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Sameer Shende and Alan Morris {sameer, Department of Computer and Information Science NeuroInformatics Center University of Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "Sameer Shende and Alan Morris {sameer, Department of Computer and Information Science NeuroInformatics Center University of Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sameer Shende and Alan Morris {sameer, amorris} Department of Computer and Information Science NeuroInformatics Center University of Oregon Advances in the TAU Performance System

2 2 Acknowledgement  Jaideep Ray, SNL  Nick Trebon, U. Oregon  Allen D. Malony, U. Oregon  Manish Parashar, Rutgers  Maria Liu, Rutgers

3 3 Outline  Overview of new features  Instrumentation  Measurement  Analysis tools  CCA proxy generators

4 4 TAU Performance System Framework  Tuning and Analysis Utilities  Performance system framework for scalable parallel and distributed high- performance computing  Targets a general complex system computation model  nodes / contexts / threads  Multi-level: system / software / parallelism  Measurement and analysis abstraction  Integrated toolkit for performance instrumentation, measurement, analysis, and visualization  Portable, configurable performance profiling/tracing facility  Open software approach  University of Oregon, LANL, FZJ Germany 

5 5 TAU Performance System Architecture EPILOG Paraver

6 6 Enhancements in TAU  Instrumentation  Automatic generation of proxy components for SIDL & Classic CCA  Malloc/free wrapper interposition library  Support for MPI-2, SHMEM in wrapper interposition library  TAU_COMPILER – improves TAU’s integration into Makefiles  Profile Measurement  Phase based profiling  Callpath profiling featuring user defined callpath depth  Support for memory profiling  Compensation of measurement overhead (-COMPENSATE)  Trace Measurement  Online trace analysis, automatic merging and conversion of traces  Support for hierarchical trace merging  Support for binary VTF3 format (-vtf= configuration)  Support for hardware performance counters in traces (Vampir)  Trace to profile converter (vtf2profile)  Trace input library

7 7 Enhancements in TAU (contd.)  Analysis  PerfDMF (Performance Data Management Framework)  Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL supported  Paraprof profile browser  Normalized/non-normalized views  Callpath profile view (immediate parents, routine, immediate children)  Scalable histogram display  PerfDMF integration – load, update performance data  Support for gprof, mpiP, Dynaprof, hpmtoolkit, psrun (besides TAU)  Callgraph display with clickable callpaths  VNG (Vampir Next Generation, TU Dresden)  Online/offline trace visualization  Support for binary TAU format in VNG  CUBE (UTK, FZJ) calltree visualizer

8 8 TAU Performance Measurement  TAU supports profiling and tracing measurement  TAU supports tracking application memory utilization  Robust timing and hardware performance support using PAPI  Support for online performance monitoring  Profile and trace performance data export to file system  Selective exporting  Extension of TAU measurement for multiple counters  Creation of user-defined TAU counters  Access to system-level metrics  Support for callpath and phase measurement  Integration with system-level performance data

9 9 Memory Profiling in TAU  Configuration option –PROFILEMEMORY  Records global heap memory utilization for each function  Takes one sample at beginning of each function and associates the sample with function name  Independent of instrumentation/measurement options selected  No need to insert macros/calls in the source code  User defined atomic events appear in profiles/traces  For Traces, see Vampir’s Global Displays->CounterTimeline to view memory samples

10 10 Memory Profiling in TAU  Instrumentation based observation of global heap memory (not per function)  call TAU_TRACK_MEMORY()  Triggers one sample every 10 secs  call TAU_TRACK_MEMORY_HERE()  Triggers sample at a specific location in source code  call TAU_SET_INTERRUPT_INTERVAL(seconds)  To set inter-interrupt interval for sampling  call TAU_DISABLE_TRACKING_MEMORY()  To turn off recording memory utilization  call TAU_ENABLE_TRACKING_MEMORY()  To re-enable tracking memory utilization

11 11 TAU’s malloc/free wrapper for C/C++ #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { TAU_PROFILE(“int main(int, char **)”, “ ”, TAU_DEFAULT); int *ary = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * 4096); // TAU’s malloc wrapper library replaces this call automatically // when $(TAU_MEMORY_INCLUDE) is used in the Makefile. … free(ary); // other statements in foo … }

