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Local Intermediate Inputs, Foreign Direct Investment and the Performance of Domestic Firms: When Firms Share common Local Input Suppliers by H.L. Kee Comments.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Intermediate Inputs, Foreign Direct Investment and the Performance of Domestic Firms: When Firms Share common Local Input Suppliers by H.L. Kee Comments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Intermediate Inputs, Foreign Direct Investment and the Performance of Domestic Firms: When Firms Share common Local Input Suppliers by H.L. Kee Comments by Michael Moore (GWU and IIEP)

2 Domestic Producers Foreign markets TFP Sales per worker Output per worker

3 Domestic Producers Imported intermediate goods Foreign markets TFP Sales per worker Output per worker

4 Domestic Producers FDI Imported intermediate goods Foreign markets TFP Sales per worker Output per worker

5 Domestic Producers i FDI i Imported intermediate goods Domestic intermediate good producers Foreign markets TFP Sales per worker Output per worker “siblings” in sector i

6 Domestic Producers FDI Domestic intermediate good producers of  i Non-EU final marketEU final market “Everything But Arms” “siblings” in sector i

7 Data and Results Universe of Bangladeshi garment manufacturers (1999-2003) Positive effects on domestic firm performance (for many measures) with FDI presence served by domestic intermediate good producers

8 Strengths of paper Rich and detailed data set Very careful and appropriate econometrics Wide range of different specification with consistent results for various measures of firm performance – True for domestic firms that do not export to EU

9 Suggestions Current ii FDI i Domestic i

10 Suggestions ii FDI i Domestic k kk For i k

11 Suggestions ii FDI i Domestic i not involved in exports

12 Unfair “complaint” – Careful empirics  Narrow lesson FDI in other countries? FDI in other Bangladeshi industries?

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