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The Information Systems Concentration Barry Floyd Professor, Information Systems IS Concentration Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "The Information Systems Concentration Barry Floyd Professor, Information Systems IS Concentration Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Information Systems Concentration Barry Floyd Professor, Information Systems IS Concentration Coordinator

2 Passion  Figure out what you really like to do  What do information systems graduates do?  ‘Know” business and technology Business Analyst Web designer Network Administrator Database Designer  Are you a ‘people’ person? 

3 $$$$  If you don’t have a passion, go for money. Average starting salaries reported by graduates for 2007-2008 Information Systems $60,000 Industrial Technology $59,000 Economics $53,000 Finance $53,000 Accounting $52,000 Management $41,300 International Business $40,000 Marketing $38,000

4 Cal Poly Career Services  2007.php?yr=2007%20-%202008 2007.php?yr=2007%20-%202008

5 Who will pay you that much money?  Google  IBM  Amgen  Big four consulting firms  Apple  Sun  Microsoft  Disney  Oracle  Chevron  AOL  Cisco  Grant Thornton  Gilead Sciences  Lockheed  … Make sure you have the right concentration!!

6 Service  If you don’t know what you like, and are not motivated by money, do something nice for the world: build houses with Jimmy Carter in Nicaragua join the peace corp, …  Get a job with Amgen?

7 Note  The best job does all three …

8 Overseas Assignments  Many of our students are given overseas assignments within two years of starting their jobs Frida Orre: Google Dublin -Ireland Scott Allen: EY - Australia Erin Bivens: Capital Group - London  Why will they send you overseas? Skills!!!  I have taught in Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Mexico, Vietnam, Finland, Spain …

9 Double Concentrate  We make is easy for you to have two concentrations.. Most highly sought after double concentration is Information Systems and Accounting But you can double concentrate with marketing, finance, international business, entrepreneurship, management …

10 Goals of IS program  To educate students in the area of information systems AND have all students find a job in their chosen profession … We will help you find an internship We will help you find a full-time job after graduation  Be happy  There are jobs available, even in these tough times …

11 Are there jobs?  Article in Delta Sky airline magazine says …  1,181,000 … “That’s how many U.S. Software Engineers will be needed by 2016, a 38 percent increase over 2006, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. A whopping 45 percent increase is expected for applications engineers, those directly involved with business units and computer programs. … applications positions grow faster because they promote innovation and efficiency.”

12 The Concentration  The IS concentration courses: Two programming classes One database class One systems analysis and design class One software implementation class Two electives  Take your first IS class (BUS 290) Spring Quarter of your sophomore or junior year

13 Things to do …  Take BUS 391 early (or any intro class in the functional areas of business) This will help you determine which is the right concentration for you.  Meet Jane Johnson in career services and see what jobs are there for business students … have a target job that you are shooting for and then do the work to get that job.  Join Greenlight program if allowed  Don’t screw up your GPA by farting around in your classes your first two years  Be a good member of any team you are on  Know that the IS concentration is the best one out there (it’s true)

14 Information Systems Association   Students to answer questions … Ron Wong Tiffany Russell

15 Contact  Barry Floyd  805 756 6551   Screenname: barrydfloyd  Facebook …  Questions??

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