12 12 Using TAU’s Malloc Wrapper Library for C/C++

13 13 Using TAU’s Malloc Wrapper Library for C/C++ include /usr/common/acts/TAU/tau-2.14.1/rs6000/lib/Makefile.tau-pdt CC=$(TAU_CC) CFLAGS=$(TAU_DEFS) $(TAU_INCLUDE) $(TAU_MEMORY_INCLUDE) LIBS = $(TAU_LIBS) OBJS = f1.o f2.o... TARGET= a.out TARGET: $(OBJS) $(F90) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LIBS).c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

14 14 Profile Measurement – Three Flavors  Flat profiles  Time (or counts) spent in each routine (nodes in callgraph).  Exclusive/inclusive time, no. of calls, child calls  E.g,: MPI_Send, foo, …  Callpath Profiles  Flat profiles, plus  Sequence of actions that led to poor performance  Time spent along a calling path (edges in callgraph)  E.g., “main=> f1 => f2 => MPI_Send” shows the time spent in MPI_Send when called by f2, when f2 is called by f1, when it is called by main. Depth of this callpath = 4 (TAU_CALLPATH_DEPTH environment variable)  Phase based profiles  Flat profiles, plus  Flat profiles under a phase (nested phases are allowed)  Default “main” phase has all phases and routines invoked outside phases  Supports static or dynamic (per-iteration) phases  E.g., “IO => MPI_Send” is time spent in MPI_Send in IO phase

15 15 Flat Profile – Pprof Profile Browser  Intel Linux cluster  F90 + MPICH  Profile - Node - Context - Thread  Events - code - MPI

16 16 Flat Profile

17 17 Callpath Profile

18 18 Callpath Profile - parent/node/child view

19 19 Callpath Profiling

20 20 Phase Profile – Dynamic Phases

21 21 TAU’s CCA Performance Component  Measurement port and interfaces  Timer  set name/type/group  start/stop  Phase  set name/type/group  start/stop  Control  enable/disable groups  Query  get timer names, get metric names, get user-defined event names  get timer data, get user-defined event data, dump data to disk  Event  set name, trigger event  MemoryTracker  enable interrupt tracking, track memory here, set interrupt interval  enable/disable tracking memory

22 22  Performance evaluation using Performance component  Uses underlying TAU library for measurement  Timer, Phase, Event, Control, Query, MemoryTracker interfaces  Lightweight instrumentation option  Performance modeling using Mastermind component  Tracks per-invocation performance data  Associates performance data with application data  Method arguments logged with performance data  Callpath information  Helps us build performance models [IPDPS’04] TAU’s CCA Interfaces

23 23 Phase Interface interface Timer { /* Start/stop the Timer */ void start(); void stop(); /* Set/get the Timer name */ void setName(in string name); string getName(); /* Set/get Timer type information (e.g., signature of the routine) */ void setType(in string name); string getType(); /* Set/get the group name associated with the Timer */ void setGroupName(in string name); string getGroupName(); /* Set/get the group id associated with the Timer */ void setGroupId(in long group); long getGroupId(); } interface Measurement extends gov.cca.Port { /* Create a Timer */ Timer createTimer(); Timer createTimerWithName(in string name); Timer createTimerWithNameType(in string name, in string type); Timer createTimerWithNameTypeGroup(in string name, in string type, in string group); interface Phase { /* Start/stop the Phase */ void start(); void stop(); /* Set/get the Phase name */ void setName(in string name); string getName(); /* Set/get Phase type information (e.g., signature of the routine) */ void setType(in string name); string getType(); /* Set/get the group name associated with the Phase */ void setGroupName(in string name); string getGroupName(); /* Set/get the group id associated with the Phase */ void setGroupId(in long group); long getGroupId(); } interface Measurement extends gov.cca.Port { /* Create a Phase */ Phase createPhase(); Phase createPhaseWithName(in string name); Phase createPhaseWithNameType(in string name, in string type); Phase createPhaseWithNameTypeGroup(in string name, in string type, in string group);

24 24 Measurement Proxy Component  Interpose a proxy component for each port  Inside the proxy  Make calls to Performance component for each invocation MidpointIntegrator IntegratorPort Go Driver IntegratorPort IntegratorProxy Component IntegratorPortUsesIntegratorPortProvides MeasurementPort Performance MeasurementPort

