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SET – Secure Electronic Transaction Setting The Stage For Safe Internet Shopping -Jignesh Shah- -Riyaz Malbari-

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Presentation on theme: "SET – Secure Electronic Transaction Setting The Stage For Safe Internet Shopping -Jignesh Shah- -Riyaz Malbari-"— Presentation transcript:

1 SET – Secure Electronic Transaction Setting The Stage For Safe Internet Shopping -Jignesh Shah- -Riyaz Malbari-

2 History/Background: - Internet shopping didn’t quite pick up as consumers considered financial transactions over the internet, unsafe - Lacks the one on one transaction feeling. - Visa & MC came up with the idea what we call as SET.

3 Advantages: - Privacy: Uses 1024 bit public key cryptography which renders the intercepted message unreadable ! - Integrity: Hashing & signing ensures message sent is unaltered. - Authentication: Uses digital certificates to ensure the parties are really who they claim to be.

4 How SET Works: Components: Cardholder Merchant Acquirer Gateway Certification Authority

5 Merchant’s Cardholder’s Bank Bank 1. Cardholder initializes purchase 2. Merchant verifies funds 3. Acquirer authorizes purchase & Verifies merchant’s certificate 5. Requests payment 4. Order is confirmed 6. Makes transfers & provides payment to merchant

6 How safe is SET? -Uses 1024–bit cipher keys, making it one of the strongest encryption applications. -If we use 100 computers each processing 10 MIPS, it would take 2.8 x 10 11 years to break just ONE encrypted message !!!! Source:

7 SET versus SSL -SET was developed specifically for payment transaction. SSL simply encrypts the communication channel between cardholder & merchant website and its not backed by any financial institution. - Compare 128-bit encryption with that to SET !

8 SET versus SSL: -SET also authenticates each participant as its backed by CA & financial institutions. -SET provides security throughout the entire transaction process. SSL provides security only between cardholder and merchant.

9 Concept of Dual Signature : AliceBob Bank

10 Certificate Issuance: Electronic representation of payment card/brand Must be approved by the Acquirer gateway

11 Payment Processing : Cardholder registeration Merchant registeration Purchase request Payment authorisation Payment capture








19 Drawbacks:  Slow  Expensive  Not portable

20 References:   

21 THANK YOU !!!

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