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1 Algorithms for Large Data Sets Ziv Bar-Yossef Lecture 2 March 26, 2006

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1 1 Algorithms for Large Data Sets Ziv Bar-Yossef Lecture 2 March 26, 2006

2 2 Information Retrieval

3 3 I want information about Michael Jordan, the machine learning expert Information Retrieval Setting query User Document Collection “Information Need” +”Michael Jordan” -basketball 1.Michael I. Jordan’s homepage 3.Michael Jordan on TV Ranked list of retrieved documents IR System documents No. 1 is good, Rest are bad feedback Revised ranked list of retrieved documents 1.Michael I. Jordan’s homepage 2.M.I. Jordan’s pubs 3.Graphical Models

4 4 Information Retrieval vs. Data Retrieval Information Retrieval System: a system that allows a user to retrieve documents that match her “information need” from a large corpus.  Ex: Get documents about Michael Jordan, the machine learning expert. Data Retrieval System: a system that allows a user to retrieve all documents that match her query from a large corpus.  Ex: SELECT doc FROM corpus WHERE (doc.text CONTAINS “Michael Jordan”) AND NOT (doc.text CONTAINS “basketball”).

5 5 Information Retrieval vs. Data Retrieval Data RetrievalInformation Retrieval Database tables, structured Free text, unstructuredData SQL, Relational algebras Keywords, Natural language Queries Exact matchesApproximate matchesResults UnorderedOrdered by relevanceResults Knowledgeable users or automatic processes Non-expert humansAccessibility

6 6 Information Retrieval Systems IR System query processor text processor user query ranked retrieved docs User Corpus ranking procedure system query retrieved docs index indexer tokenized docs postings raw docs

7 7 Search Engines Search Engine query processor text processor user query ranked retrieved docs User Web ranking procedure system query retrieved docs index indexer tokenized docs postings crawler global analyzer repository

8 8 Classical IR vs. Web IR Web IRClassical IR HugeLargeVolume Noisy, dupsClean, no dupsData quality In fluxInfrequentData change rate Partially accessibleAccessibleData accessibility Widely diverseHomogeneousFormat diversity HypertextTextDocuments LargeSmall# of matches Link-basedContent-basedIR techniques

9 9 Outline Abstract formulation Models for relevance ranking Retrieval evaluation Query languages Text processing Indexing and searching

10 10 Abstract Formulation Ingredients:  D: document collection  Q: query space  f: D x Q  R: relevance scoring function  For every q in Q, f induces a ranking (partial order)  q on D Functions of an IR system:  Preprocess D and create an index I  Given q in Q, use I to produce a permutation  on D Goals:  Accuracy:  should be “close” to  q  Compactness: index should be compact  Response time: answers should be given quickly

11 11 Document Representation T = { t 1,…, t k }: a “token space”  (a.k.a. “feature space” or “term space”)  Ex: all words in English  Ex: phrases, URLs, … A document: a real vector d in R k  d i : “weight” of token t i in d  Ex: d i = normalized # of occurrences of t i in d

12 12 Classic IR (Relevance) Models The Boolean model The Vector Space Model (VSM)

13 13 The Boolean Model A document: a boolean vector d in {0,1} k  d i = 1 iff t i belongs to d A query: a boolean formula q over tokens  q: {0,1} k  {0,1}  Ex: “Michael Jordan” AND (NOT basketball)  Ex: +“Michael Jordan” –basketball Relevance scoring function: f(d,q) = q(d)

14 14 The Boolean Model: Pros & Cons Advantages:  Simplicity for users Disadvantages:  Relevance scoring is too coarse

15 15 The Vector Space Model (VSM) A document: a real vector d in R k  d i = weight of t i in d (usually TF-IDF score) A query: a real vector q in R k  q i = weight of t i in q Relevance scoring function: f(d,q) = sim(d,q)  “similarity” between d and q

16 16 Popular Similarity Measures L 1 or L 2 distance  d,q are first normalized to have unit norm Cosine similarity d q d –q  d q

17 17 TF-IDF Score: Motivation Motivating principle:  A term t i is relevant to a document d if: t i occurs many times in d relative to other terms that occur in d t i occurs many times in d relative to its number of occurrences in other documents Examples  10 out of 100 terms in d are “java”  10 out of 10,000 terms in d are “java”  10 out of 100 terms in d are “the”

18 18 TF-IDF Score: Definition n(d,t i ) = # of occurrences of t i in d N =  i n(d,t i ) (# of tokens in d) D i = # of documents containing t i D = # of documents in the collection TF(d,t i ): “Term Frequency”  Ex: TF(d,t i ) = n(d,t i ) / N  Ex: TF(d,t i ) = n(d,t i ) / (max j { n(d,t j ) }) IDF(t i ): “Inverse Document Frequency”  Ex: IDF(t i ) = log (D/D i ) TFIDF(d,t i ) = TF(d,t i ) x IDF(t i )

19 19 VSM: Pros & Cons Advantages:  Better granularity in relevance scoring  Good performance in practice  Efficient implementations Disadvantages:  Assumes term independence

20 20 Retrieval Evaluation Notations:  D: document collection  D q : documents in D that are “relevant” to query q Ex: f(d,q) is above some threshold  L q : list of results on query q D LqLq DqDq Recall: Precision:

21 21 Recall & Precision: Example Recall(A) = 80% Precision(A) = 40% 1.d 123 2.d 84 3.d 56 4.d 6 5.d 8 6.d 9 7.d 511 8.d 129 9.d 187 10.d 25 List ARelevant docs: d 123, d 56, d 9, d 25, d 3 1.d 81 2.d 74 3.d 56 4.d 123 5.d 511 6.d 25 7.d 9 8.d 129 9.d 3 10.d 5 List B Recall(B) = 100% Precision(B) = 50%