25 25 MasterMind Component  Idea: Create a performance model for the component by tracking performance per invocation  Uses Monitor Port  Outputs:  Times per invocation, e.g.  Component call path  Regular performance data (uses performance component) # integ_proxy::integrate(double, double, int) # MPI_TIME Time count lowBound upBound 72420 336 10000 0 1 407 449 1000 0 1 364 540 100 0 1 64838 844 10000 0 1 381 945 1000 0 1 332 1027 100 0 1

26 26 Monitor Proxy Component  Same idea (from the user’s point of view) MidpointIntegrator IntegratorPort Go Driver IntegratorPort Integrator Monitor Proxy IntegratorPortUsesIntegratorPortProvides MonitorPort MasterMind MeasurementPort Performance

27 27  Tree pruner  Input:  Callgraph generated by Mastermind component  User specified rules  Output:  Pruned callgraph with insignificant nodes removed  Performance modeling library – brute force  Tries all possible permutations of component instances  Input: performance model of each component  Selects optimal component assembly for the ensemble  Optimizer  Swaps one component instance with another Tools Included with MasterMind Component

28 28  Generate regular measurement proxy or monitor (MasterMind) proxy  Arguments:  Options: TAU’s Proxy Generator for SIDL/Classic CCA -c Full name of the component -t Type of component -p Name of port to generate proxy for -d Name of pdb file created from cxxparse -h Header file for this port -n Name of the proxy component (default: base of component name + Proxy) -o Name of output file (default: -f Use Pre-generated Selective instrumentation file -x Namespace Tag -m Generate MasterMind component proxy

29 29 TAU’s Proxy Generator for Classic C++ Interface  Creating PDB Files:  Merging PDB Files:  Invoking tau_pg (example) pdbmerge -o merged.pdb file1.pdb file2.pdb … cxxparse -I -D tau_pg -c integrators::ccaports::Integrator -t integrators.ccaports.Integrator -p IntegratorPort -d ParallelIntegrator_CCA.pdb -o -h ports/Integrator_CCA.h -f select.dat

30 30 What’s Going On Here? Alternative implementations of performance component runtime TAU performance data TAU API other API … Application Component Application Component Performance Component TAU API Application Component Application Component

31 31 Using TAU  Install TAU % configure ; make clean install  Instrument application  TAU Profiling API  Typically modify application makefile  include TAU’s stub makefile, modify variables  Set environment variables  directory where profiles/traces are to be stored  name of merged trace file, retain intermediate trace files, etc.  Execute application % mpirun –np a.out;  Analyze performance data  paraprof, vampir/traceanalyzer, pprof, paraver …

32 32 AutoInstrumentation using TAU_COMPILER  $(TAU_COMPILER) stub Makefile variable in 2.14+ release  Invokes PDT parser, TAU instrumentor, compiler through shell script  Requires minimal changes to application Makefile  Compilation rules are not changed  User adds $(TAU_COMPILER) before compiler name  F90=mpxlf90 Changes to F90= $(TAU_COMPILER) mpxlf90  Passes options from TAU stub Makefile to the four compilation stages  Uses original compilation command if an error occurs

33 33 TAU_COMPILER – Improving Integration in Makefiles OLD include /usr/tau-2.14/include/Makefile CXX = mpCC F90 = mpxlf90_r PDTPARSE = $(PDTDIR)/ $(PDTARCHDIR)/bin/cxxparse TAUINSTR = $(TAUROOT)/$(CONFIG_ARCH)/ bin/tau_instrumentor CFLAGS = $(TAU_DEFS) $(TAU_INCLUDE) LIBS = $(TAU_MPI_LIBS) $(TAU_LIBS) -lm OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … fn.o app: $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LIBS).cpp.o: $(PDTPARSE) $< $(TAUINSTR) $*.pdb $< -o $*.i.cpp –f select.dat $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.i.cpp NEW include /usr/tau-2.14/include/Makefile CXX = $(TAU_COMPILER) mpCC F90 = $(TAU_COMPILER) mpxlf90_r CFLAGS = LIBS = -lm OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … fn.o app: $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LIBS).cpp.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

