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The Software Process Strategy The Software Process Strategy Part III.

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1 The Software Process Strategy The Software Process Strategy Part III

2 2.7 Defect Recording Log The Defect Record Log and its instructions are shown in Table 2.8 and 2.9. The example in Table 2.10 shows how one student completed his defect log for program 1A. To the extent you know the phase or step in which a defect was injected, you should note that phase under inject. If you don’t know, enter your best estimate. Next, enter under remove the phase or step in which the defect was found. If, as in the example, defect 1 was found and fixed in the compile phase, then enter compile.

3 Table 2.8

4 Table 2.9

5 Table 2.10

6 Table 2.11

7 2.7 Defect Recording Log (cont.) FIX TIME Fix time is a bit more of a problem. Most compile problems will likely be fixed in a minute or so, therefore you can generally enter 1 under Fix Time. In test, however, it is easy to lose track of how long you spend on each defect. In this case, it is generally wise to use a stop watch or to record the time you start and stop working on a fix.

8 2.7 Defect Recording Log (cont.) THE MULTIPLE-DEFECT PROBLEM One Problem you will likely encounter concerns multiple-defects-while fixing one defect, you encounter and fix another. You should separately record each defect and its fix time.

9 2.7 Defect Recording Log (cont.) The example shown in Fig.2.3 illustrates this. 1.Defect 17 is a logic defect you encountered in test at 11:06. After 41 minutes, you had a fix ready to compile. 2.While compiling the fix for defect 17, you encountered defect 18- a typographical error you made while fixing defect 17. You found it at 11:47 and fixed it in 1 minute. 3.While fixing defect 18, you noticed defect 19 and started to fix it at 11:48. It was a wrong name that was introduced in coding. It took 2 minutes to fix. 4.After fixing defect 19, you spent 6 more minutes compiling and testing the fix to defect 17 before you were convinced you had fixed it. Your total elapsed time was 50 minutes but the actual fix time for defect 17 was only 47 minutes. 5.A little later in testing you find defect 20. It is a logic error that you injected while fixing defect 17. It took 26 minutes to fix. It is important to note that these data are only to be used by you in deciding where you can improve your process.

10 Figure 2.3

11 Table 2.12

12 2.8 PSP0 Project Plan Summary The PSP0 Project Plan Summary and its instructions are shown in Table 2.13 and 2.14. In planning the job, estimate in whatever way you can how much total time it will take you to write the program. If you don’t have a better way, you will have to make a guess. During the postmortem or when you complete each phase, enter the total time you spent in that phase in the Actual time column. Calculate the total time for each phase from your time recording log and enter this total in the actual time column in the plan form. Also from your defect record log, count the defects you found in compile and the defects you found in test and enter them in the compile and test positions, respectively. An example project plan summary is shown in table 2.15. It includes the data from the examples in Table 2.7 and 2.10.

13 Table 2.13

14 Table 2.14

15 Table 2.15

16 2.10 Summary A defined process can help you to understand your performance as a software engineer and to see where and how to improve it. PSP0 measures the time you spend in each development phase and the defects you inject and find per phase. You use standard formats for defect and time recording. You will then use these data in later chapters to help you to make better plans and to guide you as you improve your process.

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