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Integrated Frameworks for Earth and Space Weather Simulation Timothy Killeen and Cecelia DeLuca National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Frameworks for Earth and Space Weather Simulation Timothy Killeen and Cecelia DeLuca National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Frameworks for Earth and Space Weather Simulation Timothy Killeen and Cecelia DeLuca National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado Tamas Gombosi, Gabor Toth, and Quentin Stout University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Charles Goodrich Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts Alan Sussman University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland Michael Hesse Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

2 Pilot Projects A NSF-funded project combines components from the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) and the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) to form a composite application A NASA-funded project prototypes an interface between the InterComm tool used by the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (CISM) and the ESMF Emphasis is on the development of interfaces between frameworks and not migration to a single framework The goal is to combine these three frameworks into an integrated system, in a way that allows more flexibility in coupling and executing Earth and space models.

3 Global Magnetosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics Inner Magnetosphere Radiation belts Solar Energetic Particles Upper Atmosphere Solar Corona Eruptive Event Generator Inner Heliosphere The SWMF architecture is based on components with generic interfaces A SWMF application runs as a single executable Many different configurations may be run The SWMF is freely available at Polar Wind Plasmasphere Photosphere to Corona SWMF Collaborators: SWMF

4 Component-based architecture: each box (including couplers) is an ESMF component Every component has a standard interface so that it is exchangeable Many custom systems (climate, weather, hydrology, etc.) can be created Framework is freely available at Collaborators: ESMF GEOS-5 AGCM Application Example

5 In CISM applications, the InterComm library (University of Maryland) is used for data transfers between models that are in separate executables The Overture framework (LLNL) for solving PDEs in complex moving geometries is used to write coupling code, which may be put in its own separate executable or within a subroutine of one of the models being coupled InterComm and Overture are both general purpose, freely downloadable packages Collaborators: InterComm/CISM

6 Collaborators: CCMC Test frameworks by -Implementing them on common computational architectures -Executing test problems -Serving run-on-request to community Feedback to framework developers -Strengths and weakness -Desirable features Support model integration into frameworks -Following recent requests from framework developers -Following model owner interests Report to operational agencies

7 SWMF/ESMF Coupling ESMF Earth System Component ESMF App Driver SWMF Driver ESMF SWMF Component ESMF Coupler The entire SWMF is wrapped as an ESMF component The SWMF component can communicate data to one or more Earth system components The application is run using an ESMF driver The application runs as a single executable Single Executable

8 ESMF/InterComm Coupling ESMF Component 1 (e.g. land) ESMF Component 2 (e.g. atm) ESMF App Driver ESMF Coupler InterComm is used for data transfers between an ESMF application and a CISM model These are in separate executables InterComm is wrapped in ESMF_StatePut() and ESMF_StateGet() commands so that it presents a standard interface on the ESMF side Data transfers can be from anywhere, to anywhere CISM Model Multiple executables InterComm data transfer and sequencing

9 Activities, Status, and Time Line SWMF/ESMF pilot project started August 2005, will complete September 2006 Completed: Implemented SWMF as an ESMF component (T’oth, University of Michigan) Designed and implemented a 3D grid representation in the ESMF (Oehmke, University of Michigan) To do: Demonstrate coupling of SWMF to ESMF components (University of Michigan) Design and implement simple 3D regridding in ESMF (University of Michigan) InterComm/ESMF pilot project will start March 2006, will complete September 2006 To do: Implement ESMF data transfer (put/get) methods that utilitize InterComm (University of Maryland) Prototype coupling of components using the new data transfer capability (University of Maryland)

10 More Framework Combinations PRISM and ESMF PRISM is a European climate framework 22 partners: leading climate researchers and computer vendors, includes MPI, KNMI, UK Met Office, CERFACS, ECMWF, DMI ESMF and PRISM are working together through a NASA grant (PI, Max Suarez) and the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) to merge frameworks and develop common conventions MOM4 ocean model at GFDL was used to demonstrate how one model can be instrumented to run in both PRISM and ESMF Common Component Architecture and ESMF CCA is a general high performance computing framework that covers many different domains, and offers web and Grid service interfaces Collaborators include LANL, ANL, LLNL, ORNL, etc. ESMF components can be readily adapted to run in CCA drivers, demo presented at SC2003 Possibilities for space frameworks to interface to PRISM and CCA components, too

11 Summary and Outreach Two pilot projects will be completed September 2006 exploring the integration of ESMF, SWMF, and InterComm/CISM Activities are open to additional collaborators See: ◦For this presentation and preprint ◦Project descriptions ◦Project updates

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