34 34 TAU_COMPILER Options  Optional parameters for $(TAU_COMPILER):  -optVerboseTurn on verbose debugging messages  -optPdtDir="" PDT architecture directory. Typically $(PDTDIR)/$(PDTARCHDIR)  -optPdtF95Opts="" Options for Fortran parser in PDT (f95parse)  -optPdtCOpts="" Options for C parser in PDT (cparse). Typically $(TAU_MPI_INCLUDE) $(TAU_INCLUDE) $(TAU_DEFS)  -optPdtCxxOpts="" Options for C++ parser in PDT (cxxparse). Typically $(TAU_MPI_INCLUDE) $(TAU_INCLUDE) $(TAU_DEFS)  -optPdtF90Parser="" Specify a different Fortran parser. For e.g., f90parse instead of f95parse  -optPdtUser="" Optional arguments for parsing source code  -optPDBFile="" Specify [merged] PDB file. Skips parsing phase.  -optTauInstr="" Specify location of tau_instrumentor. Typically $(TAUROOT)/$(CONFIG_ARCH)/bin/tau_instrumentor  -optTauSelectFile="" Specify selective instrumentation file for tau_instrumentor  -optTau="" Specify options for tau_instrumentor  -optCompile="" Options passed to the compiler. Typically $(TAU_MPI_INCLUDE) $(TAU_INCLUDE) $(TAU_DEFS)  -optLinking="" Options passed to the linker. Typically $(TAU_MPI_FLIBS) $(TAU_LIBS) $(TAU_CXXLIBS)  -optNoMpi Removes -l*mpi* libraries during linking (default)  -optKeepFiles Does not remove intermediate.pdb and.inst.* files e.g., OPT=-optTauSelectFile=select.tau –optPDBFile=merged.pdb F90 = $(TAU_COMPILER) $(OPT) mpxlf90_r

35 35 Program Database Toolkit Component source/ Library C / C++ parser Fortran 77/90/95 parser C / C++ IL analyzer Fortran 77/90/95 IL analyzer Program Database Files IL DUCTAPE tau_pg SILOON CHASM TAU_instr Proxy Component Application component glue C++ / F90 interoperability Automatic source instrumentation

36 36 TAU Tracing Enhancements  Configure TAU with -TRACE –vtf=dir option % configure –TRACE –vtf= -MULTIPLECOUNTERS –papi= -mpi –pdt=dir …  Set environment variables % setenv TAU_TRACEFILE foo.vpt.gz % setenv COUNTER1 GET_TIME_OF_DAY (required) % setenv COUNTER2 PAPI_FP_INS… % setenv COUNTER2 PAPI_NATIVE_  for IBM, see /usr/pmapi/lib/POWER4.evs e.g., PAPI_NATIVE_PM_FPU0_FDIV for FPU0 executed FDIV instruction (for using native events)  Execute application (automatic merge/convert) % poe a.out –procs 4 % traceanalyzer foo.vpt.gz  NOTE: COUNTER1 must be GET_TIME_OF_DAY

37 37 Intel ® Traceanalyzer (Vampir) Global Timeline

38 38 Visualizing TAU Traces with Counters/Samples

39 39 Visualizing TAU Traces with Counters/Samples

40 40 ParaProf TAU Performance Data Management Framework Performance analysis programs PerfDMF Java API... JDBC PostgreSQL Oracle MySQL Database Profile meta-data Raw performance data Hpmtoolkit Psrun Dynaprof mpiP Gprof … … C API…

41 41 Paraprof Manager – Performance Database

42 42 Paraprof Scalable Histogram View

43 43 Paraprof – Stack Bars Separately View

44 44 Paraprof – Full Callgraph View

45 45 Paraprof – Callgraph View (Zoom In +/Out -)

46 46 KOJAK’s CUBE (UTK, FZJ) Browser

47 47 Current Status (Jan 2005)  Released TAU v2.14.1 and PDT v3.3.1  PerfDMF (Performance Database Framework)   Released Performance Component v1.5  MasterMind Component  Tree Pruner  Performance Modeling Library  Optimizer  Supports SIDL, Classic C++, Classic Neo interfaces  Previous versions of CCAFE, BABEL supported (1.0-1.5) 

