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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, October 17, 2010

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, October 17, 2010

2 John 15:18-21 Obstructions to Divine Good Production

3 Reason #2: Verse 19, The believer is not of Satan’s Cosmic System. (Election) Part 2

4 John 15:19, “If you all were from the world, (Satan’s Cosmic System), but you are not, the world would keep on having rapport love for its own, (you as an unbeliever), but it does not; because to the contrary you are absolutely not from the world, rather I chose you for myself out from the world, for this reason the world (Satan’s Cosmic System) keeps on hating you all (the believer).”

5 John 17:14-18 We have been chosen by Christ and, therefore, are not of the world. Because of our different nature and disposition from the world, the world cannot get along with us.

6 EKLEGOMAI – Aorist, Middle, Indicative, “To choose or select.” A simple past action that stresses the fact of occurrence, that is, you were chosen by Christ in eternity past.

7 The Indirect Middle Voice, Jesus Christ is the one who chose us for Himself. This indicates His election of the believer to complete His own body, His royal family.

8 The results of Christ’s elective work belong to all the saints, for we all are subject to the antagonism of the world.

9 Election is noted in: 2 Thes 2:13–14; Rom 8:29–30.

10 This also reminds us of our eternal security due to our election in John 10:28-31.

11 John 10:28-30, “And I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”

12 The world’s hatred of the believer is not of the weaknesses and inconsistencies of the Christian in his human nature, but his righteousness and grace.

13 Barclay pointed out, “The world even in unspiritual matters, such as daily work, often persecutes men for working too hard or too long at their duties.”

14 Why?, because it is a convicting thing to practice a higher standard in one’s physical work habits than that practiced by the common everyday laboring man.

15 Because of the righteousness working through you in grace orientation, the world hates that higher standard of living and therefore will hate you.

16 Swete stated, “The quarrel of the world with the Church, so far as it is not provoked by the faults of Christians, is merely a continuation of its quarrel with Christ.”

17 Our Lord, in John 7:5, 7, told His earthly family who did not believe on Him that the world would not hate them. It was because they were as the world.

18 John 7:5, “For not even His brothers were believing in Him. … ”

19 John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil.”

20 Remember that the COSMOS claims unbelievers as its own.

21 Remember that the COSMOS claims unbelievers as its own. On the other hand disciples have a different master from that of the world.

22 1. The believer’s desires are not the sinful lusts of the world, 1 John 2:15-17.

23 2. The believer’s conduct does not conform to the pleasures of the world, 1 Tim 6:17-19.

24 3. The believer’s hopes are based on that which is incomprehensible to the world, Eph 2:12-13.

25 4. The world does not share the aims and destiny of the disciples of Christ, 1 Peter 4:1-6.

26 Question: “Does the world hate you?”

27 Question: “Does the world hate you?” If not, why not?

28 Question: “Does the world hate you?” If not, why not? Has the world become more Christian or have you become more worldly?

29 Grace Offering

30 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, October 17, 2010 Tape # 10-113 Obstructions to Divine Good Production, Part 8 Not of the World, Part 2 Upper Room Discourse, Part 427 John 15:19; 2 Thes 2:13-14; Rom 8:29-30; 1 Tim 6:17-19; Eph 2:12-13 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010

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