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International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 1 Figure 30.1 Peter Kenen, 1932 –

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Presentation on theme: "International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 1 Figure 30.1 Peter Kenen, 1932 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 1 Figure 30.1 Peter Kenen, 1932 –

2 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 2 Figure 30.2 Asymmetric shocks

3 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 3 Figure 30.3 Price dispersion in the EU across countries and within countries

4 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 4 Figure 30.4 Uncertainty and consumer surplus

5 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 5 Figure 30.5 Interest rates in Germany and Italy

6 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 6 Figure 30.6 The process of European monetary integration

7 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 7 Figure 30.7 Deficit, debt, and growth arithmetic

8 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 8 Figure 30.8 The European System of Central Banks in 2006

9 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 9 Figure 30.9 Value of one euro since its introduction

10 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 10 Figure 30.10 European Central Bank key interest rates

11 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 11 Figure 30.11 Unemployment and inflation in the euro area, 2004

12 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 12 Figure 30.12 Estimated differences in desired interest rates using the Taylor rule

13 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 13 Figure 30.13 Convergence criteria and potential new euro area members

14 International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 30;  Charles van Marrewijk, 2006 14 Figure 30.14 Inflation rates in potential new euro area members (%, 2004)

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