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KBC Bank & Insurance Group 2000 Results Presentation for financial analysts 5 March 2001
2 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Group results and key features Results - Banking Results - Insurance Activities Retail bancassurance Asset management Corporate services Market activities Central Europe Strategy Investor Considerations
3 Year 2000 Highlights Net group profits increase : 87.7% (+20.2% excl. gain on CCF) EPS up : 19.5% (excl. gain on CCF) ROE increases to 23.3% Central Europe established as second home market Strong increase of assets under management Merger integration progressing as planned Strategy updated and objectives enhanced
4 In millions of EUR20001999 % Consolidated profit - Group share *excl. gain on CCF - Banking *excl. gain on CCF - Insurance - Holding company Key figures per share (in EUR) - Net earnings *excl. gain on CCF - Net asset value - Net dividend 969.7 714.7 271.3 -16.3 3.26 3.26 33.8 0.9225 1820.7 1165.5 1520.9 876.7 320.6 -20.9 6.09 3.90 35.2 1.065 87.7 20.2 112.8 22.7 18.2 - - 19.5 4.1 15.4 Key Figures
5 Increased Profitability +12.8% +34% +21.6% +20.2% 1821 incl. CCF +87.7% 16.2% 16.1% 20.5% 23.3% In millions of EUR
6 Solid solvency ratios 2000 Bank Tier-1 ratio CAD ratio Insurance Solvency ratio (1) 7.2% 11.5% 311% 9.5% 16.0% 307% (1) excluding unrealized capital gains 1998 7.4% 12.8% 298% 1999
7 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Group results and key features Results - Banking Results - Insurance Activities Retail bancassurance Asset management Corporate services Market activities Central Europe Strategy Investor Considerations
8 In millions of EUR2000Organic % Gross operating income General expenses Operating result Value adjustments and provisions Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax Profit after tax excl. CCF 1999 % 3868 -2524 1344 -565 207 986 -183 -88 715 4656 -3094 1562 -334 693 1922 -243 -158 1521 877 20.4 22.6 16.3 -41.0 - 95.0 32.8 - 112.7 22.7 8.7 6.5 13.0 -43.0 - 26.1 25.3 - 17.1 Banking Summary
9 In millions of EUR +9% +37% +31% +13% +20.4% Total 3435 Total 3868 Total 4656 Banking Income Stream Other income8%8% Commission income20%22% Profit on financial transactions16%18% Net interest income (incl. dividends) 56%52% % of total income19992000
10 Banking Provisioning for credit risks Specific provisions Domestic International Loan loss ratio Domestic International Gen. prov. for international loans Provisions for country risks Provisions for dioxin crisis In millions of EUR 2000 1999 -270.4 -103.2 -167.1 0.24% 0.48% -12.0 -34.0 -25.2 -283.7 -253.0 -30.7 0.53% 0.09% -24.5 48.0 18.9
11 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Group results and key features Results - Banking Results - Insurance Activities Retail bancassurance Asset management Corporate services Market activities Central Europe Strategy Investor Considerations
12 Insurance Summary In millions of EUR 2000 Gross margin General expenses Operating result Non-recurring result Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax 1999 658 -344 312 16 -12 316 -41 -4 271 % 748 -374 374 25 -5 392 -74 2 321 13.7 8.8 19.1- 29.6 80.3 - 18.2
13 Insurance Business mix 1999 Gross premiums 2144.5 million EUR fire 8% accepted business 8% motor 12% individual life 58% group life 4% other non-life 10% 2000 Gross premiums 2704.7 million EUR (+26.1%) individual life 65% group life 4% fire 7% accepted business 6% motor 10% other non-life 8%
14 In millions of EUR +28.4% -3.1% +37.6% +18.9% Total 236 Total 312 Total 371 Insurance Contribution to recurring result Non-technical22%23% Non-life41%33% Life38%43% % of total recurring result19992000
15 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Group results and key features Results - Banking Results - Insurance Activities Retail bancassurance Asset management Corporate services Market activities Central Europe Strategy Investor Considerations
