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Gravity Water Supply Design

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1 Gravity Water Supply Design

2 Population Projection
Example from Agua Para el Pueblo (Honduras) Count the houses Assume 6 people per house Assume linear growth for design period N = design period K = growth rate

3 Water Demand Assume a per capita demand (this might be based on a governmental regulation) Multiply per capita demand by the future population to get design average demand Multiply average demand by scaling factors to get maximum day demand and maximum hour demand

4 Distribution Storage Tank Size
Based on 8 hours of storage at average demand These systems aren’t designed for fire protection

5 Design Flows Transmission Line Design flow
Perhaps based on maximum daily demand or on maximum hourly demand Distribution system design flows Take peak hourly flow at the end of the system design life Divide that flow by the current number of houses to get a flow per house The flow in each pipe is calculated based on the number of houses downstream

6 Pipe Diameters How are pipe sizes chosen? Energy Equation
An equation for head loss Requirement of minimum pressure in the system

7 head (w.r.t. reference pressure)
EGL (or TEL) and HGL elevation head (w.r.t. datum) pressure head (w.r.t. reference pressure) velocity head The energy grade line must always slope ___________ (in direction of flow) unless energy is added (pump) The decrease in total energy represents the head loss or energy dissipation per unit weight EGL and HGL are coincident and lie at the free surface for water at rest (reservoir) If the HGL falls below the point in the system for which it is plotted, the local pressures are _____ ____ __________ ______ downward lower than reference pressure

8 Energy equation Energy Grade Line velocity head Hydraulic G L
pressure head static head z elevation pump z = 0 datum

9 Transmission Line Design
Spring box Air release valves EGL HGL Distribution Tank

10 Hydraulic Grade Line Minimum
Avoid having the HGL below the point in the system for which it is plotted (negative pressure) Air will accumulate at intermediate high points in the pipeline and the air release valve won’t be able to discharge the air if the pressure is negative

11 Methods to Calculate Head Loss (Mechanical Energy Loss)
Moody Diagram Swamee-Jain Hazen-Williams

12 Moody Diagram 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 friction factor 0.03 0.02 0.01
0.015 0.04 0.01 0.008 friction factor 0.006 0.03 0.004 laminar 0.002 0.02 0.001 0.0008 0.0004 0.0002 0.0001 0.01 smooth 1E+03 1E+04 1E+05 1E+06 1E+07 1E+08 Re

13 Swamee-Jain Each equation has two terms. Why? 1976 limitations
/D < 2 x 10-2 Re >3 x 103 less than 3% deviation from results obtained with Moody diagram easy to program for computer or calculator use Each equation has two terms. Why?

14 Pipe roughness Must be dimensionless! pipe material pipe roughness e
(mm) glass, drawn brass, copper 0.0015 commercial steel or wrought iron 0.045 Must be dimensionless! asphalted cast iron 0.12 galvanized iron 0.15 cast iron 0.26 concrete rivet steel corrugated metal 45 0.12 PVC

15 Pipeline Design Steps Find the minimum pipe diameter that will keep the HGL above the pipeline Round up to the next real pipe size Calculate the location of the HGL given the real pipe size If an intermediate high point constrained the design then investigate if a smaller size pipe could be used downstream from the high point.

16 Minor Losses Most minor losses (with the exception of expansions) can not be obtained analytically, so they must be measured Minor losses are often expressed as a loss coefficient, K, times the velocity head. High Re

17 Entrance Losses vena contracta
Losses can be reduced by accelerating the flow gradually and eliminating the vena contracta

18 Head Loss in Valves Function of valve type and valve position
The complex flow path through valves can result in high head loss (of course, one of the purposes of a valve is to create head loss when it is not fully open) What is the maximum value of Kv? ______

19 Solution Technique: Head Loss
Can be solved explicitly

20 Solution Technique 1: Find D
Assume all head loss is major head loss Calculate D using Swamee-Jain equation Calculate minor losses Find new major losses by subtracting minor losses from total head loss

21 Solution Technique 2: Find D using Solver
Iterative technique Solve these equations Use goal seek or Solver to find diameter that makes the calculated head loss equal the given head loss. Spreadsheet

22 Exponential Friction Formulas
Commonly used in commercial and industrial settings Only applicable over _____ __ ____ collected Hazen-Williams exponential friction formula range of data C = Hazen-Williams coefficient

23 Head loss: Hazen-Williams Coefficient
C Condition 150 PVC 140 Extremely smooth, straight pipes; asbestos cement 130 Very smooth pipes; concrete; new cast iron 120 Wood stave; new welded steel 110 Vitrified clay; new riveted steel 100 Cast iron after years of use 95 Riveted steel after years of use 60-80 Old pipes in bad condition

24 Hazen-Williams vs Darcy-Weisbach
Both equations are empirical Darcy-Weisbach is dimensionally correct, and ________. Hazen-Williams can be considered valid only over the range of gathered data. Hazen-Williams can’t be extended to other fluids without further experimentation. preferred

25 Air Release Valve

26 Pipes

27 Additional PVC Pipe Schedules
Presión de Trabajo RD kg/cm psi RD kg/cm psi RD kg/cm psi RD kg/cm psi

28 Surveying Vertical angle q Dx r Dz

29 Surveying using Stadia
Vertical angle q Dx r Dz b c The reading is on a vertical rod, so it needs to be corrected to the smaller distance measured perpendicular to a straight line connecting the theodolite to the rod. a

30 Horizontal Distance Trig identity
M is the Stadia multiplier (often 100) c is the Stadia reading

31 Vertical Distance Trig identities

32 Pipe Length (along the slope)

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