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Vocabulary. Is a mink a weasel? connotation, denotation and another reason to avoid teaching vocabulary relying solely on dictionary definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary. Is a mink a weasel? connotation, denotation and another reason to avoid teaching vocabulary relying solely on dictionary definitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary

2 Is a mink a weasel? connotation, denotation and another reason to avoid teaching vocabulary relying solely on dictionary definitions

3 Read the word on the next slide aloud.

4 herpetology Is this word part of your sight vocabulary? If not, how did you read it? Did you use phonic rules? Did you analogize to other words you know?

5 What does the word “herpetology” mean? (talk about this in your group) How did you decide? “herps” are reptiles and amphibians and the “ology” is the study of something (from greek: 'ερπετόν, "creeping animal" and λόγος, logos, "knowledge")

6 Morphemic Analysis Free morphemes (root words) Bound morphemes (prefix, suffix) Inflectional morphemes (_s, _es, _ed) Derivational morphemes (_ness, _able) Allomorphs (_s, _es, _ies) How many morphemes in “dogs”? How many morphemes in “unusable”? How many morphemes in “under”? (2) (3) (1) From:

7 Twas brillig and the slithy toves …

8 A Visual Vocabulary for Comics Comprehension (Bloom County)

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