48 48 Support Acknowledgements  Department of Energy (DOE)  Office of Science contracts  University of Utah DOE ASCI Level 1 sub-contract  DOE ASC/NNSA Level 3 contract  NSF Software and Tools for High-End Computing Grant  Research Centre Juelich  John von Neumann Institute for Computing  Dr. Bernd Mohr  Los Alamos National Laboratory

49 49 SIDL Performance Interface package Performance version 1.5.0 { interface Timer { /* Start/stop the Timer */ void start(); void stop(); /* Set/get the Timer name */ void setName(in string name); string getName(); /* Set/get Timer type information (e.g., signature of the routine) */ void setType(in string name); string getType(); /* Set/get the group name associated with the Timer */ void setGroupName(in string name); string getGroupName(); /* Set/get the group id associated with the Timer */ void setGroupId(in long group); long getGroupId(); } interface Phase { /* Start/stop the Phase */ void start(); void stop(); /* Set/get the Phase name */ void setName(in string name); string getName(); /* Set/get Phase type information (e.g., signature of the routine) */ void setType(in string name); string getType(); /* Set/get the group name associated with the Phase */ void setGroupName(in string name); string getGroupName(); /* Set/get the group id associated with the Phase */ void setGroupId(in long group); long getGroupId(); }

50 50 SIDL Performance Interface interface Query { /* Get the list of Timer and Counter names */ array getTimerNames(); array getCounterNames(); /* Get the timer data */ void getTimerData(in array timerList, out array counterExclusive, out array counterInclusive, out array numCalls, out array numChildCalls, out array counterNames, out int numCounters); /* User Event query interface */ array getEventNames(); void getEventData(in array eventList, out array numSamples, out array max, out array min, out array mean, out array sumSqr); /* Writes instantaneous profile to disk in a dump file. */ void dumpProfileData(); /* Writes instantaneous profile to disk in a dump file with a specified prefix. */ void dumpProfileDataPrefix(in string prefix); /* Writes the instantaneous profile to disk in a dump file whose name * contains the current timestamp. */ void dumpProfileDataIncremental(); /* Writes the list of timer names to a dump file on the disk */ void dumpTimerNames(); /* Writes the profile of the given set of timers to the disk. */ void dumpTimerData(in array timerList); /* Writes the profile of the given set of timers to the disk. The dump * file name contains the current timestamp when the data was dumped. */ void dumpTimerDataIncremental(in array timerList); }

51 51 SIDL Performance Interface /* Memory Tracker interface */ interface MemoryTracker { /* track heap memory at a given place */ void trackHere(); /* enable interrupt driven memory tracking */ void enableInterruptTracking(); /* set the interrupt interval, default is 10 seconds */ void setInterruptInterval(in int value); /* disable tracking (both interrupt driven and manual) */ void enable(); /* enable tracking (both interrupt driven and manual)*/ void disable(); } /* User defined event profiles for application specific events */ interface Event { /* Set the name of the event */ void setName(in string name); /* Trigger the event */ void trigger(in double data); } /* Interface for runtime instrumentation control based on groups */ interface Control { /* Enable/disable group id */ void enableGroupId(in long id); void disableGroupId(in long id); /* Enable/disable group name */ void enableGroupName(in string name); void disableGroupName(in string name); /* Enable/disable all groups */ void enableAllGroups(); void disableAllGroups(); }

52 52 SIDL Performance Interface /* Interface to create performance component instances */ interface Measurement extends gov.cca.Port { /* Create a Timer */ Timer createTimer(); Timer createTimerWithName(in string name); Timer createTimerWithNameType(in string name, in string type); Timer createTimerWithNameTypeGroup(in string name, in string type, in string group); Phase createPhase(); Phase createPhaseWithName(in string name); Phase createPhaseWithNameType(in string name, in string type); Phase createPhaseWithNameTypeGroup(in string name, in string type, in string group); /* Create a Query interface */ Query createQuery(); /* Create a MemoryTracker interface */ MemoryTracker createMemoryTracker(); /* Create a User Defined Event interface */ Event createEvent(); Event createEventWithName(in string name); /* Create a Control interface for selectively enabling and disabling * the instrumentation based on groups */ Control createControl(); } /* Monitor Port for MasterMind component */ interface Monitor extends gov.cca.Port { void startMonitoring(in string rname); void stopMonitoring(in string rname, in array paramNames, in array paramValues); void setFileName(in string rname, in string fname); void dumpData(in string rname); void dumpDataFileName(in string rname, in string fname); void destroyRecord(in string rname); } interface PerfParam extends gov.cca.Port { int getPerformanceData(in string rname, out array data, in bool reset); int getCompMethNames(out array cm_names); }

