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The 6 th Language and Computation Day October 5 th, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "The 6 th Language and Computation Day October 5 th, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 6 th Language and Computation Day October 5 th, 2007

2 The Language and Computation (L&C) Group An interdisciplinary group of researchers using computational methods to study language Current members: – Computer Science: Fox, Kabadjov, Kruschwitz, Poesio, Sanchez-Graillet, Sutcliffe [Limerick], Caroline, Deirdre – Data Archive: Balkan, Corti – Linguistics: Arnold, Borsley, Chatsiou, Eisenbeiss, Ghotsoulia, Urgelles New members welcome!

3 L&C Activities Research: – A weekly research / reading seminar Seminars from local & external speakers Teaching: – NLE teaching in Computer Science – The MA in Computational Linguistics The (almost weekly) pub night … For more info

4 Today’s program 9:15 Welcome (Massimo) 9:30 Massimo Poesio (CS). MSDA: unsupervised wordsense discrimination 10:00 Olivia Sanchez-Graillet (CS): Mining negative protein interactions from text 10:30 Louise Corti (Data Archive): SQUAD tools demo 11:00 coffee break 11:30 Doug Arnold (L&L): Epithets 12:00 Chris Fox (CS): Imperatives 12:30 Kakia Chatsiou (L&L): Resumptive pronouns and Modern Greek relative clauses 1:00 lunch 2:00 Ron Artstein (CS): Identifying references to abstract objects in dialogue. 2:30 Richard Sutcliffe (Limerick): Using LSA to identify information which is missing from a Wikipedia article 3:00 Udo Kruschwitz (CS): Towards Adaptive Information Retrieval 3:30 tea 4:00 Invited speaker: Dawei Song (OU), Concept-based document readability computation for domain-specific information retrieval

5 This evening, 8-ish ….

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