22 22 Precision@k and Recall@k Notations:  D q : documents in D that are “relevant” to q  L q,k : top k results on the list Recall@k: Precision@k:

23 23 Precision@k: Example 1.d 123 2.d 84 3.d 56 4.d 6 5.d 8 6.d 9 7.d 511 8.d 129 9.d 187 10.d 25 List A 1.d 81 2.d 74 3.d 56 4.d 123 5.d 511 6.d 25 7.d 9 8.d 129 9.d 3 10.d 5 List B

24 24 Recall@k: Example 1.d 123 2.d 84 3.d 56 4.d 6 5.d 8 6.d 9 7.d 511 8.d 129 9.d 187 10.d 25 List A 1.d 81 2.d 74 3.d 56 4.d 123 5.d 511 6.d 25 7.d 9 8.d 129 9.d 3 10.d 5 List B

25 25 “Interpolated” Precision Notations:  D q : documents in D that are “relevant” to q  r: a recall level (e.g., 20%)  k(r): first k so that recall@k >= r Interpolated precision@ recall level r = max { precision@k : k >= k(r) }

26 26 Precision vs. Recall: Example 1.d 123 2.d 84 3.d 56 4.d 6 5.d 8 6.d 9 7.d 511 8.d 129 9.d 187 10.d 25 List A 1.d 81 2.d 74 3.d 56 4.d 123 5.d 511 6.d 25 7.d 9 8.d 129 9.d 3 10.d 5 List B

27 27 Query Languages: Keyword-Based Singe-word queries  Ex: Michael Jordan machine learning Context queries  Phrases. Ex: “Michael Jordan” “machine learning”  Proximity. Ex: “Michael Jordan” at distance of at most 10 words from “machine learning” Boolean queries  Ex: +”Michael Jordan” –basketball Natural language queries  Ex: “Get me pages about Michael Jordan, the machine learning expert.”

28 28 Query Languages: Pattern Matching Prefixes  Ex: prefix:comput Suffixes  Ex: suffix:net Regular Expressions  Ex: [0-9]+th world-wide web conference

29 29 Text Processing Lexical analysis & tokenization  Split text into words, downcase letters, filter out punctuation marks, digits, hyphens Stopword elimination  Better retrieval accuracy, more compact index  Ex: “to be or not to be” Stemming  Ex: “computer”, “computing”, “computation”  comput Index term selection  Keywords vs. full text

30 30 Inverted Index Michael 1 Jordan 2, the 3 author 4 of 5 “graphical 6 models 7 ”, is 8 a 9 professor 10 at 11 U.C. 12 Berkeley 13. The 1 famous 2 NBA 3 legend 4 Michael 5 Jordan 6 liked 7 to 8 date 9 models 10. d1d1 d2d2 author: (d 1,4) berkeley: (d 1,13) date: (d 2,9) famous: (d 2,2) graphical: (d 1,6) jordan: (d 1,2), (d 2,6) legend: (d 2,4) like: (d 2,7) michael: (d 1,1), (d 2,5) model: (d 1,7), (d 2,10) nba: (d 2,3) professor: (d 1,10) uc: (d 1,12) Vocabulary Postings

31 31 Inverted Index Structure Vocabulary File term1 term2 … Postings File postings list 1 postings list 2 … Usually, fits in main memory Stored on disk

32 32 Searching an Inverted Index Given:  t 1, t 2 : query terms  L 1,L 2 : corresponding posting lists Need to get ranked list of docs in intersection of L 1,L 2 Solution 1: If L 1,L 2 are comparable in size, “merge” L 1 and L 2 to find docs in their intersection, and then order them by rank. (running time: O(|L 1 | + |L 2 |)) Solution 2: If L 1 is considerably shorter than L 2, binary search each posting of L 1 in L 2 to find the intersection, and then order them by rank. (running time: O(|L 1 | x log(|L 2 |))

33 33 Search Optimization Improvement: Order docs in posting lists by static rank (e.g., PageRank). Then, can output top matches, without scanning the whole lists.

34 34 Index Construction Given a stream of documents, store (did,tid,pos) triplets in a file Sort and group file by tid Extract posting lists

35 35 Index Maintenance Naïve updates of inverted index can be very costly  Require random access  A single change may cause many insertions/deletions Batch updates Two indices  Main index (created in batch, large, compressed)  “Stop-press” index (incremental, small, uncompressed)

36 36 Index Maintenance If a page d is inserted/deleted, the “signed” postings (did,tid,pos,I/D) are added to the stop- press index. Given a query term t, fetch its list L t from main index, and two lists L t,+ and L t,- from stop-press index. Result is: When stop-press index grows too large, it is merged into the main index.

37 37 Index Compression Delta compression  Saves a lot for popular terms  Doesn’t save much for rare terms (but these don’t take much space anyway) michael: (1000007,5), (1000009,12), (1000013,77), (1000035,88),… michael: (1000007,5), (2,12), (4,77), (22,88),…

38 38 Variable Length Encodings How to encode gaps succinctly?  Option 1: Fixed-length binary encoding. Effective when all gap lengths are equally likely No savings over storing doc ids.  Option 2: Unary encoding. Gap x is encoded by x-1 1’s followed by a 0 Effective when large gaps are very rare (Pr(x) = 1/2 x )  Option 3: Gamma encoding. Gap x is encoded by (  x  x ), where  x is the binary encoding of x and  x is the length of  x, encoded in unary. Encoding length: about 2log(x).

39 39 End of Lecture 2

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