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Real-Time Java Real-Time Systems Anders P. Ravn Aalborg University March 2008.

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1 Real-Time Java Real-Time Systems Anders P. Ravn Aalborg University March 2008

2 Time HighResolutionTime AbsoluteTime RelativeTime RationalTime

3 RTSJ HighResolutionTime public abstract class HighResolutionTime implements java.lang.Comparable { public abstract AbsoluteTime absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime destination); public abstract RelativeTimeTime relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime destination);... public boolean equals(HighResolutionTime time); public final long getMilliseconds(); public final int getNanoseconds(); public void set(HighResolutionTime time); public void set(long millis); public void set(long millis, int nanos); }

4 public class AbsoluteTime extends HighResolutionTime { // various constructor methods including public AbsoluteTime(AbsoluteTime T); public AbsoluteTime(long millis, int nanos); public AbsoluteTime absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest);... public final AbsoluteTime add(RelativeTime time);... public final RelativeTime subtract(AbsoluteTime time); public final AbsoluteTime subtract(RelativeTime time);... public void set(java.util.Date date) } RTSJ AbsoluteTime

5 Clocks in Java Similar to those in Ada java.lang. System.currentTimeMillis returns the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 GMT and is used by java.util.Date

6 public class RelativeTime extends HighResolutio { // various constructor methods including public RelativeTime(long millis, int nanos); public RelativeTime(RelativeTime time); public AbsoluteTime absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime destination); public final RelativeTime add(RelativeTime time); public final RelativeTime subtract(RelativeTime time); } RTSJ RelativeTime

7 public class RationalTime extends RelativeTime Deprecated. As of RTSJ 1.0.1 An object that represents a time interval milliseconds/10 3 + nanoseconds/10 9 seconds long that is divided into subintervals by some frequency. This is generally used in periodic events, threads, and feasibility analysis to specify periods where there is a basic period that must be adhered to strictly (the interval), but within that interval the periodic events are supposed to happen frequency times, as uniformly spaced as possible, but clock and scheduling jitter is moderately acceptable. Caution: This class is explicitly unsafe in multithreaded situations when it is being changed. No synchronization is done. It is assumed that users of this class who are mutating instances will be doing their own synchronization at a higher level. RTSJ RationalTime

8 RTSJ Clock public abstract class Clock { public Clock(); public static Clock getRealtimeClock(); public abstract RelativeTime getEpochOffset(); public abstract RelativeTime getResolution(); public AbsoluteTime getTime(); public abstract void getTime(AbsoluteTime time); public abstract void setResolution(RelativeTime resolution); }

9 RTSJ Timer Timer OneShotTimerPeriodicTimer AsyncEvent

10 RTSJ AsyncEvent public class AsyncEvent { public AsyncEvent(); public void addHandler(AsyncEventHandler handler);... } An asynchronous event can have a set of handlers associated with it, and when the event occurs, the fireCount of each handler is incremented, and the handlers are released.

11 RTSJ Timer public abstract class Timer { protected Timer(HighResolutionTime time, Clock clock, AsyncEventHandler handler);... public void enable(); public void disable();... public AbsoluteTime getFireTime(AbsoluteTime dest); public void fire(); Should not be called. The fire method is reserved for the use of the timer. }

12 RTSJ ReleaseParameters ReleaseParameters PeriodicParameters AperiodicParameters SporadicParameters

13 RTSJ ReleaseParameters public abstract class ReleaseParameters { protected ReleaseParameters( RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler);... public RelativeTime getCost(); public AsyncEventHandler getCostOverrunHandler(); public RelativeTime getDeadline(); public AsyncEventHandler getDeadlineMissHandler(); // methods for setting the above }

14 public class PeriodicParameters extends ReleaseParameters { public PeriodicParameters( HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime period, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler); public RelativeTime getPeriod(); public HighResolutionTime getStart(); public void setPeriod(RelativeTime period); public void setStart(HighResolutionTime start); } RTSJ Periodic Parameters

15 RTSJ Aperiodic- and SporadicParameters public class AperiodicParameters extends ReleaseParameters { public AperiodicParameters(RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler); } public class SporadicParameters extends AperiodicParameters { public SporadicParameters(RelativeTime minInterarrival, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler); public RelativeTime getMinimumInterarrival(); public void setMinimumInterarrival(RelativeTime minimum); }

16 RTSJ SchedulingParameters SchedulingParameters PriorityParameters ImportanceParameters

17 RTSJ SchedulingParameters public class PriorityParameters { public PriorityParameters(int priority);... } public class ImportanceParameters { public PriorityParameters(int priority, int importance);... } Importance is an additional scheduling metric that may be used by some priority-based scheduling algorithms during overload conditions to differentiate execution order among threads of the same priority.

