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Debian-Based Distributions Typically use an APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) package client to install/update applications as well as install either.deb.

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4 Debian-Based Distributions Typically use an APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) package client to install/update applications as well as install either.deb (Debian-based applications) or.rpm (Red Hat Package Manager) or Red Hat-based applications which available widely and has been successfully ported for use on Mac OSX as well as iPhone Clients

5 Debian-Based Distributions (Continued) Has been made particularly popular in recent years due to the release and ease of use of the Ubuntu Linux Distribution

6 Red Hat-Based Distributions Typically use a RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) package client to install/update applications Benefits to using a RPM package Client: -Verification is made easy using.tar.gz files, etc. Within packages themselves -Can be cryptographically verified using either GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) or MD5 (Message- Digest Algorithm 5) -It is Popular

7 Red Hat-Based Distributions (Continued) Have been known to be graphically pleasing Used by multiple corporations Marketed and sold as paid (low-cost or Windows- alternative) distributions When purchased, offers support from companies they have been sold by rather than just linux-community forums


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