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Cells and cell growth Membranes and cell walls Fertilization and embryogenesis Seed development and dormancy Germination Water transport Water relations.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells and cell growth Membranes and cell walls Fertilization and embryogenesis Seed development and dormancy Germination Water transport Water relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells and cell growth Membranes and cell walls Fertilization and embryogenesis Seed development and dormancy Germination Water transport Water relations Plant nutrition Solute transport Gene function Skotomorphogenesis Photomorphogenesis Phytochrome

2 Three learning goals: - what is a phytochrome plant photoreceptor to govern light development requirements: light sensing ability signal transduction - phytochromes and their integration in development how phytochrome senses light and what happens then requirements: light sensitivity at particular wavelengths - phytochrome interactions with downstream proteins requirements: signal transduction apparatus that connects phytochrome activity with gene regulation


4 In a nutshell: phytochrome function

5 Phytochrome – plant signal transduction Environmental signal: light Receptor: phytochrome Signal transduction: PIF etc. Gene activation: PIGs Biological response: photomorphogenesis

6 Photomorphogenesis Skotomorphogenesis (etiolation)


8 Germination of lettuce seeds (photoreversibility) Reversible R/FR response system controlled by phytochrome germination

9 Pr Pfr Red light Far-red light inactive active Phytochrome dogma

10 synthesis germination, flower Induction…… red light far red light Phytochrome: from synthesis to action

11 blue lightred light

12 Arabidopsis: 5 phytochrome proteins (phyA - phy E), differ in their apoproteins Phytochrome : homodimeric chromoprotein: apoprotein and phytochromobilin (open chained tetrapyrrol) as chromophor form holoprotein

13 Strasburger, 2002 RFR PR inactive PFR active P FR active P R inactive sensor signal transduction Regulatory function

14 Strasburger, 2002 Structure of phytochrome proteins

15 Phytochrome responses vary with amount of light VLFR: 0.00001 µmol x m -2 LFR: 1-1000 µmol x m -2 Arabidopsis seed germination Lettuce seed germination Anthocyanin synthesis Inhibition of hypocotyl elong. Enlargement of cotyledons Apical hook opening HIR: >1000 µmol x m -2 x s -1

16 Phytochrome responses vary with amount of light Inhibition of hypocotyl elongation HIR: >1000 µmol x m -2 x s -1

17 Phytochrome responses vary with amount of light LFR: 1-1000 µmol x m -2 Lettuce seed germination

18 Strasburger, 2002 Shade avoidance reaction

19 Sunlight and CO 2 have different effects on leaf morphology

20 What happens in the shade?


22 Pr Pfr Red light Far-red light Photoequilibrium: 660 nm 80% Pfr 730 nm 2-3% Pfr R/FR Sunlight:1.13 Dusk: 0.8/0.9 Shade of leaves:0.2 inactiveACTIVE !!!

23 Strasburger, 2002 Shade avoidance reaction

24 Strasburger, 2002 Shade avoidance reaction

25 Strasburger, 2002 Shade avoidance reaction

26 PHYA-GFP and PHYB-GFP fusion proteins migrate into the nucleus PHYA-GFP PHYB-GFP Dark Red

27 Gene activation through phytochrome Nuclear import DNA binding Gene activation

28 Red light Far-red light Pr Pfr Two holoproteins (+chromophore) form a dimer Histidine kinase related Chromophore binding domain IIA IA IIB IB IA IIA IIBIB


30 Germination in dark and light


32 Gene activation through photoreceptors and PIF proteins Hemara

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