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PC Cluster Setup on Linux Fedora Core 5 High Performance Computing Lab Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Tunghai University, Taichung,

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Presentation on theme: "PC Cluster Setup on Linux Fedora Core 5 High Performance Computing Lab Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Tunghai University, Taichung,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PC Cluster Setup on Linux Fedora Core 5 High Performance Computing Lab Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan 40704, ROC Presenter: Hao-Yu Tung

2 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Contents Install Linux OS Set up Network Information System (NIS) Set up Network File System (NFS) Set up Secure Shell (SSH) Set up Message Passing Interface (MPI)

3 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Install Linux OS Install Fedora Core 5 Linux distribution  Install from CD-ROM  Install from network (create a boot disk)  Full install or custom if you are an expert  Set separate IP for each machine (e.g.,

4 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Install Linux OS (cont.) Partition  Consider you have a hard driver with 30GB in size  Full installation of Fedora Core 5 will using 5GB available disk space Server side:  / 10GB, holding root file system and RPM packages  Swap 256MB, as large as your physical memory  /home the rest size of the disk, for NFS home usage Client side:  Swap 256MB, as large as your physical memory  / the rest size of the disk Disable the firewall and reboot  #chkconfig --level 345 iptables off  #chkconfig --level 345 ip6tables off (optional)

5 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Install Linux OS (cont.) After installation, you will use “adduser” and “passwd” to add a normal user on server  #adduser [test]  #passwd [test] Editing your “/etc/hosts” file  # vi /etc/hosts Here should be your server and clien t private ip and hostname

6 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NIS (Server side) Install NIS server  #wget e/5/i386/os/Fedora/RPMS/ypserv-2.19- 0.i386.rpm e/5/i386/os/Fedora/RPMS/ypserv-2.19- 0.i386.rpm  #rpm –ivh ypserv-2.19-0.i386.rpm Setting up NIS domain name on file “/etc/rc.d/rc.local"  #nisdomainname cluster  #vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local Temporary (Disappears after reboot) Add this line

7 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NIS (Server side) Enabling ypserv and yppasswdd service  #service ypserv restart  #service yppasswdd restart  #chkconfig –level 345 ypserv on  #chkconfig –level 345 yppasswdd on Makefile  #cd /var/yp  #make You’ll see this after using the command “make”

8 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NIS (Client side) Install NIS client  #wget e/5/i386/os/Fedora/RPMS/ypbind-1.19- 0.i386.rpm e/5/i386/os/Fedora/RPMS/ypbind-1.19- 0.i386.rpm  #rpm –ivh ypbind-1.19-0.i386.rpm Setting up NIS domain name on file “/etc/rc.d/rc.local"  #nisdomainname cluster  #vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local Temporary (Disappears after rebo ot) Add this line

9 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NIS (Client side) Enabling ypbind service  #service ypbind restart  #chkconfig –level 345 ypbind on Editing “/etc/nsswitch” file  # vi /etc/nsswitch.conf Original file

10 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NIS (Client side) Enabling ypbind service  #service ypbind restart  #chkconfig –level 345 ypbind on Change to this

11 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NIS (Client side) For testing NIS on client  #yptest

12 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NFS (Server side) Server Side  Create file “/etc/exports” to configure NFS in /etc directory by root privilege /home,no_root_squash) /usr/local,no_root_squash)  Enable the NFS daemon #chkconfig --level 345 nfs on #service nfs restart No blank spac e within this lin e

13 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up NFS (Client side) Client Sides  Testing configuration (Optional) #mount –t nfs server:/home /home #mount –t nfs server:/usr/local /usr/local  Edit file “/etc/fstab” by adding the following two lines server:/home /homenfsdefaults 0 0 server:/usr/local /usr/localnfsdefaults 0 0  Move original home to home2 and create a new home #mv home home2 #mkdir home  Re-mount file system or reboot #mount –a

14 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Set up SSH Enable SSH server  #chkconfig --level 345 sshd on  #service sshd restart If you want to use ssh without password by the following steps in your account  $ssh-keygen -t rsa  $cd /home/[user]/.ssh/  $cp authorized_keys2  $ssh [client_machine]

15 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Setup MPI Install MPI on server and client respectively by using root account  #wget /libaio-0.3.106-2.2.i386.rpm /libaio-0.3.106-2.2.i386.rpm  #rpm –ivh libaio-0.3.106-2.2.i386.rpm  #wget /libaio-devel-0.3.106-2.2.i386.rpm /libaio-devel-0.3.106-2.2.i386.rpm  #rpm –ivh libaio-devel-0.3.106-2.2.i386.rpm  #wget /lam-7.1.1-11.i386.rpm /lam-7.1.1-11.i386.rpm  #rpm –ivh lam-7.1.1-11.i386.rpm Use MPI (cannot use root account)  Create file “lamhost”  $recon –v lamhost  $lamboot –v lamhost  $wipe –v lamhost

16 HPC Lab., CSIE@Tunghai University Setup MPI (cont.) Complie MPI C program  $mpicc –o file file.c Execute MPI C program  $mpirun –np file

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