design Instructions take more than one cycle Some instructions take more cycles than others Clock cycle is shorter than single-cycle clock Reuse of major components simplifies datapath Single ALU for all calculations Single memory for instructions and data But, added registers needed to store values across cycles Control Unit Implemented w/ State Machine Control signals no longer a function of just the instruction
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 15 Outline - Multicycle Design Overview Datapath Design Controller Design Microprogramming Exceptions Performance Considerations
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 16 Multicycle Datapath - High-Level View (Equivalent to Book Fig. 5.25, p. 318)
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 17 Review: Steps in Processor Design 1.Analyze instruction set; get datapath requirements 2.Select datapath components and establish clocking methodology 3.Assemble datapath that meets requirements 4.Determine control signal values for each instruction 5.Assemble control logic to generate control signals
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 18 Review: Register Transfers Instruction Fetch Instruction <- MEM[PC]; PC = PC + 4; Instruction Execution Instr.Register Transfers add R[rd] <- R[rs] + R[rt]; sub R[rd] <- R[rs] - R[rt]; and R[rd] <- R[rs] & R[rt]; or R[rd] <- R[rs] | R[rt]; lw R[rt] <- MEM[R[rs] + s_extend(offset)]; sw MEM[R[rs] + sign_extend(offset)] <- R[rt];PC <- PC + 4 beq if (R[rs] == R[rt]) then PC <- PC+4 + s_extend(offset<<2) else PC <- PC + 4 j PC <- upper(PC)@(address << 2) Key idea: break into multiple cycles!
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 19 Multicycle Execution Steps 1.Instruction Fetch 2.Instruction Decode and Register Fetch (and branch target calculation) 3.One of the following: Execute R-Type Instruction OR Calculate memory address for load/store OR Perform comparison for branch 4.Memory access for load/store OR R-type instruction completion (save result) 5.Memory read completion (save result - load only)
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 110 Summary - Multicycle Execution Instructions take between 3 and 5 clock cycles (Book Fig. 5.30, p. 329) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) New registers needed to store values across clock steps!
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 111 Multicycle Execution Step (1) Instruction Fetch IR = Memory[PC]; PC = PC + 4; 4 PC + 4
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 112 Multicycle Execution Step (2) Instruction Decode and Register Fetch A = Reg[IR[25-21]];(A = Reg[rs]) B = Reg[IR[20-15]];(B = Reg[rt]) ALUOut = (PC + sign-extend(IR[15-0]) << 2) Branch Target Address Reg[rs] Reg[rt] PC + 4
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 113 Multicycle Execution Steps (3) Memory Reference Instructions ALUOut = A + sign-extend(IR[15-0]); Mem. Address Reg[rs] Reg[rt] PC + 4
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 114 Multicycle Execution Steps (3) ALU Instruction (R-Type) ALUOut = A op B R-Type Result Reg[rs] Reg[rt] PC + 4
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 115 Multicycle Execution Steps (3) Branch Instructions if (A == B) PC = ALUOut; Branch Target Address Reg[rs] Reg[rt] Branch Target Address
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 116 Multicycle Execution Step (3) Jump Instruction PC = PC[31-28] concat (IR[25-0] << 2) Jump Address Reg[rs] Reg[rt] Branch Target Address
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 117 Multicycle Execution Steps (4) Memory Access - Read (lw) MDR = Memory[ALUOut]; Mem. Data PC + 4 Reg[rs] Reg[rt] Mem. Address
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 118 Multicycle Execution Steps (4) Memory Access - Write (sw) Memory[ALUOut] = B; PC + 4 Reg[rs] Reg[rt]
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 119 Multicycle Execution Steps (4) ALU Instruction (R-Type) Reg[IR[15:11]] = ALUOUT R-Type Result Reg[rs] Reg[rt] PC + 4
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 120 Multicycle Execution Steps (5) Memory Read Completion (lw) Reg[IR[20-16]] = MDR; PC + 4 Reg[rs] Reg[rt] Mem. Data Mem. Address
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 121 Summary - Multicycle Execution Instructions take between 3 and 5 clock cycles (Book Fig. 5.30, p. 329)
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 122 Full Multicycle Datapath (Equivalent to Book Fig. 5.27, p. 322 without ALU control)
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 123 Full Multicycle Implementation (Equivalent to Book Fig. 5.28, p. 323)
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 124 Outline - Multicycle Design Overview Datapath Design Controller Design Performance Considerations Microprogramming Exceptions
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 125 Review: Steps in Processor Design 1.Analyze instruction set; get datapath requirements 2.Select datapath components and establish clocking methodology 3.Assemble datapath that meets requirements 4.Determine control signal values for each instruction 5.Assemble control logic to generate control signals
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 126 Multicycle Execution Step (1) Fetch IR = Memory[PC]; PC = PC + 4; 1 0 1 0 1 0 X 0 X 0 010 1
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 127 Multicycle Execution Step (2) Instruction Decode and Register Fetch A = Reg[IR[25-21]];(A = Reg[rs]) B = Reg[IR[20-15]];(B = Reg[rt]) ALUOut = (PC + sign-extend(IR[15-0]) << 2) 0 0 X 0 0 X 3 0 X X 010 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 128 0 X Multicycle Execution Steps (3) Memory Reference Instructions ALUOut = A + sign-extend(IR[15-0]); X 2 0 0 X 0 1 X 010 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 129 Multicycle Execution Steps (3) ALU Instruction (R-Type) ALUOut = A op B 0 X X 0 0 0 X 0 1 X ??? 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 130 1 if Zero=1 Multicycle Execution Steps (3) Branch Instructions if (A == B) PC = ALUOut; 0 X X 0 0 X 0 1 1 011 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 131 Multicycle Execution Step (3) Jump Instruction PC = PC[21-28] concat (IR[25-0] << 2) 0 X X X 0 1 X 0 X 2 XXX 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 132 Multicycle Execution Steps (4) Memory Access - Read (lw) MDR = Memory[ALUOut]; 0 X X X 1 0 1 0 X X XXX 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 133 Multicycle Execution Steps (4) Memory Access - Write (sw) Memory[ALUOut] = B; 0 X X X 0 0 1 1 X X XXX 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 134 1 0 0 X 0 X 0 XXX X X 1 1 Multicycle Execution Step (4) ALU Instruction (R-Type) Reg[IR[15:11]] = ALUOut;(Reg[Rd] = ALUOut)
