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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture HORT 515 Spring – 2007 (March 26-April 27), MWF – 12:30-1:20p, HORT 210 Mike Hasegawa HORT 324, –

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1 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture HORT 515 Spring – 2007 (March 26-April 27), MWF – 12:30-1:20p, HORT 210 Mike Hasegawa HORT 324, Email – PeriodLecture titleDate 1Introduction (Professor Matt Jenks)3/26 2&3Nutrient Media, Explants, Culture3/28-30 4Callus Cultures4/2 5Cell Suspension Cultures4/4 6Organ Cultures4/6 7Production of Haploids in Vitro4/9 8Plant Regeneration4/11 9Plant Regeneration4/13 10Plant Propagation4/16 11Genetic Transformation4/18 12Genetic Transformation4/20 13Topics in Biotechnology4/23 14Topics in Biotechnology/Student Evaluation 4/25 15Exam4/27

2 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture HORT 515 Spring- 2007 Course Description This course will focus on the principles, techniques and application of plant cell, tissue and organ culture. Composition of and procedures for preparation of nutrient media; techniques for explant and propagule isolation and culture; and tissue culture growth environments required for initiation and maintenance of cell, tissue and organ cultures will be presented. Principles related to the regulation of cell growth, and tissue and organ differentiation will be discussed and linked to the utilization of tissue culture systems for micropropagation and production of haploid plants. Finally, methods of genetic transformation and plant regeneration that result in production of transgenic plants and implications of these methodologies to crop improvement and production of novel plant products through biotechnology will be discussed.

3 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Hort 515 Spring - 2007 Course Grading Topics in Plant Biotechnology Report: Written85 points Oral40 points Final Exam:125 points Total250 points Topics in Plant Biotechnology Report: Students may work individually or pair into teams. Each team should select a single key, but current, reference (2004-present) to use as the principal focal point for the report. Let Mike know the reference citation, and make him a copy (by April 13) in order for me to ensure that there is no duplication of topics. References cited within the principal paper will be useful information sources. Each member of the team will prepare, independently, a written summary (two to five pages maximum with literature citations). The oral report of the topic will be presented by the team (any combinatorial format is ok) during the last two class periods (topics in plant biotechnology). The report will include a formal presentation (no longer than 12 minutes) and a question/answer period (3 minutes).

4 Timetable: April 13 – select a biotechnology paper for the report from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Genetics, Trends in Plant Science, Current Opinions in Plant Biology, etc. – These journals are recommended because of the concise and precise presentation style that is used. Decide if the presentation is to be done individually or as part of a team. April 20 – written summary is due, copies will be given to your colleagues prior to the presentation April 23 and 25 – oral presentations (Continued)

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