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1 SUSY and B physics observables Yasuhiro Okada (KEK) Super B Factory Workshop in Hawaii, April 20, 2005
2 Goals of Super B Factory Main purpose of B physics at a Super B Factory is to search for new physics effects in flavor- mixing and CP violation. In order to identify a new physics model, we need to determine a pattern of deviation from the SM predictions in various observables. There are several ways to look for new physics effects in B decays.
3 New Physics in the LHC era Some signals of new physics may be obtained at early stage of LHC. (SUSY, Large extra dim. etc) Important to consider impacts of B physics to LHC physics, and vice verse. In general, correlations among various areas are important to figure out what is new physics. B physics LHC LC LFV EDM Muon g-2 K physics Charm physics
4 2003 SLAC WS Proceedings
5 SUSY in the LHC era Squark and gluino with masses up to 2-3 TeV can be discovered. If a hint for SUSY is found at LHC, we would like to know: Is it really SUSY? Is it MSSM?, SUSY GUT? What is SUSY breaking mechanism? Flavor physics will play important roles.
6 SUSY and Flavor Physics SUSY models introduce SUSY partners. Squark mass matrixes are new sources of flavor mixing and CP violation. Squark masses depend on SUSY breaking terms. Quark mass Squark mass Diagonal term: LHC/ILC Off-diagonal term: Flavor exp SUSY breaking terms
7 Origin of SUSY breaking (mSUGRA, AMSB, GMSB, Flavor symmetry, etc.) SUSY breaking terms at the Mw scale (squark, slepton, chargino, neutralino, gluino masses) Renormalization (SUSY GUT, neutrino Yukawa couplings etc.) Squark mass matrixes carry information on the SUSY breaking mechanism and interactions at the GUT scale.
8 Different assumptions on the SUSY breaking sector SUSY breaking Minimal Flavor Violation (ex. mSUGRA) SUSY GUT with see-saw neutrinos Flavor symmetry Effective SUSY etc. How to distinguish these models from B factory observables?
9 mSUGRA, SU(5) SUSY GUT, U(2) Flavor symmetry Comparison of SUSY effects on unitarity triangle and rare B decay observables in three SUSY models. 1. Minimal supergravity model (mSUGRA) 2. SU(5) SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrino (RHN) 2-1. degenerate RHN case ( -> e large) 2-2. non-degenerate RHN case ( -> e suppressed) 3.MSSM with U(2) flavor symmetry T.Goto, Y.Okada, Y.Shimizu, T.Shindou, and M.Tanaka
10 Unitarity triangle mSUGRA U(2) FS Inconsistency among A_CP(B->J/ Ks), m(Bs), 3 ( ) and K in SUSY GUT with the degenerate RHN case. => A large SUSY contribution in the CPV of K-K mixing. SU(5) GUT Degenerate SU(5) GUT Non-degenerate SU(5) GUT with see-saw neutrino
11 Mixing-induced CP asymmetries in B Ks and B K* A_CP(B Ks) A_CP( B K* Large CPV in Ks and K* for the SUSY GUT with non-degenerate RHN. bs x
12 B physics signals for benchmark parameters (SPS) SPS 3 SPS 1a SPS 1b SPS2 SPS (Smowmass Points and Slops) are benchmark SUSY parameter sets based on the mSUGRA model. We calculate flavor observables in the SUSY GUT model for 4 SPS lines. Typical parameters SPS 1a, SPS 1b Dark matter motivated region SPS 2 Focus point SPS 3 Stau co-annihilation region M.Battaglia, et al, 2001
13 A large SUSY contributions to K in SPS 3 (Focus point ) for t he SUSY GUT with the degenerate RHN case. Typical mass spectrum Gluino:< a few TeV Chargino, neutralino: light Squark: heavy Gluino mass SUSY GUT with degenerate RHN SPS 1a SPS 1b SPS 2SPS 3 T.Goto, Y.Okada, Y.Shimizu, T.Shindou, and M.Tanaka
14 Higgs exchange effects in a minimal flavor violation (MFV) Even in the case with MFV, ex mSUGRA, a large deviation from the SM is possible for a large value of two vacuum expectation values (tan ) The tree-level charged Higgs boson exchange in B D and B Loop-induced FCNC coupling in Bs and b->sll.
15 Tauonic B decay, B->D B-> H bc(u) - bc(u) W + H.Itoh, S.Komine, Y.Okada B->D SUSY loop corrections to the Higgs vertex tan =50 Charged Higgs mass B(B->D vs.B B->
16 Comparison with charged Higgs boson search at LHC K.A.Assamagan, Y.Coadou, A.Deandrea Parameter reach overlaps with the heavy Higgs boson search at LHC B-> H-b-u coupling B->D H-b-c coupling gb->tH: H-b-t coupling Test of “universality” of the charged Higgs coupling Super B Factory
17 Bs-> vs. B->K /B->Kee sb Loop-induced FCNC Higgs coupling for large tan A.Dedes and B.T.Huffman G.Hiller and F.Kruger
18 Effective SUSY If only 3 rd generation squarks are light, a large SUSY effects are possible in B decay processes such as the direct CPV in b->s and B(b->sll). B(b->s ) vs. B(b->s ) mSUGRA Effective SUSY S.Baek and P.Ko T.Goto,Y.Okada,Y.Shimizu
19 Direct CP violation in b->s process Effective SUSY mSUGRA Light chargino mass 10% for effective SUSY A few % for mSUGRA S.Baek and P.KoT.Goto,Y.Keum,T.Nihei,Y.Okada,Y.Shimzu A_CP vs.nEDM
20 Pattern of New Physics effects SUSY Large Extra Dimension model Different pattern of the deviations from the SM prediction. Correlation with other physics observables. 2003 SLAC WS Proceedings
21 Summary If SUSY is realized in Nature, LHC is likely to provide some evidence. Then, determination of the SUSY breaking sector becomes one of the most important questions. B physics is essential for determining the flavor structure of SUSY breaking terms. There are a variety of ways to look for SUSY effects in B decays. In order to distinguish different SUSY models, we need to see pattern of deviations from the SM predictions in various processes. For this purpose, a Super B factory is necessary along with hadron B experiments.
22 Buck up slides
23 Super KEKB LoI Correlation between time-dependent asymmetries of B-> f Ks and B->K* g
24 Direct CP violation in b->s g for three SUSY models
25 Pattern of the deviation from the SM predictions for three SUSY models.
26 Possible deviations from the SM for SPS parameters in SU(5) GUT with RHN
27 Differential branching ratio and FB asymmetry in b->sll
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