53 53 SIDL Performance Interface /* Interface to create performance component instances */ interface Measurement extends gov.cca.Port { /* Create a Timer */ Timer createTimer(); Timer createTimerWithName(in string name); Timer createTimerWithNameType(in string name, in string type); Timer createTimerWithNameTypeGroup(in string name, in string type, in string group); Phase createPhase(); Phase createPhaseWithName(in string name); Phase createPhaseWithNameType(in string name, in string type); Phase createPhaseWithNameTypeGroup(in string name, in string type, in string group); /* Create a Query interface */ Query createQuery(); /* Create a MemoryTracker interface */ MemoryTracker createMemoryTracker(); /* Create a User Defined Event interface */ Event createEvent(); Event createEventWithName(in string name); /* Create a Control interface for selectively enabling and disabling * the instrumentation based on groups */ Control createControl(); } /* Monitor Port for MasterMind component */ interface Monitor extends gov.cca.Port { void startMonitoring(in string rname); void stopMonitoring(in string rname, in array paramNames, in array paramValues); void setFileName(in string rname, in string fname); void dumpData(in string rname); void dumpDataFileName(in string rname, in string fname); void destroyRecord(in string rname); } interface PerfParam extends gov.cca.Port { int getPerformanceData(in string rname, out array data, in bool reset); int getCompMethNames(out array cm_names); }

54 54 Sample Driver void sample::Driver_impl::setServices ( /*in*/ ::gov::cca::Services services ) throw ( ::gov::cca::CCAException ){ // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sample.Driver.setServices) frameworkServices = services; gov::cca::TypeMap tm = frameworkServices.createTypeMap(); gov::cca::Port p = self; frameworkServices.addProvidesPort (p, "Go", "gov.cca.ports.GoPort", tm); frameworkServices.registerUsesPort ("MeasurementPort", "Performance.Measurement", tm); // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sample.Driver.setServices) }

55 55 Sample Driver int32_t sample::Driver_impl::go () throw () { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sample.Driver.go) ::gov::cca::Port port; port = frameworkServices.getPort ("MeasurementPort"); if (port._is_nil()) { std::cerr << "MeasurementPort is not connected" << std::endl; return -1; } Performance::Measurement measurement = port; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Iteration " << i; std::string phaseName = os.str(); // Create and start a phase ::Performance::Phase phase = measurement.createPhaseWithName(phaseName); phase.start(); // Create and start a timer static ::Performance::Timer tautimer = measurement.createTimerWithNameTypeGroup("go", "int32_t ()", "TAU_GROUP_CCA"); tautimer.start(); // Create a memory tracker and start interrupt driven memory tracking ::Performance::MemoryTracker tracker = measurement.createMemoryTracker(); tracker.enableInterruptTracking();

56 56 Sample Driver sleep(i); // Manually track memory here tracker.trackHere(); tautimer.stop(); phase.stop(); } // Create a query interface ::Performance::Query query = measurement.createQuery(); // Get the event names ::sidl::array eventNames = query.getEventNames(); ::sidl::array numSamples; ::sidl::array max, min, mean, sumSqr; // Get the event data query.getEventData(eventNames, numSamples, max, min, mean, sumSqr); int numEvents = eventNames.upper(0) - eventNames.lower(0) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) { std::cout << "User Event: " << eventNames.get(i) << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of Samples: " << numSamples.get(i) << std::endl; std::cout << "Maximum Value: " << max.get(i) << std::endl; std::cout << "Minimim Value: " << min.get(i) << std::endl; std::cout << "Mean Value: " << mean.get(i) << std::endl; std::cout << "Sum Squared: " << sumSqr.get(i) << std::endl << std::endl; } frameworkServices.releasePort("MeasurementPort"); return 0; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sample.Driver.go) }