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 135 Multicycle Execution Steps (5) Memory Read Completion (lw) Reg[IR[20-16]] = MDR; 1 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 X X XXX 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 136 Review: Steps in Processor Design 1.Analyze instruction set; get datapath requirements 2.Select datapath components and establish clocking methodology 3.Assemble datapath that meets requirements 4.Determine control signal values for each instruction 5.Assemble control logic to generate control signals
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 137 Full Multicycle Implementation
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 138 Multicycle Control Unit Review: single-cycle implementation All control signals can be determined by current instruction + condition Implemented in combinational logic Multicycle implementation is different Control signals depend on current instruction which clock cycle is currently being executed Implemented as Finite State Machine (FSM) OR Microprogrammed Implementation - “stylized FSM”
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 139 Review - Finite State Machines What’s in the Finite State Machine Combinational Logic Storage Elements (Flip-flops) Inputs Outputs Current State Next State
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 140 Review - Finite State Machines (cont’d) Behavior characterized by States - unique values of flip-flops e.g., “101” Transitions between states, depending on current state inputs Output values, depending on current state inputs Describing FSMs: State Diagrams State Transition Tables
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 141 Review - State Diagrams "Bubbles" - states Arrows - transition edges labeled with condition expressions Example: Car Alarm arm door honk clk f clk = 1Hz IDLE BEEP Honk=1 WAIT ARMDOOR ARM ARM’ ARM’ + ARMDOOR’ = ARM’ + DOOR’
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 142 State Transition Table Transition List - lists edges in State Diagram PSConditionNSOutput IDLEARM' + DOOR'IDLE0 IDLEARM*DOORBEEP0 BEEPARMWAIT1 BEEPARM'IDLE1 WAITARMBEEP0 WAITARM'IDLE0 IDLE BEEP Honk=1 WAIT ARMDOOR ARM ARM’ ARM’ + ARMDOOR’ = ARM’ + DOOR’
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 143 State Machine Design Traditional Approach: Create State Diagram Create State Transition Table Assign State Codes Write Excitation Equations & Minimize Modern Approach Enter FSM Description into CAD program Synthesize implementation of FSM
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 144 FSM Control Unit Implementation FSM Inputs: Clock Instruction register op field FSM Outputs: control signals for datapath Enable signals: Register file, Memory, PC, MDR, and IR Multiplexer signals: ALUSrcA, ALUSrcB, etc. ALUOp signal - used for ALU Control as in single-cycle implementation
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 145 Describing Controller Function in State Diagrams - Conventions Enable Control Signals Asserted (true) in a state if they appear in the state bubble Assumed Deasserted (false) in a state if they do not appear in the state bubble Multiplexer/ALU Control Signals Asserted with a given value in a state if they appear in a state bubble Assumed Don’t Care if they do not appear in the state bubble See Figures 5.32 - 5.36 3 MemRead IorD = 0 Memory access (Op=‘LW’) Enable signal Multiplexer signal State name Transition from previous state (conditioanl) Transition to next state (unconditioanl)
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 146 Multicycle Control - Full State Diagram
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 147 State 8 Branch State (OP = ‘BEQ’) State 6 Execution States (OP = ‘R-Type’) State 2 Mem. Ref States (Op = ‘LW’ or Op = ‘SW’) Control FSM - Instruction Fetch / Decode States MemRead ALUSrcA = 0 IorD = 0 IRWrite ALUSrcB = 01 ALUOp = 00 PCWrite PCSource = 00 State 0 Instruction Fetch Start State 1 Instruction Decode / Register Fetch State 9 Jump State (OP = ‘J’) ALUSrcA = 0 ALUSrcB = 11 ALUOp = 00
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 148 Control FSM - Memory Reference States (OP = ‘LW’) State 3 Memory Access State 4 Write-back step State 5 Memory Access (OP = ‘SW’) Memory Address ComputationState 2 from State 1 (OP = ‘LW’ OR OP = ‘SW’) to State 0 ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 10 ALUOp = 00 MemRead IorD = 1 MemWrite IorD = 1 RegWrite MemToReg=1 RegDst = 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 149 Control FSM - R-Type States State 7 R-type completion to State 0 State 6 from State 1 (OP = R-Type) Execution ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 00 ALUOp = 10 RegDst = 1 RegWrite MemtoReg = 0
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 150 Control FSM - Branch State State 8 Branch Completion from State 1 (OP = ‘BEQ’) to State 0 ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 00 ALUOp = 01 PCWriteCond PCSource = 01
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 151 Control FSM - Jump State State 9 Jump Completion from State 1 (OP = ‘J’) to State 0 PCWrite PCSource = 10
ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 14 - Multicycle Design 152 Coming Up Multicycle Implementation Performance Multicycle Controller Implementation Microprogrammed Control Exceptions
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