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Cognitive Modelling Assignment 1 MODEL 6: MSc Cognitive Science Elaine Cohalan Feb 9 th 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Modelling Assignment 1 MODEL 6: MSc Cognitive Science Elaine Cohalan Feb 9 th 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Modelling Assignment 1 MODEL 6: MSc Cognitive Science Elaine Cohalan Feb 9 th 2005

2 Single Category Classification Stage 1:

3 Stage 1: Tasks: Come up with a computational model that, for each test item computes that item's degree of membership in the three categories A, B and C. Use the attributes of that test item and compare to the occurrence of those attributes in the 16 training items.

4 Additive Weighted Prototype Model Training Items Given:

5 Developing the Prototypes: Category A:

6 Category B:

7 Category C:

8 Applying Prototypes to Test Items:

9 Correlation of prototype model scores with human scores:

10 Category A:

11 Category B:

12 Category C:

13 Total Correlation:

14 Conjunctions Stage 2:

15 Stage 2: Tasks: Independent Approach to Conjunctions. Constituent Membership scores combined using function sum (A+B).

16 To compute an items membership in a conjunction A&B using the Independent Prototype Model, combine that item’s membership in A and its computed membership in B. Formula for sum(A+B): membership(x, A&B) = sum(A,B) = (membership(x,A) + membership(x,B))

17 Category A and B: Using Prototypes A and B:

18 Correlation with Human Score:

19 Category A and C: Using Prototypes A and C:

20 Correlation with Human Score:

21 Category B and C: Using Prototypes B and C:

22 Correlation with Human Score:

23 Total Correlation for Conjunctions:

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