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1 Sorting
2 Fundamental problem in computing science putting a collection of items in order Often used as part of another algorithm e.g. sort a list, then do many binary searches e.g. looking for identical items in an array: unsorted: do O(n 2 ) comparisons sort O(??), then do O(n) comparisons There is a sort function in java.util.Arrays
3 Sorting Example 12, 2, 23, -3, 21, 14 Easy…. but think about a systematic approach….
4 Sorting Example 4, 3, 5435, 23, -324, 432, 23, 22, 29, 11, 31, 21, 21, 17, -5, -79, -19, 312, 213, 432, 321, 11, 1243, 12, 15, 1, -1, 214, 342, 76, 78, 765, 756, -465, -2, 453, 534, 45265, 65, 23, 89, 87684, 2, 234, 6657, 7, 65, -42,432, 876, 97, 0, -11, -65, -87, 645, 74, 645 How well does your intuition generalize to big examples?
5 Sorting There are many algorithms for sorting Each has different properties: easy/hard to understand fast/slow for large lists fast/slow for short lists fast in all cases/on average
6 Selection Sort Find the smallest item in the list Switch it with the first position Find the next smallest item Switch it with the second position Repeat until you reach the last element
7 Selection Sort: Example 17 8 75 23 14 Original list: 8 17 75 23 14 Smallest is 8: 8 14 75 23 17 Smallest is 14: 8 14 17 23 75 Smallest is 17: 8 14 17 23 75 Smallest is 23: DONE! Animated Illustration
8 Selection Search: Running Time Scan entire list (n steps) Scan rest of the list (n-1 steps)…. Total steps: n + (n -1) + (n-2) + … + 1 = n(n+1)/2 [Gauss] = n 2 /2 +n/2 So, selection sort is O(n 2 )
9 Swapping One key feature in the implementation of selection sort: swapping two values Requires three assignment statements temp = first;\\ don’t forget first first = second;\\ give first the swap value second = temp;\\ now retrieve stored value Full implementation in text (a bit involved with Comparable discussion)
10 Selection Sort in Java public void selectionSort(int[] arr) { int i,j,min,temp; for(j=0; j < arr.length-1; j++) { min=j; for(i=j+1; i < arr.length; i++) if(arr[i] < arr[min]) min=i; if(j!=min) { temp=arr[j]; arr[j]=arr[min]; arr[min]=temp; }
11 Insertion Sort Consider the first item to be a sorted sublist (of one item) Insert the second item into the sublist, shifting the first item as needed to make space Insert item into the sorted sublist (of two items) shifting as needed Repeat until all items have been inserted
12 Insertion Sort: Example 17 8 2 14 23 Original list: 8 17 2 14 23 Start with sorted list {8}: 8 17 2 14 23 Insert 17, nothing to shift: 2 8 17 14 23 Insert 2, shift the rest: 8 14 17 23 75 Insert 14, shift {17,23}: 8 14 17 23 75 Insert 75, nothing to shift: Animated Illustration
13 Insertion Sort: Pseudocode for pos from 1 to (n-1): val = array[pos] // get element pos into place i = pos – 1 while i >= 0 and array[i] > val: array[i+1] = array[i] i-- array[i+1] = val
14 Insertion Sort: Running Time Requires n-1 passes through the array pass i must compare and shift up to i elements total maximum number of comparisons/moves: 1 + 2 + … + n = n(n-1)/2 So insertion sort is also O(n 2 ) not bad… but there are faster algorithms it turns out insertion sort is generally faster than other algorithms for “small” arrays (n<10??)
15 Insertion Sort in Java public void insertionSort(int[] arr) { int i,k,temp; for(k=1; k < arr.length; k++) { temp=arr[k]; i=k; while(i > 0 && temp < arr[i-1]) { arr[i]=arr[i-1]; i--; } arr[i]=temp; }
16 Selection and Insertion Same running time Choice between is largely up to you Think about combining search/sort Sorting list is O(n 2 ) Then binary search O(log n) But just doing linear search is faster O(n) Sorting first doesn’t pay off with these algorithms
17 Merge Sort: Basics Merge sort is (yet another) sorting algorithm Usually defined recursively The recursive calls work on smaller and smaller parts of the list Idea: Split list into two halves[looks familiar] Recursively sort each half “merge” the two halves into a single list
18 Merge Sort: Example 17 8 75 23 14 95 29 87 74 -1 -2 37 81 Split: Recursively sort: 17 8 75 23 14 95 29 87 74 -1 -2 37 81 Original list: 8 14 17 23 29 75 95 -2 -1 37 74 81 87 Merge?
