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R&D support in North-Rhine Westfalia & Germany Dr. Bernd Janson ZENIT GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "R&D support in North-Rhine Westfalia & Germany Dr. Bernd Janson ZENIT GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 R&D support in North-Rhine Westfalia & Germany Dr. Bernd Janson ZENIT GmbH

2 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 2 {chapter title  no capitals please} {SLIDE TITLE IN CAPITALS} oAgenda 1.Regional R&D Funding in North-Rhine Westphalia 2.Federal R&D Funding in Germany 3.Enterprise Europe Network Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

3 1. Regional R&D Funding in North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) Research & Development Opportunities

4 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 4 {1} {R&D Funding in North-Rhine Westphalia} oStructural Funds of the European Union European Regional Development Fund (2007 till 2013): 1,3 Billion Euro (Grant) NRW Cluster Competition: 600 Mio. Euro Grant Funding Rates: 15-100%, e.g. SME in Basic Research 100 % and in Industrial Research 60-70% Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

5 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 5 {2} {R&D Funding in North-Rhine Westphalia} 5 Lead Markets with 16 Clustertopics:  Health  Transport and Logistics  New Materials and Production Technologies  Energy  Knowledge intensive Production Technologies and Services Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

6 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 6 {3} {R&D Funding in North-Rhine Westphalia} oRFID & sensor networks oBroadband oIT-security oGeo-information oMobile communications oSmart cities oSOA (Service Orientated Architectures) / SaaS ICT-Cluster NRW – Thematic Networks

7 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 7 {4} {R&D Funding in North-Rhine Westphalia} oOther R&D Funding Schemes Start-up Support, Project Funding (loans and credits): NRW.Bank Consultancy Service: NRW.Bank, Ministries for Innovation and Economics, ZENIT, Chambers of Commerce Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

8 2. Federal R&D Funding in Germany Research & Development Opportunities

9 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 9 {1} {Federal R&D Funding in Germany} oCentral Innovation Programme for SME (ZIM): Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology (BMWi) 900 Mio. Euro (2009 and 2010), Federal Economic Recovery Programme, (100 Mio. Euro: basis) Funding schemes: Cooperations, Networks, Individual Funding, Grant rates: 35 – 50 % of eligible costs Very popular: 1000 proposals (Individual) Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

10 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 10 {2} {Federal R&D Funding in Germany} oSME Innovativ Programme: Federal Ministry of Education and Research 250 Mio. Euro (2007 to 2009) Topics: Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Information and Communication Technologies, Production Technologies, Efficient Energy Technologies and Efficient Resources Technologies Funding schemes: Individual funding, Cooperations Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

11 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 11 {3} {Federal R&D Funding in Germany} oSME Innovativ Programme Funding schemes: Individual funding, Cooperations Grant Rates: 50 % of eligible costs (SME rate is higher) Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

12 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 12 {4} {Federal R&D Funding in Germany} oOther Funding Programmes Innovation Alliance: Strategic Cooperations between Universities and Industry in specific lead markets (Budget 600 Mio. Euro, 2007 to 2008, supposed leverage effect: 5) Leading Cluster Competition: 600 Mio. Euro, 2008 till 2010 Research Awards, Start-up Support, Consultancy Services Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank

13 3. Enterprise Europe Network Research & Development Opportunities

14 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 14 oPresent in 550 organisations in Europe (Chambers of commerce, banks, consultants, regional development bodies) oPresent in 44 countries (EU27, candidate countries, other third countries) with 3,000 experts oPresent in 18 thematic groups (Sector Groups)  Comprehensive and competent support {1} {Enterprise Europe Network}

15 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 15 oGermany: 57 partner organisations oNorth Rhine-Westphalia: {2} {Enterprise Europe Network}

16 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 16 o723.000 small and medium-sized enterprises oNRW exports amount of 172 billion € oEight of NRW‘s twelve most important trade partners are members of the EU o59 universities and universities of applied sciences, 60 non- university research institutions o50 technology centres and 28 technology transfer units (Source:, 2008) Relevance for NRW {3} {Enterprise Europe Network}

17 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 17 NRW.Europa in a nutshell oCentral contact point for all EU-related information (one-stop shop) oEarly information about current EU topics and funding opportunities oLocal access to experts and information oCompetent advice from experts experienced in SME and EU issues oUse of international network of contacts oSound decision making through customised support {4} {Enterprise Europe Network}

18 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 18 Thank you very much for your attention! Contact: Dr. Bernd Janson ZENIT GmbH Mülheim / Ruhr Tel.: 0049-208-3000422 Email: {4} {Enterprise Europe Network}

19 Workshop Design and Operation of Smart, Energy Efficient Buildings - Establishing European Networks for Innovation - Duisburg, 2-September-2009Master Presentationpage 19 {chapter title  no capitals please} {SLIDE TITLE IN CAPITALS} Task 1.1 Task 1.5 keep this area blank oadd picture / graph here oplease use appropriate LAYOUT for formatting

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