57 57 CCA Classic C++ Performance interface #include using std::string; namespace performance { class Timer { public: /** * The destructor should be declared virtual in an interface class. */ virtual ~Timer() { } /** * Start the Timer. * Implement this function in * a derived class to provide required functionality. */ virtual void start(void) = 0; /** * Stop the Timer. */ virtual void stop(void) = 0; /** * Set the name of the Timer. */ virtual void setName(string name) = 0; /** * Get the name of the Timer. */ virtual string getName(void) = 0; /** * Set the type information of the Timer * (e.g., signature of the routine) */ virtual void setType(string name) = 0; /** * Get the type information of the Timer * (e.g., signature of the routine) */ virtual string getType(void) = 0;

58 58 CCA Classic C++ Performance interface /** * Set the group name associated with the Timer * (e.g., All MPI calls can be grouped into an "MPI" group) */ virtual void setGroupName(string name) = 0; /** * Get the group name associated with the Timer */ virtual string getGroupName(void) = 0; /** * Set the group id associated with the Timer */ virtual void setGroupId(unsigned long group ) = 0; /** * Get the group id associated with the Timer */ virtual unsigned long getGroupId(void) = 0; }; class Phase { public: /** * The destructor should be declared virtual in an interface class. */ virtual ~Phase() { } /** * Start the Phase. * Implement this function in * a derived class to provide required functionality. */ virtual void start(void) = 0; /** * Stop the Phase. */ virtual void stop(void) = 0; /** * Set the name of the Phase.

59 59 CCA Classic C++ Performance interface virtual void setName(string name) = 0; /** * Get the name of the Phase. */ virtual string getName(void) = 0; /** * Set the type information of the Phase * (e.g., signature of the routine) */ virtual void setType(string name) = 0; /** * Get the type information of the Phase * (e.g., signature of the routine) */ virtual string getType(void) = 0; /** * Set the group name associated with the Phase * (e.g., All MPI calls can be grouped into an "MPI" group) */ virtual void setGroupName(string name) = 0; /** * Get the group name associated with the Phase */ virtual string getGroupName(void) = 0; /** * Set the group id associated with the Phase */ virtual void setGroupId(unsigned long group ) = 0; /** * Get the group id associated with the Phase */ virtual unsigned long getGroupId(void) = 0; }; /** * Query the timing information */ class Query { public:

60 60 CCA Classic C++ Performance interface virtual ~Query() { } /** * Get the list of Timer names */ virtual void getTimerNames(const char **& functionList, int& numFuncs) = 0; /** * Get the list of Counter names */ virtual void getCounterNames(const char **& counterList, int& numCounters) = 0; /** * getTimerData. Returns lists of metrics. */ virtual void getTimerData(const char **& inTimerList, int numTimers, double **& counterExclusive, double **& counterInclusive, int*& numCalls, int*& numChildCalls, const char **& counterNames, int& numCounters) = 0; /* * Get the list of User Event names */ virtual void getEventNames(const char **&eventList, int &numEvents) = 0; /* * Get User Event data */ virtual void getEventData(const char **&inEventList, int numEvents, int* &numSamples, double* &max, double* &min, double* &mean, double* &sumSqr) = 0; /** * dumpProfileData. Writes the entire profile to disk in a dump file. * It maintains a consistent state and represents the instantaneous * profile data had the application terminated at the instance this call * is invoked. */ virtual void dumpProfileData(void) = 0;