18 RTSJ Scheduler Scheduler PriorityScheduler Class which represents the required (by the RTSJ) priority-based scheduler. The default instance is the base scheduler which does fixed priority, preemptive scheduling.

19 RTSJ PriorityScheduler public class PriorityScheduler extends Scheduler { public static PriorityScheduler instance();... protected boolean addToFeasibility(Schedulable schedulable); public boolean isFeasible(); public boolean SetIfFeasible( Schedulable schedulable, ReleaseParameters release, MemoryParameters memory); }

20 RTSJ Schedulable «interface» Schedulable AsyncEventHandler RealTimeThread BoundAsyncEventHandlerNoHeapRealTimeThread

21 RTSJ AsyncEventHandler public class AsyncEventHandler extends java.lang.Object implements Schedulable { public AsyncEventHandler( SchedulingParameters scheduling, ReleaseParameters release, MemoryParameters memory, MemoryArea area, boolean nonheap);... public void handleAsyncEvent(); // the program to be executed... protected int getAndClearPendingFireCount(); }

22 RTSJ RealTimeThread public class RealtimeThread extends java.lang.Thread implements Schedulable { public RealtimeThread(SchedulingParameters s, ReleaseParameters r);... // methods for implementing the Schedulable interface public synchronized void addToFeasibility();... public static RealtimeThread currentRealtimeThread(); public synchronized void schedulePeriodic(); // add the thread to the list of schedulable objects public synchronized void deschedulePeriodic(); // remove the thread from the list of schedulable object // when it next issues a waitForNextPeriod public boolean waitForNextPeriod() throws...; public synchronized void interrupt(); // overrides java.lang.Thread.interrupt() public static void sleep(Clock c, HighResolutionTime time) throws...; }

23 RTSJ Periodic public class Periodic extends RealtimeThread { public Periodic( PriorityParameters PP, PeriodicParameters P) {... }; public void run() { while(true) { // code to be run each period... waitForNextPeriod(); }

24 RTSJ Periodic Example { AbsoluteTime A = new AbsoluteTime(...); PeriodicParameters P = new PeriodicParameters( A, new RelativeTime(10,0), new RelativeTime(1,0), new RelativeTime(5,0), null, null ); PriorityParameters PP = new PriorityParameters(...); Periodic ourThread = new Periodic(PP, P); //create thread ourThread.start(); // release it }

25 RTSJ Memory Management MemoryArea «singleton» HeapMemory ScopedMemory ImmortalMemory LTMemory ImmortalPhysicalMemory VTMemory

26 RTSJ MemoryArea public abstract class MemoryArea { protected MemoryArea(long sizeInBytes); public void enter(java.lang.Runnable logic); // associate this memory area to the current thread // for the duration of the method public static MemoryArea getMemoryArea( java.lang. Object object); // get the memory area associated with the object public long memoryConsumed(); // number of bytes consumed in this memory area public long memoryRemaining(); // number of bytes remaining... public synchronized java.lang.Object newInstance( java.lang.Class type)throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, OutOfMemoryError; // allocate an object public long size(); // the size of the memory area }

27 Immortal Memory Immortal memory is shared among all threads in an application Objects created in immortal memory are never subject to garbage collection and are freed only when the program terminates public final class ImmortalMemory extends MemoryArea { public static ImmortalMemory instance(); } There is also a class called ImmortalPhysicalMemory which has the same characteristics as immortal memory but allows objects to be allocated from within a range of physical addresses

28 Scoped Memory A memory area where objects which have a well-defined lifetime May be entered explicitly (by the use of the enter method) or implicitly by attaching it to a RealtimeThread at thread creation time Associated with each scoped memory is a reference count which incremented for every call to enter and at every associated thread creation It is decremented when the enter method returns and at every associated thread exit When the reference count reaches 0, all objects resident in the scoped memory have their finalization method executed and the memory is reclaimed Scoped memory can be nested by nested calls to enter

