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A System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC) by Dick Schaap - MARIS Status March 2007 Supported by the European.

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Presentation on theme: "A System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC) by Dick Schaap - MARIS Status March 2007 Supported by the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 a System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC) by Dick Schaap - MARIS Status March 2007 Supported by the European Commission as part of the 6th Framework Programme sub-priority – Global Change and Ecosystems EC contract no. 518078

2 A major share of metocean in situ observations for the oceans and seas is collected by research institutions and governmental organizations, operating monitoring stations and performing field surveys. In addition a very substantial volume of metocean in situ data is collected by private industry, in particular by or under contract to major oil & gas companies. However there is not a common awareness of available data sets and no systematic indexing and archival of these data sets within the industry. Furthermore there is only limited reporting and access to these data sets & results of field studies for other parties, in particular the scientific community. The issue

3 Autumn 2003, Pat Hyder introduced the idea to OGP MetOcean Committee for restricted release of the global commercial ocean data set for research (in particularly to evaluate ocean models) with technical support of the International Pacific Research Centre. The Committee agreed to compile a cross-company inventory and, in principle, to making data available in a restricted manner for future research. Total, BP and Shell agreed to take the proposal forward. Early 2004, Shell discussed the idea with MARIS at Oceanology International and it was agreed that MARIS would compose a partnership and compile a proposal to the EU. This was submitted in Autumn 2004 and successfully evaluated (24 out of 25 points) in January 2005. The project was officially launched in June 2005. Some history

4 Create an internet based central index, including a geographical user interface, of metocean data sets, collected globally by OGP members (oil & gas industry) both in the past and ongoing Harmonise the quality and formats of the data sets and store these in a central database, linked to the central index, for unified retrieving and access of the metocean datasets by internet Define a SIMORC Data Protocol with rules agreed by OGP members for access and use of data sets by scientific & educational users, and by other users. Promote and disseminate the SIMORC facility in the oil & gas industry, scientific communities and developing countries to achieve an increasing number of contributing parties and users Objectives

5 Project, financially supported by the European Commission Limited Interest Project (LIP) of OGP Metocean Committee to enable participation of increasing number of OGP members  OGP – supported by Task group of Shell, Total and BP Amoco  MARIS (coordinator and system development)  BODC (quality control and harmonisation of all datasets)  IOC-IODE (dissemination and education)  LIP signed by: Shell, Total, BP, Chevron, Statoil, and Hydro. Considered by ConocoPhilipps, ExxonMobil, …  Supported by international Advisory Board Partnership & Framework

6 Metadata format for data sets, based upon Sea-Search / SeaDataNet Common Data Index (CDI) format and XML schema; ISO 19115 compliant Metadata format for publications/ analysis reports, based upon Dublin Core model for bibliographic interoperability Formats for delivery of data sets: NetCDF and BODC ASCII Manual with QC & formatting procedures, based upon international practices Formats

7 Internal metadata and data Flow Data sets Publications QCForma t XML record per Data set file Data set file NetCDF Data set file BODC-Ascii QC Doc page per Data set file at BODC server Meta data record per Publication Publication File (doc / pdf) SIMORC Metadatabase SIMORC Data set Files SIMORC Publication Metadatabase SIMORC Publication Files OGP MemberBODC MARIS Possible other sources

8 Data delivery and progress Shell June 2006: DVD of data from Shell 1878 data files, waves, currents, met. including wind One format, well documented Ca 600 now included in SIMORC and further work by BODC underway BP May 2006: First batch of data from FugroGEOS ADCPs August 2006: Second batch of data from FugroGEOS ADCPs February 2007: Third batch of data from FugroGEOS Current Meters up to 300 more series to deliver from FugroGEOS Extra from BP Office for e.g. Caspian Sea underway Contact with BP USA for Gulf of Mexico data sets Ca 30 sets now included in SIMORC and further work by BODC underway

9 Data progress Total October 2005: First data received December 2005: Second data sets received April 2006: Further data from Total (Gulf of Mexico) June 2006: DVDs of data from Total June 2006: Boxes of 5.25 inch floppies January 2007: Aditioanl data sets delivered Many problems to resolve due to lack of documentation; limited transfer to SIMORC database so far Support from Total top management to hire additional staff for one year to support BODC in QC and harmonisation of these data sets Conoco Philips Release of high-quality data set for Ekofisk Field – North Sea from 1980 to present – soon to be transferred to BODC