61 61 CCA Classic C++ Performance interface /** * dumpProfileDataPrefix. Writes the entire profile to disk in a dump * file prefixed by 'prefix'. It maintains a consistent state and * represents the instantaneous profile data had the application * terminated at the instance this call is invoked. */ virtual void dumpProfileDataPrefix(const char *prefix) = 0; /** * dumpProfileDataIncremental. Writes the entire profile to disk in a * dump file whose name contains the current timestamp. * It maintains a consistent state and represents the instantaneous * profile data had the application terminated at the instance this call * is invoked. This call allows us to build a set of timestamped profile * files. */ virtual void dumpProfileDataIncremental(void) = 0; /** * dumpTimerNames. Writes the list of timer names to a dump file on the * disk. */ virtual void dumpTimerNames(void) = 0; /** * dumpTimerData. Writes the profile of the given set of timers to the * disk. This allows the user to select the set of routines to dump and * periodically write the performance data of a subset of timers to disk * for monitoring purposes. */ virtual void dumpTimerData(const char **& inTimerList, int numTimers) = 0; /** * dumpTimerDataIncremental. Writes the profile of the given set of * timers to the disk. The dump file name contains the current timestamp * when the data was dumped. This allows the user to select the set of * routines to dump and periodically write the performance data of a * subset of timers to the disk and maintain a timestamped set of values * for post-mortem analysis of how the performance data varied for a * given set of routimes with time. */ virtual void dumpTimerDataIncremental(const char **& inTimerList, int numTimers) = 0; }; /** * dumpProfileDataPrefix. Writes the entire profile to disk in a dump * file prefixed by 'prefix'. It maintains a consistent state and * represents the instantaneous profile data had the application * terminated at the instance this call is invoked. */ virtual void dumpProfileDataPrefix(const char *prefix) = 0; /** * dumpProfileDataIncremental. Writes the entire profile to disk in a * dump file whose name contains the current timestamp. * It maintains a consistent state and represents the instantaneous * profile data had the application terminated at the instance this call * is invoked. This call allows us to build a set of timestamped profile * files. */ virtual void dumpProfileDataIncremental(void) = 0; /** * dumpTimerNames. Writes the list of timer names to a dump file on the * disk. */ virtual void dumpTimerNames(void) = 0; /** * dumpTimerData. Writes the profile of the given set of timers to the * disk. This allows the user to select the set of routines to dump and * periodically write the performance data of a subset of timers to disk * for monitoring purposes. */ virtual void dumpTimerData(const char **& inTimerList, int numTimers) = 0; /** * dumpTimerDataIncremental. Writes the profile of the given set of * timers to the disk. The dump file name contains the current timestamp * when the data was dumped. This allows the user to select the set of * routines to dump and periodically write the performance data of a * subset of timers to the disk and maintain a timestamped set of values * for post-mortem analysis of how the performance data varied for a * given set of routimes with time. */ virtual void dumpTimerDataIncremental(const char **& inTimerList, int numTimers) = 0; }; /** * disable tracking (both interrupt driven and manual) */ virtual void disable() = 0; }; /** * This class implements the runtime instrumentation control based on groups */ class Control { public: /** * Destructor */ ~Control () { } /** * Control instrumentation. Enable group Id. */ virtual void enableGroupId(unsigned long id) = 0; /** * Control instrumentation. Disable group Id. */ virtual void disableGroupId(unsigned long id) = 0; /** * Control instrumentation. Enable group name. */ virtual void enableGroupName(string name) = 0; /** * Control instrumentation. Disable group name. */ virtual void disableGroupName(string name) = 0; /** * Control instrumentation. Enable all groups. */ virtual void enableAllGroups(void) = 0; /** * Control instrumentation. Disable all groups. */ virtual void disableAllGroups(void) = 0; }; namespace ccaports { /** * This abstract class declares the Measurement interface. * Inherit from this class to provide functionality. */ class Measurement: public virtual classic::gov::cca::Port { public: /** * The destructor should be declared virtual in an interface class. */ virtual ~Measurement() { } /** * Create a Timer */ virtual performance::Timer* createTimer(void) = 0; virtual performance::Timer* createTimer(string name) = 0; virtual performance::Timer* createTimer(string name, string type) = 0; virtual performance::Timer* createTimer(string name, string type, string group) = 0; /** * Create a Phase */ virtual performance::Phase* createPhase(void) = 0; virtual performance::Phase* createPhase(string name) = 0; virtual performance::Phase* createPhase(string name, string type) = 0; virtual performance::Phase* createPhase(string name, string type, string group) = 0; /** * Create a MemoryTracker interface */ virtual performance::MemoryTracker* createMemoryTracker(void) = 0; /** * Create a Query interface */ virtual performance::Query* createQuery(void) = 0; /** * Create a User Defined Event interface */ virtual performance::Event* createEvent(void) = 0; virtual performance::Event* createEvent(string name) = 0; /** * Create a Control interface for selectively enabling and disabling * the instrumentation based on groups */ virtual performance::Control* createControl(void) = 0; }; }

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