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Detection of Nuclear Threats: Defending Multiple Ports Jeffrey Victor Truman 17 July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Detection of Nuclear Threats: Defending Multiple Ports Jeffrey Victor Truman 17 July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detection of Nuclear Threats: Defending Multiple Ports Jeffrey Victor Truman 17 July 2009

2 Outline of Presentation The Real-World Problem Detection Multiple-Port Detection – As a Game – As a Linear Programming Problem – Implementing Variable Costs Acknowledgements

3 Inspection and Threat Detection Suppose we have some inspection policy at a port that can determine whether a container is good or bad at some performance level, and that detection at this port depends linearly on the budget we apply. We then call the coefficient that measures performance level the testing power index. We will then apply this inspection policy to the containers.

4 Conditional Probability For a given test, the probability of “flagging” an item (as a threat) depends on the truth about that item: Pr{flag|truth} Truth = threat; not threat Pr{flag|threat}=d; Pr{flag|not threat}=f But some tests can be set to various levels of “suspiciousness”. We can set the threshold lower to be more cautious, which increases d but also increases f.

5 The ROC Curve (d vs f) We can plot detection rate d as a function of the false alarm rate f for a given sensor and threshold. Using the sensor and threshold gives us a point (d 0,f 0 ). We can also clearly obtain the points (0,0) and (1,1) by manually inspecting nothing and everything, respectively. By using mixed strategies with suitable probabilities, it is also possible to operate at any point along a line between any of the points we already have.

6 An Example ROC Curve

7 The C-d Curve (d vs C) In principle, one might want to minimize Cost (where C m is the cost of a miss and C f the cost of a false alarm): C total = C m (1-d) + C f f = C m + C f f – C m d But for some of the threats we consider, C m is enormous, which suggests that we need to maximize d. However, we cannot afford the inspection policy of manually checking everything which that would suggest. Thus, we plot the cost of inspection and harm to commerce against d, plotting the optimum point for a given budget b. [hard problem, not done here]

8 One Example C-d Curve Here, we will get our scalar testing power index from the initial linear part of the C-d curve, such as the one shown to the right, which I obtained by combining 50 of the sensor I used to get the previous ROC curve.

9 The Multi-Port Problem Now, we will consider multiple ports. We wish to allocate funding across different ports to get the best overall detection rate. Suppose also that our efforts at each port have a testing power index t p. The number of undetected threats, with constraints and.

10 Possible Solutions We have tried to model this as a finite game, which we can then convert into a linear programming problem. One way is to consider our options as some mixed strategy of purely defending each port with some probability.

11 Specifics Suppose, for example, that t 1 =.4, t 2 =.6, and t 3 =.8. Also suppose for now that our adversary can afford to send one bomb, and the cost to the adversary of sending it does not depend on the port targeted.

12 A Game Matrix and LP Then, we have a game with the following matrix: A game specified in this way can be solved by converting it to a linear programming problem.

13 The Solution The LP problem is to maximize/minimize (for the attacker/defender) the expected value of the game, subject to the probabilities of the alternatives being nonnegative numbers that sum to one. We can solve this using MATLAB.

14 The Solution from MATLAB The solution is symmetric; we find that a 1 =b 1 =0.4615, a 2 =b 2 =0.3077, a 3 =b 3 =0.2308, and the value of the game is 0.8154. This means that the ideal strategy for the attacker and defender is to attack/defend each port with those probabilities, and that on average we then expect about an 81.5% chance of them getting a bomb through.

15 Accounting for Cost Differences However, in general it will not cost our adversary the same amount to attack each port. We take this into account by multiplying each row by the total number of bombs they could send to each port by devoting their entire budget to that port. Suppose the adversary could send only 1/3 of a bomb to port 1, 1/2 to port 2, and 1 to port 3.

16 Another Matrix and a Solution This gives another game matrix: One thing to note here is that it is now too expensive for the adversary to attack port 1. We now have only a 42% chance of a bomb getting through. Where a i and b i are the attacker and defender’s probabilities, the solutions are:

17 Summary We consider multi-port defense as a finite game, where the alternatives are focusing completely on each port, and find a strategy to optimize resource distribution between the multiple ports.

18 Limitations of This Approach The main limitation that we expect from this approach is that it assumes that the C-d curve is linear. Since it has an initial linear segment, we expect this approach to work there; this region is where we do not have enough money to completely defend any one port. This assumption, and thus our approach, fails as the total budget moves beyond the linear portion of the curve.

19 Acknowledgements The DIMACS Program Dr. Paul Kantor, my mentor – Thanks to ONR and DNDO of DHS for support Dr. Vladimir Menkov, designer of the C-d curve software Bapi Chatterjee, for a helpful zero-sum game solver for MATLAB J.C.C. McKinsey, for his text Introduction to the Theory of Games (1952). Luce and Raiffa, for their text Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey (1957).

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