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International Marketing Dichter’s Consumption Motives January 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "International Marketing Dichter’s Consumption Motives January 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Marketing Dichter’s Consumption Motives January 2007

2 60%40% 60%40%Shaving with a razor 80%20%Buying fur coats for women 50% Toy guns 20%80%Heavy shoes 60%40%Red meat 100%0%CoffeeMasculinity - Virility 20%80%Power tools 0%100%Pistols 20%80%Electric trains 20%80%Bowling 100%0%Sugary productsPower RELATIVEUNIVERSALDichter's consumption motives Percentage Large breakfasts

3 SecurityIce-cream0%100% Drawer of neatly ironed shirts60%40% Real plaster walls80%20% Home baking60%40% Hospital care20%80% EroticismSweets40%60% Gloves40%60% A man lighting a woman’s cig.80%20% Percentage Dichter's consumption motives UNIVERSALRELATIVE

4 60%40%Beauty products 40%60%SoapAcceptance 60%40%Sugar and honey 20%80%ToysLove and affection 83%17%Coffee 60%40%Ice-creamCompanionship 80%20%Oatmeal 33%67%Bathing 40%60%Cleaning chemicals 60%40%Cotton fabric 100%0%White bread Moral purity- Cleanliness Percentage Dichter's consumption motivesUNIVERSALRELATIVE

5 Percentage Dichter's consumption motivesUNIVERSALRELATIVE IndividualityGourmet foods40%60% Foreign cars17%83% Cigarettes holders100%0% Vodka0%100% Perfume100%0% Fountain pens60%40% StatusScotch80%20% Ulcers20%80% Heart attacks20%80% Indigestion20%80% Carpets20%80% FemininityCakes and cookies25%75% Dolls100%0% Silk0%100% Tea0%100% Household curios75%25%

6 RewardCigarettes50% Candy alcohol0%100% Ice-cream25%75% Cookies25%75% Mastery over env.Kitchen appliances50% Boats75%25% Sporting goods50% Cigarette lighters50% Percentage Dichter's consumption motivesUNIVERSALRELATIVE

7 DisalienationHome decorating75%25% Skiing0%100% Morning radio broadcasts50% Magic-mysterySoups25%75% Paints50% Carbonated drinks25%75% Vodka50% Unwrapping of gifts75%25% TOTAL45%55% Percentage Dichter's consumption motivesUNIVERSALRELATIVE You have estimated that consumption motives are: universal: 45% relative: 55%

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