16 Profit Contribution by Activity 19992000 353 452 20 66 109 148 91 131 91 173 306 196 +28% +230% +36% +44% +90% -36% In millions of EUR Retail bancassurance Central Europe Corporate services Asset management Market activities Group items % profit contribution 36% 39%2% 6%11% 13%9% 11%9% 15%32% 17%
17 Retail Bancassurance Overview19992000 Profit contribution Allocated equity Percentage of equity ROE Progress in bancassurance and e-commerce Merger operations on track Prospects 353.2 m EUR 2091.6 m EUR 49.6% 16.8% 452.3 m EUR 2115.0 m EUR 36.6% 21.0%
18 Retail Bancassurance in Belgium Cross-selling penetration Total clients bank 1 337 204 (=) Total clients insurance 743 716 (+6.1%) Cross-selling 510 896 clients holding at least 1 bank AND 1 insurance product 32.5% of overall client base 38.2% of bank client base 155 750 clients holding at least 3 bank AND 3 insurance products 9.9% of overall client base 11.6% of bank client base 510 896 mutual clients
19 Merger Process Update Integration of bank branches planned -408 achieved -165
20 E-commerce Expansion of e-banking & e-insurance a top priority September 2000 : all retail KBC clients have free access to online Internet banking services on request Mid-September 2000 : launch of ‘My KBC’ Internet applications via e-mail, SMS January 2001 : acquisition of Etrasoft e-commerce trading platform KBC-Online : End of 2000 : 90 000 clients Target by end of 2002 : 300 000 clients
21 Asset Management Further growth in assets under management 31. 1 36.8 (+18.3%) 51.9 (+41%) In billions of EUR 69.6 (+34.1%) KBC AM ltd. (Ireland)- 12% Private Banking10%7% Institutional funds19%19% Mutual funds71%62% % of total AUM19992000
22 Asset Management Overview19992000 Profit contribution Market share in Belgium, 31 Dec. 2000: Acquisition of UBIM : investment 105 m EUR or 1.35% of AUM Prospects 90.7 m EUR 28.2% 131.2 m EUR 29.2%
23 Corporate Services Overview19992000 Profit contribution Allocated equity Percentage of equity ROE Focus on small- & mid-caps Prospects 109.1 m EUR 1979.5 m EUR 46.9% 5.9% 148.0 m EUR 2188.3 m EUR 37.9% 7.1%
24 Market Activities Overview19992000 Profit contribution Allocated equity Percentage of equity ROE Strong performance by KBC Securities and KBC Financial Products Acquisition of Peel Hunt key to building European platform Prospects 90.8 m EUR 848.3 m EUR 20.1% 9.8% 172.4 m EUR 557.3 m EUR 9.6% 24.6%
25 Acquisition of Peel Hunt Leading UK securities house specialized in small- & mid-caps Offer price 260 m £ (450 p per share) Acquisition funded with excess capital Consistent with strategy to expand corporate finance activities
26 Central Europe Overview19992000 Profit contribution Allocated equity Percentage of equity ROE Prospects 20.3 m EUR 603.9 m EUR 14.3% 7.6% 66.3 m EUR 795.1 m EUR 13.8% 10.4%
27 Central Europe Poland Kredyt Bank Agropolisa Warta Czech & Slovak Rep. CSOB CSOB Pojist’ovna Patria Hungary K&H Bank K&H Bank after merger K&H Life Argosz 49.9%(+1.4%) 49.9%(+26.6%) 40.0%(+40%) 81.5%(-0.8%) 75.8%(=) 91.9% (+91.9%) 73.3%(+40.7%) 60% 50% 95.4%(=) Ownership (*) 213.4 7.2 123.2 1361.9 11.9 49.0 132.1 - 2.5 23.9 investment in millions of EUR 5.8% 0.6% 12% 23.4% 0.5% - 8.8% 15.1% 0.5% 3.1% market share (*) change in ownership compared to 1999
28 IPB’s assets total 7.5 billion EUR Assets acquired by CSOB with 100% guarantee from Czech government 75% of IPB loan book is non-performing Strong client base (3 million retail clients) Integration on track Payment : recapitalization at 7% of RWA +20% Negotiation to acquire IPB Insurance IPB
29 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Group results and key features Results - Banking Results - Insurance Activities Retail bancassurance Asset management Corporate services Market activities Central Europe Strategy Investor Considerations
30 Group Strategy To be an independent, medium-sized bancassurer in Europe. To achieve high, sustainable growth in shareholder value.
