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Leading Social Change Creative Showcase. Behaviour Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Social Change Creative Showcase. Behaviour Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Social Change Creative Showcase


3 Behaviour Change


5 We design programs that will improve the health of citizens and communities.

6 World Health Organization, 2002 Percent of healthy years of life lost to behavioural factors in wealthy nations.

7 In 2010 Apple spent $691 million in advertising to achieve sales of $65 billion


9 In 2010 the government of Ontario spent about $50 million advertising its programs to citizens.

10 13 million shareholders

11 In 2010 $2 million spent advertising Ontario’s flu shot program.

12 200,000 fewer visits to the doctor

13 30,000 fewer visits to the Emergency Room

14 $13.6 million in reduced health care costs

15 200 lives saved

16 Behaviour Change


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