19 Example merge -2814172329377475818795 Must put the next-smallest element into the merged list at each point Each next-smallest could come from either list 8 14 17 23 29 75 95 -2 -1 37 74 81 87 Animated Illustration
20 Remarks Note that merging just requires checking the smallest element of each half Just one comparison step This is where the recursive call saves time We need to give a formal specification of the algorithm to really check running time
21 Merge Sort Algorithm mergeSort(array,first,last): // sort array[first] to array[last-1] if last – first ≤ 1: return // length 0 or 1 already sorted mid = (first + last)/2 mergeSort(array,first,mid) //recursive call 1 mergeSort(array,mid,last) //recursive call 2 merge(array,first,mid,last)
22 Merge Algorithm (incorrect) merge(array,first,mid,last): //merge array[first to mid-1] and array[mid to last -1] leftpos = first rightpos = mid for newpos from 0 to last-first: if array[leftpos] ≤ array[rightpos]: newarray[newpos] = array[leftpos] leftpos++ else: newarray[newpos] = array[rightpos] rightpos++ copy newarray to array[first to (last-1)]
23 Problem? The algorithm starts correctly, but has an error as it finishes Eventually one of the halves will empty Then the “if” will compare against ?? the element past one of the halves… one of: 38 43 ?? ?? 52 leftposrightpos leftposrightpos
24 Solution Must prevent this: we can only look at the correct parts of the array So: compare only until we reach the end of one half Then, just copy the rest over
25 Merge Algorithm (1) merge(array,first,mid,last): //merge array[first to mid-1] and array[mid to last -1] leftpos = first rightpos = mid newpos = 0 while leftpos<mid and rightpos≤last-1: if array[leftpos] ≤ array[rightpos]: newarray[newpos] = array[leftpos] leftpos++; newpos++ else: newarray[newpos] = array[rightpos] rightpos++; newpos++ (continues)
26 Merge Algorithm (2) merge(array,first,mid,last): … //code from last slide while leftpos<mid: // copy the rest left half (if any) newarray[newpos] = array[leftpos] leftpos++; newpos++ while rightpos≤last-1// copy the rest of right half (if any) newarray[newpos] = array[rightpos] rightpos++; newpos++ copy newarray to array[first to (last-1)]
27 Example 1 10 20 40 50 30 40 60 70 array: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 newarray: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 leftpos: rightpos: newpos: 3456 7891011 345678210 merge(array,3,7,11): compare loop fill 203040 506070 7
28 Example 2 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 array: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 newarray: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 leftpos: rightpos: newpos: 891011 1213141516 345678210 merge(array,8,12,16): compare loop fill 20304050607080 12
29 Running Time What is the running time for merge sort? recursive calls * work per call? yes, but overly simplified work per call changes We know: the merge algorithm takes O(n) steps to merge a total of n elements
30 Merge Sort Recursive Calls Each level has a total of n elements n elements n/2 n/4 111111
31 Merge Sort: Running Time Steps to merge each level: O(n) Number of levels: O(log n) Total time: O(n log n) Much faster than selection/insertion which both take O(n 2 ) In general, no sorting algorithm can do better than O(n log n) There are some algorithms that are faster for limited cases
32 In Place Sorting Merging requires extra storage an extra array with n elements (can be re-used by all merges) insertion sort only requires a few storage variables An algorithm that uses at most O(1) extra storage is called “in-place” insertion sort/selection sort are both in-place merge sort is not
33 Stable Sorting In merge sort, equal elements are kept in order think of sorting a spreadsheet with other columns rows with equal values in the sort column stay in order A stable sorting algorithm has this property insertion sort and merge sort have this property selection sort does not
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