10 Searching and browsing in the SIMORC metadatabases of available data sets and related publications is a public internet service Data sets and related publications are managed by SIMORC in a secure domain behind a firewall and measures have been taken to prevent unwanted access Ordering of data sets and delivery by downloading of data sets can only be done by registered users and requires a valid User License Agreement Protocol - Access Principles

11 Access principles Scientific Users Non-Scientific Users Data sets labelled: LI = Available under licence Direct accessRequest forwarded to owner Data sets labelled: RS = Restricted Request forwarded to owner Users Restriction

12 Order flow diagram Search in metadatabase Results Order list Submit Order (specify filetype + Publication yes/no) User Check Meta database YES Scientific Shopping Basket NO Info about Conditions, Registration etc Log in Register license scientific institutes Register Other users User Register YES Non-Scientific

13 Order flow registered scientific users Confirmation mail to user and (split to) owner(s) User to download Data set(s) + Publication(s) Transaction Register Submit extended Order Form with motivation LIRS Owner to consider Requests All activity administered YES Scientific Shopping Basket Check on status LI / RS User notified User Register Order delivered No Yes Data sets Publications

14 Order flow registered other users Confirmation mail to user and (split to) owner(s) User to download Data set(s) + Publication(s) Transaction Register Submit extended Order Form with motivation LIRS Owner to consider Requests All activity administered YES Non-Scientific Shopping Basket User notified User Register Order delivered No Yes Data sets Publications

15 SIMORC Metadatabase and User Interface: Searching and browsing of metadata of data sets and related publications, stored in SIMORC SIMORC User Register: Details of users, their organizations and addresses, contract period, Id-Passwords, type of user SIMORC Shopping Basket: Preparing a user request of multiple data sets, handling validation of users, and routing requests to the Transaction Register SIMORC Transaction Register: Processing and administration of all requests and data deliveries (downloads), for users and owners. Master level to oversee all transactions. System Modules

16 SIMORC Service is operational !

17 User dialogue User interface for searching data sets

18 User dialogue Resulting data sets

19 User dialogue At present ca 650 data sets, more underway

20 User dialogue Resulting data sets Include in Shopping basket

21 User dialogue Check shopping basket Submit order

22 User dialogue Log on required or first registration Submit order

23 User dialogue Order confirmation after Log on

24 User dialogue Definitive confirmation and order no.

25 User dialogue Transaction register for users and data owners

26 User dialogue User can check status of orderlines and download agreed data sets

27 User dialogue Data owner can check status of orderlines and agree / deny requests

28 SIMORC has been integrated in oceanographic data management training courses, organised by IOC-IODE So far more than 15 training courses have been held Overall more than 300 participants from 75 countries have been made aware of SIMORC and have received training in its use SIMORC training curriculum will be included in the IODE OceanTeacher system. These tools are used during the IODE Training Courses and can also be used for self-training and continuous professional development. It was recently agreed that WMO will use the OceanTeacher as a main training tool for Marine Meteorology. Targets are creating wide awareness in scientific communities and developing countries Training

29 Substantial database of data sets Processes, methods, standards and systems in place and operational to process and include new data sets and to serve users Service includes: Transparant overview of available data sets Delivery of harmonised and documented data sets QC of submitted data Supporting further use and exchange of data sets Present state

30 Further processing of received data sets for inclusion in SIMORC Service Extension of EC contract requested till December 2007 to allow for spending of remaining budgets on processing of more data sets Strong recommendation to other OGP members => make use of this and supply additional data sets soon!! Promotion of the service to scientific institutes and developing countries => registration of users via Licence Agreements Preparing an LIP arrangement with OGP members for coming 3 years of SIMORC Service operations for further expansion of the SIMORC database with new / fresh data sets from existing suppliers and old data sets from other OGP companies Providing OGP members with manual to use towards subcontractors for standard QC, formating and documentation of new Metocean data sets for a smooth processing. Future

31 SIMORC Service is operational ! Visit the SIMORC Service at SIMORC Service is operational!!!

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