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Development & Implementation of Training Chapter #7.

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1 Development & Implementation of Training Chapter #7

2 Learning Outcomes  By the conclusion of this discussion, you should: å Understand how to be an effective training facilitator. å Know the different methods for dealing with difficult trainee behaviors. å Know how to overcome any apprehension with presenting and be able to effectively present a lesson plan.

3 Trainer Qualifications  KSAs  Credibility å First impression å Experience

4 Handling Difficult Behaviors  Over Participation å refer to ground rules å ask closed-ended or direct questions å ask for link to topic

5 Handling Difficult Behaviors  Over Participation å use reflecting statements å ask other’s for opinions å summarize and move on å talk in private

6 Handling Difficult Behaviors  Aggressive behavior å maintain a relaxed posture å remain non-defensive å clarify and acknowledge behavior å focus on training benefit å clearly state behavior change needed

7 Handling Difficult Behaviors  Aggressive behavior å use a problem-solving approach å let the group help you deal with the problem å ask to discuss problem privately å parking lot å allow other person to save face

8 Implementation  Dry Run  Pilot Program

9 Six Misconceptions  You have to have a God-given talent to be a good speaker.  It was a lot easier for “them”.  Good speakers don’t have to work at it.  The experienced people don’t get nervous.  I could never be a good speaker.  I’ve tried all that and it didn’t work.

10 Overcoming Apprehension  Start small  Add on progressively  Start with a message of importance to you PREPARE  Know your material and PREPARE well  Speak often, as much as you can, in all forms  Practice and test

11 Overcoming Apprehension (cont’d)  Know the territory  Visualize and assume success  Talk one-to-one with friendly faces

12 Overcoming Apprehension (cont’d)  Focus on the message, not what the audience might be thinking of you.  Perform activities that lessen inhibitions about speaking.  Give yourself a lot or reasons to feel good about yourself.

13 Let the Presentation Begin  Start with a bang  Stand straight and tall but relaxed  Move around the room  Don’t speak until you have eye contact with the audience.  Show enthusiasm - Be conscious of your voice tone and rate of speech.

14 Let the Presentation Begin  Think: What do you want your audience to see? å Confidence å Preparation å Flow Make it look effortless

15 Conclusion  Trainers/facilitators can make or break a well planned training program.  Facilitation skills can be learned.  There is no substitute for preparation and practice when it comes to effective presentations.

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