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Physics 102 Introduction to Physics Dr. Rick Yaw.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 102 Introduction to Physics Dr. Rick Yaw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 102 Introduction to Physics Dr. Rick Yaw

2 Quiz Question 1: Are you here? a.Yes b.No Use your clicker to choose.

3 Introduction Website Syllabus Class Schedule Lab meetings? Demonstrations and Other stuff

4 Chapter 1 About Science

5 Scientific Measurements … or how good science is based on good measurements. Size of Earth Size of the Moon Distance to the Moon Distance to the Sun Size of the Sun … all calculated through accurate indirect measurements! Time – seconds (s) Mass – grams (g)Length – centimeter (cm)

6 Quiz Question 2: What are 3 fundamental measurements? a.Mass, gravity, and color. b.Weight, velocity, and center of mass c.Length, mass, and time d.Acceleration, length, and force. Use your clicker to choose.

7 Mathematics- The Language of Science Physics establishes relationships between measured phenomena and allows us to predict behaviors of systems Examples: –Mass vs. momentum –Kinetic energy vs. velocity –Force vs. acceleration (Force = mass x acceleration) F = m a

8 Acceleration due to gravity in free-fall click here Velocity = acceleration x time If you somehow measure the acceleration due to gravity You always know what the velocity will be after a given amount of time. An observed relationship

9 Scientific Methods –Recognize a question –Establish a hypothesis –Test the hypothesis (experiment) –Adjust the hypothesis (if needed) Science vs. Technology When in doubt, remember Everything is Physics!!

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