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Comparing Windows NT and Netware 4 Tony Brett IT Systems Manager Corpus Christi College Tel. 76695, O.U.C.S. 25 & 26 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Windows NT and Netware 4 Tony Brett IT Systems Manager Corpus Christi College Tel. 76695, O.U.C.S. 25 & 26 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Windows NT and Netware 4 Tony Brett IT Systems Manager Corpus Christi College Tel. 76695, e-mail: O.U.C.S. 25 & 26 November 1998

2 Why this talk? b Corpus Christi College b Currently NT 4.0/3.51 system b 2 domains b Moving to Netware 4.11

3 What Users Need b A way to receive and send E-mail b A way to Print b Somewhere to keep files safe b Access to the internet b Access to standard office- type applications

4 What IT Staff Need b A system that is standard, and off-the shelf b A system that can continue to be supported if staff change b Public machines configured so they don’t need constant reconfiguration b Reduced cost of ownership

5 Why are we moving ? (1) b Many Institutions moving from Netware to NT. b Microsoft Marketing. b Who buys NT for Domains? b Domains are not scalable, not hierarchical, not distributed. b More sensible filing system - shares are archaic!

6 Why are we moving ? (2) b Novell only produce Network software. b NT Server almost identical to NT workstation. Minor changes. b No quota in NT! b Trust relationships rapidly become unmanageable. b Directory Services is the answer!

7 Novell Directory Services. b Heirarchical, reflecting College Structure. b NDS based on X500 standard b No one server is any more “the boss” than another. b Database is distributed and replicated. b Objects can exist for every entity on the network. b Single point of management - NWAdmin.

8 Novell Directory Services b Established since early ‘90s b Solid and reliable b No downtime in Medical School since late 1995

9 Microsoft’s Current Offering: Domains Flat structureFlat structure Four object typesFour object types –User –Global and local groups –Computer Non-extensibleNon-extensible –Cannot define new object types or attributes –SQL server, post office, application –E-mail address, phone number

10 Domain Administration b Administration by object type, not individual objects or attributes Account operatorsAccount operators –Manage all users of the domain Print operatorsPrint operators –Manage all printers of the domain Server operatorsServer operators –Manage all servers of the domain b Cannot assign individual administrative rights

11 Trust Relationships TRUST RELATIONSHIP Domain B TRUSTS Domain A Users in Domain A can be granted rights to use resources in Domain B Domain ADomain B

12 Microsoft’s Offering sometime in the future: MAD b Moves some way towards NDS b MAD O.U.s cannot: Grant rights to other MAD objectsGrant rights to other MAD objects –Users, other organizational units, groups Grant rights to resourcesGrant rights to resources –Printers –File system, Shares Inherit services based on OUInherit services based on OU –Applications(NAL)

13 When will it Appear? b Sometime 1999? b Rename to Windows2000 b Y2K issues? b Is it wise to move production servers to a completely re-written OS before one or two service packs? b All workstations will have to upgrade to Win2000 to take advantage

14 Analyst Reports—Windows NT “I think Microsoft has a lot of work left. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the [Windows] NT 5.0 deliverable list go from a dictionary to a pamphlet.” Jon Oltsik, Forrester Research (As quoted in LAN Times, “Windows NT 5.0 stakeout,” R. Schott Raynovich, March 2, 1998) “If people are looking to reduce costs [they] shouldn’t be waiting for [Windows] NT 5.0” Mike Silver, Gartner Group Inc., (As quoted in LAN Times, “Microsoft must sharpen ZAW, R. Scott Raynovich, March 2, 1998)

15 Other Issues (1) b Workstation restrictions NT - only 8 PC workstations Netware - properly configurable

16 Other Issues (2) b Shares: LAN Manager relic because no space in FAT file system for permissions.LAN Manager relic because no space in FAT file system for permissions. Access to files depends on which share you go through.Access to files depends on which share you go through. E.g. c:\winnt\system32\repl\import\scripts vs. NETLOGONE.g. c:\winnt\system32\repl\import\scripts vs. NETLOGON b Novell File system has no concept of shares - permissions are on files.

17 Managing desktop MS Operating systems

18 Where NT is useful b NT is brilliant as a desktop operating system SecureSecure ManageableManageable FastFast StableStable True 32-bitTrue 32-bit b Novell ZEN works makes running all workstations simple

19 Features of ZEN works b Novell Application Launcher

20 Novell Application Launcher b Network - centric applications b Automatic install and repair of applications

21 Workstation & User Policies b For Win 3.1, 95, 98 and NT b Held in NDS - no more config.pol files!

22 Workstation inventory

23 Remote Control b Can take over workstations, with or without users knowledge or permission b Enables easy remote support b Can log in and out of NT workstation

24 Dynamic User Accounts

25 snAppShot

26 snAppShot b Installing an Application What changed?What changed? –Files added, removed, changed –registry settings –text file changes b All data stored in NDS b Variables can be used to customise b Use normall install program. snAppShot works out what changed.

27 Microsoft’s Offering b Systems Management Server b Offers hardware inventory and remote control b Used to offer Program Group Control for delivering applications but: It should be noted that shortly after the development of CCCDesk, Microsoft announced that Program Group Control would not be continued in the next version of SMS. -Matthew Dovey, Corpus Christi College Computer Network, Installation and Maintenance Manual, Volume 1, page 43

28 Questions?

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