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Writing Groups. Group Process  Author reads aloud (5 min.)  Listeners write overall impression (30 sec.)  Author reads aloud again while listeners.

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1 Writing Groups

2 Group Process  Author reads aloud (5 min.)  Listeners write overall impression (30 sec.)  Author reads aloud again while listeners write out comments on +/- /?(5 min.)  Listeners report out in turn while author takes notes and remains silent (5 min.)

3 Objectives  Author hears awkward spots.  Author gets notes from a real audience.  All develop ability to talk about writing.  All can compare their own techniques with those of others.  Everyone focuses first on content and organization.  Everyone gets a non-threatening, non- evaluative reading.

4 Obligations of Group Work  Writers must show up on time.  Everyone must have five typed copies. (Instructor will not help with papers not processed in groups.)  Everyone must listen and participate fully.  In order to finish on time, each group should designate a timekeeper and a gatekeeper.

5 Good Criticism  Many cultures avoid direct criticism.  Often seen as negative.  May elicit defensive or angry reactions.  Good criticism does not evaluate or threaten.  Good criticism helps writers revise conceptually and organizationally.

6 Techniques of Good Criticism  Be descriptive, not prescriptive.  Make “I” statements rather than “you” statements.  Show that you have tried to understand.  Offer solutions if they are apparent, but don’t feel obligated to “fix” the paper.  Focus on big ideas for now—grammar and spelling come later unless they are so bad that they affect readability.

7 Potential Trouble Spots  Avoidance (seems strange at first)  Table talk (appoint a gatekeeper)  Timing (appoint a timekeeper)  Non-participators (everyone has permission and obligation to speak)  Silent reading (reading aloud is mandatory)

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