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IceCube By:Nicole Baker ~Waterloo What is IceCube? IceCube is a one-cubic-kilometer international high- energy neutrino observatory being built and installed.

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Presentation on theme: "IceCube By:Nicole Baker ~Waterloo What is IceCube? IceCube is a one-cubic-kilometer international high- energy neutrino observatory being built and installed."— Presentation transcript:


2 IceCube By:Nicole Baker ~Waterloo

3 What is IceCube? IceCube is a one-cubic-kilometer international high- energy neutrino observatory being built and installed in the clear deep ice below the South Pole Station. IceCube is in the developmental stage.

4 Location Antarctica~South Pole

5 Collaborators National Science Foundation University of Wisconsin Chiba UniversityChiba University, Chiba, Japan DESY-ZeuthenDESY-Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany Imperial CollegeImperial College, UK South Pole StationSouth Pole Station, Antarctica University of MarylandUniversity of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA And many more

6 Images First Pic. IceCube will occupy a volume of one cubic kilometer. Here we depict one of the 80 strings of optical modules (number and size not to scale). IceTop located at the surface, comprises an array of sensors to detect air showers. It will be used to calibrate IceCube and to conduct research on high-energy cosmic rays. 2 nd pic. Neutrinos emitted by distant cosmic sources can travel directly through intervening matter in space and the earth to the IceCube telescope embedded below the surface of the South Pole.


8 Images Continued IceCube will encompass AMANDA (yellow cylinder). Its much larger size improves both accuracy with which we can project the origin of detected neutrino, and our capacity to measure its energy. Here, the color coding of the sensors, following the rainbow from red to purple, labels passage of time along the particle track. Each optical module consists of a photomultiplier tube housed in a glass pressure vessel.

9 ..

10 Images Continued

11 Goals To answer the question of whether the fascinating multi- TeV photons originating in the Crab supernova remnant and near the supermassive black holes of active galaxies are of hadronic or electromagnetic origin. To provide a totally novel viewpoint on the multi- messenger astronomy of gamma ray bursts, which have been identified as a possible source of the highest energy particles in nature. The detection of cosmic neutrino beams would open the opportunity to study neutrino oscillations over Mega parsec baselines.

12 Review Location Collaborators What IceCube is Goals Fore more info. Please see

13 Thanks

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