29 Scoped Memory public abstract class ScopedMemory extends MemoryArea { public ScopedMemory(long size); public void enter(java.lang.Runnable logic); public int getMaximumSize(); public MemoryArea getOuterScope(); public java.lang.Object getPortal(); public void setPortal(java.lang.Object object); }

30 Scoped Memory The ScopedMemory class which has several subclasses –VTMemory : allocations may take variable amounts of time –LTMemory : allocations occur in linear time (related to the size of the object) –ScopedPhysicalMemory : allowing objects to be allocated at physical memory locations To avoid the possibility of dangling pointers, a set of access restrictions are placed on the use of the various memory areas –Heap objects -- can reference other heap objects and objects in immortal memory only (i.e. it cannot access scoped memory) –Immortal objects -- can reference heap objects and immortal memory objects only; –Scoped objects -- can reference heaped objects, immortal objects and objects in the same scope or an outer scope only

31 Example import javax.realtime.*; public class ThreadCode implements Runnable { private void computation() { final int min = 1*1024; final int max = 1*1024; final LTMemory myMem = new LTMemory(min, max); myMem.enter(new Runnable() { public void run() { // code here which requires access // to temporary memory } } ); }

32 Example The thread can now be created; note, no parameters other than the memory area and the Runnable are given public void run() {... computation();... } ThreadCode code = new ThreadCode(); RealtimeThread myThread = new RealtimeThread( null, null, null, ImmortalMemory.instance(), null, code);

33 Stack Management Embedded programmers also have to be concerned with stack size Specifying the stack size of a task/thread requires trivial support (for example, in Ada it is via the Storage_Size attribute applied to a task; in POSIX it is via pthread attributes) Calculating the stack size is more difficult; as tasks enter blocks and execute procedures their stacks grow To estimate the maximum extent of this growth requires knowledge of the execution behaviour of each task This knowledge is similar to that required to undertake WCET analysis WCET and worst-case stack usage bounds can be obtained from control flow analysis of the task's code

34 RTSJ Memory Access RTSJ allows access to memory mapped device registers via the concept of raw memory An implementation is allowed to support a range of memory types, e.g. DMA, shared memory, IO_Page

35 public class RawMemoryAccess { protected RawMemoryAccess(long base, long size); protected RawMemoryAccess(RawMemoryAccess memory, long base, long size); public static RawMemoryAccess create( java.lang.Object type, long size) throws SecurityException, OffsetOutOfBoundsException, SizeOutOfBoundsException, UnsupportedPhysicalMemoryException; public static RawMemoryAccess create( java.lang.Object type, long base, long size) throws SecurityException, OffsetOutOfBoundsException, SizeOutOfBoundsException, UnsupportedPhysicalMemoryException; public byte getByte(long offset) throws SizeOutOfBoundsException, OffsetOutOfBoundsException; // similarly for integers, long integers, etc public void setByte(long offset, byte value) throwsSizeOutOfBoundsException, OffsetOutOfBoundsException; // similarly for integers, long integers etc }

36 Control and Status Register Example public class ControlAndStatusRegister { RawMemoryAccess rawMemory; public ControlAndStatusRegister(long base, long size) { rawMemory = RawMemoryAccess.create(IO_Page, base, size); } public void setControlWord(short value) { rawMemory.setShort(0, value); } };

37 Using the CSR { byte shadow, channel; final byte start = 01; final byte enable = 040; final long csrAddress = 015002; final long csrSize = 2; ControlAndStatusRegister csr = new ControlAndStatusRegister(csrAddress, csrSize); channel = 6; shadow = (channel << 8) | start | enable; csr.setControlWord(shadow); }

38 Interrupt Handling RTJ views an interrupt as an asynchronous event The interrupt is equivalent to a call of the fire method The association between the interrupt and the event is achieved via the bindTo method in the AsyncEven t class The parameter is of string type, and this is used in an implementation-dependent manner — one approach might be to pass the address of the interrupt vector When the interrupt occurs, the appropriate handler's fire method is called Now, it is possible to associate the handler with a schedulable object and give it an appropriate priority and release parameters

39 Interrupt Handling AsyncEvent Interrupt = new AsyncEvent(); AsyncEventHandler InterruptHandler = new BoundAsyncEventHandler( priParams, releaseParams, null, null, null); Interrupt.addHandler(InterruptHandler); Interrupt.bindTo(”0177760");

40 Ravenscar Periodic Thread

41 Asynchronous Event and Handler

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