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Philosophical reflection in the Bible – The purpose of life according to Ecclesiastes ( 傳道書 ) Craig Ho, HKBU.

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2 Philosophical reflection in the Bible – The purpose of life according to Ecclesiastes ( 傳道書 ) Craig Ho, HKBU

3 Eccles2 傳道書 (Ecclesiastes) w Central Issue: 1.3 - What is all live’s hard work for? What do we really get? w Key word and idea: 1.2 - “vanity”, what does it mean? w Emptiness? Meaningless? Purposelessness? Worthlessness? Incomprehensibility? Cannot be completely grasped - reality is illusive! w History has no definite goal; things just repeat themselves and therefore purposeless: 1.4-11; 2.12  What are not the purposes of life? w Human desire cannot be really satisfied and therefore worthless: 2.1-11 w The pursuit of wisdom cannot be the goal of life because death annihilate the difference between a wise man and a fool: 2.14-17

4 Eccles3 What are not the purposes of life? w Accumulation of wealth will be left to the next generation who does not earn it. That shouldn’t be the purpose of our own life: 2.18-23. w The pursuit of righteousness may not be the best way of life: 7.15-18. There is no justice in real life, 8.10-14. Why the meaning of life always eludes us? w Human life is not so unique: 3.18-21. w Suffering destroy meaning - dead people sometimes are better than suffering people: 4.1-8; 6.1-5. w There is a limit to human understanding: 8.16-9.1

5 Eccles4... w The only constancy in life is death. It renders all differences meaningless: 9.2-6. w Life does not follow a simple principle: 9.11-12: 9:11 我又轉念:見日光之下,快跑的未必能贏 ;力戰的未必得 勝;智慧的未必得糧食;明哲的未必得資財;靈巧的未必得喜悅 。所臨到眾人的是在乎當時的機會。 9:12 原來人也不知道自己的 定期。魚被惡網圈 住,鳥被網羅捉住,禍患忽然臨到的時候, 世人陷在其中也是如此。 w The way of God is beyond our intellectual capacity: 9.1; 11.5

6 Eccles5 How should we then live? - theme statements: (A) 2:24 人莫強如吃喝,且在勞碌中享福,我看這也是出 於神的手 (B) 3:12 我知道世人,莫強如終身喜樂行善; 3:13 並且人 人吃喝,在他一切勞碌中享福,這也是神的恩賜。 (C)3:22 故此,我見人莫強如在他經營的事上喜樂,因為 這是他的分。他身後的事誰能使他回來得見呢?

7 Eccles6... (D) 5:18 我所見為善為美的,就是人在神賜他一生的日子 吃喝,享 受日光之下勞碌得來的好處,因為這是他的分。 5:19 神賜人資財 豐富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的分 , 在他勞碌中喜樂,這乃 是神的恩賜。 (E) 8:15 我就稱讚快樂,原來人在日光之下,莫強如吃喝快 樂;因 為他在日光之下,神賜他一生的年日,要從勞碌中,時常享受所 得的。 (F) 9:7 你只管去歡歡喜喜吃你的飯,心中快樂喝你的酒,因為神已 經悅納你的作為。 9:8 你的衣服當時常潔白,你頭上也不要缺少 膏油。 9:9 在你一生虛空的年日,就是 神賜你在日 光之下虛空 的年日,當同你所愛的妻,快活度日,因為那是你生前在日光之 下勞碌的事上所得的分。

8 Eccles7...  11:9 少年人哪,你在幼年時當快樂。在幼年的日子,使你的心歡 暢,行你心所願行的,看你眼所愛看的;卻要知道,為這一切的 事,神必審問你。  11:10 所以,你當從心中除掉愁煩,從肉體克去邪惡;因為一生 的開端和幼年之時,都是虛空的。  12:1 你趁  年幼、衰敗的日子尚未來到,就是你所說,我毫無喜 樂的那些年日未曾臨近之先,當記念造你的主。  12:12 我兒,還有一層,你當受勸戒:著書多,沒有窮盡;讀書 多,身體疲倦。 12:13 這些事都已聽見了,總意就是:敬畏神, 謹守他的誡命,這是人所當盡的本分[或譯:這是眾人的本分] 。

9 Eccles8 The reasoning of the preacher. w What do you think is the purpose of (your) life? w Is this question too distant? Too abstract? Any point to raise it now? w The preacher (author of Eccles.) is seeking the meaning and purpose of life.  First observation : Things just repeat themselves and do not seem to show any purpose 1.1-11  Conclusion : “vanity” - cannot be fully grasped, just like wind. You feel it but you cannot control it. This is life.

10 Eccles9...  Second observation : Hard life from God - 1.13; 3.10  Reason : all attempts to satisfy life fails - material (2.1- 11); philosophical (2.14-17); wealth (2.18-23); w Even the purpose of righteousness (7.16-17) is not always fruitful. Why? Because we do not live in a just world (8.10-14)  Third observation: We know very little. The only thing we know for sure in the world that is death which destroys all differences and all meanings (9.1-6).  Reason : The deep things about the world is beyond our reach (9.1).

11 Eccles10...  Fourth observation : Reality does not follow a simple principle to operate (9.10-12). w An example: 9.13-15.  Final question : What should guide us in our life?  Final answer : Fear and remember God (12.1; 13) and enjoy life responsibly (11.8-10) w Do not wait until it is too late.

12 Eccles11 Conclusion w 1. The most real thing in life is working hard and enjoying (playing) hard. w 2. It is divine purpose that we all works and live and enjoy the fruit of our labour. w 3. We have to enjoy life responsibly because God will judge how we live our lives at the end of the day.

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