31 Strategic Focus Focus on 4 activities Retail bancassurance Corporate services Asset management Market activities Focus on Europe Belgium : home market Central Europe : second home market Western Europe : smaller countries/regions, niches. Other regions if higher return than general targets Focus on ‘local’ clients Retail SME
32 ROE and Capital Allocation ROE target per activity Capital re-allocated : activities with low or volatile ROE activities with high or stable ROE Corporate lending - Market activities Retail bancassurance Asset management Corporate finance
33 Cost of capital Creation of shareholder value ROE Targets per activity Retailbancassurance Corporate services Asset management Market activities Central Europe TOTAL at operational level TOTAL at group level 8.5% 10.5% 8% 11.5% 13% 9.5% - Minimum ROE target ROE realized 20.0% 12.5% 13.0% 21.0% 15.0% 17% 22% 21.0% 7.1% - 24.6% 10.4% 17.4% 23.3%
34 Minimum Target Realized 31 Dec. ‘00 ROE at holding-co. level EPS growth Cost/income ratio bank Combined ratio insurer Tier-1 ratio bank CAD ratio bank Solvency ratio insurer 22% 15% p.a. 55% by 2004 103% by 2004 7% 11% 200% 23.3% 19.6% 64.2% 106.6% 9.5% 16% 307% KBC Bank & Insurance Group Overall financial targets
35 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Group results and key features Results - Banking Results - Insurance Activities Retail bancassurance Asset management Corporate services Market activities Central Europe Strategy Investor Considerations
36 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Investor considerations Fundamentals Strong market shares - diversified income Unique bancassurance concept Sound solvency ratios Strategy Focus ROE-based capital allocation Shareholder-value-driven Outlook Merger benefits starting to realize Central Europe : solid base for expansion Continued high profitability in niches
KBC Bank & Insurance Group 2000 Results Presentation for financial analysts 5 March 2001
39 Lending Consumer credit Mortgages Deposits Savings deposits Savings certificates Mutual Funds Insurance Life (total) Unit-linked Non-life 26.7% 25.2% 19.4% 17.9% 29.2% 12.8% 18.1% 8.6% +1.8% +0.9% -0.5% +0.2% +1% +0.9% -1.9% -0.3% Market Shares in Belgium Retail Bancassurance 31-12-00 Dec 99
40 Banking LendingCustomer deposits +50% +8% +60% -6% BelgiumAbroad In billions of EUR Total 53.5 Total 64.6 Total 79.0 Total 85.0 Total 93.2 Total 107.2
41 Banking Asset quality Non-performing credits versus total portfolio Domestic International (*) Coverage of non-performing credits by specific provisions Domestic International (*) (*) Excluding the ‘historic portfolio’ of CSOB, which is fully covered by (state) guarantees and provisions. 1.8% 2.0% 1.3% 67.2% 69.3% 60.9% 31-12-9831-12-9931-12-00 2.1% 64.0% 64.5% 63.2% 2.1% 2.5% 1.7% 67.7% 67.2% 68.6%
42 Efficiency Ratios 31-12-00 Cost / Income ratio Net expense ratio ° Non-life Net loss ratio Combined ratio 31-12-9831-12-99 60.0% 33.4% 70.0% 103.4% 65.3% 33.6% 72.5% 106.1% 66.5% (*)64.2% 34.0% 72.6% 106.6% (*) excl. impact change in consolidation scope
43 Insurance Evolution of gross premiums In millions of EUR (=) (+56%) (+1.6%) (+14%)
44 Insurance Premium distribution by channel Non-lifeLife In %
45 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Merger NPV Total: 926 mn EUR Total: 1268 mn EUR + 37 % Merger NPV better than planned thanks to increased income synergies Cross-selling to CERA clients NPV revised in oct 2000
46 Merger process update Creation of the KBC ITplatform on target 100% 80% 60% 37% 18% 3Q‘99h100h200h101 Done IT-work load remaining 20% is spread over time to close down old KB system
47 Almanij NV KBC Bank & Insurance Holding NV KBC Bank KBC Insurance 67.8% 100% 28.5% Free Float KBC Asset Man 45% 55% KBC Group structure As controlling shareholder, Almanij is committed to support KBC
48 As per Dec. 2000 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Group key features Staff:35 000 Customers: in first home market (Belgium):+/- 2.6 million in second home market (C-Europe):+/- 4.5 million Branches: domestic bank branches:1 454 (KBC+CBC) independent insurance agents: 765 International presence:30 countries
49 19991998 Net profit Net profit (excl. CCF) P/E Gross dividend Pay-out ratio Net asset value Price/NAV 2.69 25.0 1.09 40.6% 32.3 2.1 3.26 16.4 1.23 37.7% 33.8 1.6 2000 6.09 3.90 11.8 1.24 36.4% 35.2 1.3 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Key figures per share
50 1HSBC133.2 2UBS77.3 3ING73.2 4Royal Bnk of Scotl.63.5 5Credit Suisse60.9 6Lloyds TSB56.1 7Deutsche Bank55.8 8Barclays55.4 9BBV Argentaria 51.9 10Bco Santander 50.5 11BNP40.2 12Fortis39.9 13ABN Amro36.4 14Bay Hypo Ver35.1 15Soc. Générale27.8 16Uni Credito26.1 17Abbey Natl25.4 18Halifax24.7 19Dresdner Bank23.5 20San Paolo - IMI23.4 21Banca Intesa23.2 22Nordic Baltic23.1 23Stand. Chrtd18.0 24Dexia17.5 25Bank Scotl.15.1 26Commerzbank14.8 27KBC Holdings14.6 28Danske Bank14.2 (*) 01.03.01 - marketcapitalization in bn. EURO KBC Bank & Insurance Group Ranking in Europe (*)
51 Number of outstanding shares299 295 556 per 30.09.00 Free float - 28.5%85 405 006 - Quoted on Euronext Brussels (BXS) - Included in the Euronext 100, Bel-20, Euro STOXX Financials, FTSE E300 Financials indices YieldKBCBel-20DJEuroStoxx Banks 1 jaar (2000)-11.3%-6.0%7.5% 3 jaar (1998-2000)7.9%11.1%15.7% 6 jaar (1995-2000)21.1%17.6%23.5% KBC Bank & Insurance Group Shareholder information
KBC Bank & Insurance Group 2000 Results Presentation for financial analysts 5 march 2001
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