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8:00-8:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast 8:30-8:40 a.m.Welcome and Objectives for the Day 8:40-9:10 a.m.Review Department Mission, Vision 9:10-10:20 a.m.Trends.

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Presentation on theme: "8:00-8:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast 8:30-8:40 a.m.Welcome and Objectives for the Day 8:40-9:10 a.m.Review Department Mission, Vision 9:10-10:20 a.m.Trends."— Presentation transcript:

1 8:00-8:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast 8:30-8:40 a.m.Welcome and Objectives for the Day 8:40-9:10 a.m.Review Department Mission, Vision 9:10-10:20 a.m.Trends impacting professional education, and Discussion of Strengths and Priorities to Fulfill the Mission 10:20-10:35 a.m.Break 10:35-11:10 a.m.Prioritization and Report out 11:10-11:55 a.m.Discussion on the Top Three Priorities 11:55 am-12:40pm.Lunch 12:40-1:00 p.m.Revisit of Mission and Vision, Next Steps 1:00-1:30 p.m.Wrap-up Michigan Interdisciplinary and Professional Engineering Strategic Planning Retreat Agenda

2 History

3 Distance and Professional Education at Michigan Engineering Center for Professional Development

4 CPD Offerings 1.Non-credit professional development short courses 2.Non-credit online professional development programs 3.Production and distance delivery and support for graduate courses & degree programs

5 History of InterPro Interdisciplinary Professional Programs. Founded in 1999 as an educational unit managing interdisciplinary graduate programs in the College of Engineering. Share best practice, leverage resources Flexibility and responsiveness

6 InterPro Programs ProgramDegrees OfferedParticipating Units Automotive EngineeringM. Eng.4 departments Financial EngineeringM. S.3 colleges Integrated Micro Systems M. Eng.2 departments Manufacturing Engineering M. Eng., D. Eng.8 departments Pharmaceutical Engineering M. Eng.2 colleges Plastics Engineering (discontinued) M. Eng.2 departments Global Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering M. Eng.2 programs

7 InterPro Enrollment Distance 657 DL enrollments in credit courses, ~ 2000 SCH in 2005

8 The journal …… CoE announced the merger of CPD and InterPro in March 2006. Since then focus has been on –Organization –COE budget planning –Financial system –New financial models Current focus is on –Strategic planning – ……

9 Executive Director Executive Committee Operations Professional Development Programs (CPD) Academic Programs ADGE Based on four cost centers: 1.On-campus graduate programs 2.Distance graduate programs 3.Professional development programs 4.Administration Organization Financial System

10 Michigan Interdisciplinary and Professional Engineering (InterPro) Strategic Planning Retreat Objectives: Define mission of Michigan Interdisciplinary and Professional Engineering Identify priorities to fulfill the mission

11 8:00-8:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast 8:30-8:40 a.m.Welcome and Objectives for the Day 8:40-9:10 a.m.Review Department Mission, Vision 9:10-10:20 a.m.Trends impacting professional education, and Discussion of Strengths and Priorities to Fulfill the Mission 10:20-10:35 a.m.Break 10:35-11:10 a.m.Prioritization and Report out 11:10-11:55 a.m.Discussion on the Top Three Priorities 11:55 am-12:40pm.Lunch 12:40-1:00 p.m.Revisit of Mission and Vision, Next Steps 1:00-1:30 p.m.Wrap-up Michigan Interdisciplinary and Professional Engineering Strategic Planning Retreat Agenda

12 Michigan Interdisciplinary and Professional Engineering (InterPro) Vision The University of Michigan College of Engineering will be recognized nationally and globally as a leader in the creation and delivery of interdisciplinary and professional programs that make engineers, managers, and technical professionals more effective, productive, and competitive. InterPro will be a source of pride, recognition, and revenue for the College of Engineering by offering programs and services of the highest quality and value to individuals and their organizations. Within the College, faculty will view professional development and technology enhanced learning as critical to strong relationships with industry and government and they will be active participants in programs offered through InterPro.


14 Mission As a unit within the College of Engineering, InterPro’s mission is to –Identify trends relevant to the profession and practice of engineering and management and to anticipate the related implications and needs for education, training and certification. –Be responsive in meeting those needs with successful programs by leveraging and extending the talents and resources of Michigan Engineering. –Build lasting relationships with learners and their employers, causing them to return for future programs and services and recommend InterPro to others. We make Michigan Engineering education available any time, any place. Michigan Interdisciplinary and Professional Engineering (InterPro)

15 Trends Affecting Models of Engineering Education

16 Current Environments Trends Affecting Models of Engineering Education 1.Blurring boundaries between traditional classroom instruction and distance learning 2.“Self-service” - Increasing technological sophistication among students (and faculty) 3.Increasing power, decreasing cost, of technology 4.Ever increasing pressures on cost

17 5.New forms of competition –Traditional institutions via distance learning –For-profit institutions –Corporate “universities” 6.Life-long learners as the “new majority” 7.Industry academic partnerships 8.Continuing education central to university mission Current Environments Trends Affecting Models of Engineering Education

18 Blurring Boundaries Technology for distributed learning increasingly used in traditional campus settings Advantage of including engineering professionals in student mix Challenge is managing separation in time, not distance

19 Technological Sophistication Entering students generally more avid computer users than faculty Yet faculty applying technology increasingly to traditional courses Demand, expectation for integration of computer based learning I LOVE the way technology is being used in this course: Having powerpoint slides posted before class has been invaluable for me, because I take notes directly on those slides. I also think it's great that the professor can use the tablet function on the computer and it gets projected to the overhead. I love the fact that the lectures are recorded. Although I am an on-campus student, I still use those recordings when I study. It takes the stress out of trying to keep up with notes because you know that you can always go back later. I wish there were more classes like this one. ~ Mid-term evaluation for ME483

20 New Competitive Landscape Every top-ranked institution in US offering degrees at distance Apollo Corp. (U Phoenix) exceeds $1 Billion in 2003 Global alliances, partnerships among traditional academic institutions Corporate Universities at most large orgs.

21 The “New Majority” 18-24 year olds make up less than 40% of those seeking accredited degrees Emerging role for higher education– preparation for career change Increasing prominence of professional education and training (especially in professions)

22 Industry Academic Partnerships Joint development of specialized courses Focused graduate degree programs Professional certification programs Leadership development Organizational transformation (e.g. Lean, Six Sigma

23 Continuing Education – Part of University Mission No longer marginalized Increasingly important as function of industry, government relations Source of revenue Faculty development, compensation New source of vibrant, relevant discussion among learners

24 Dean Munson Comments on Vision and Mission Statement From: "David C. Munson, Jr." To: "S. Jack Hu" Thread-Topic: We are InterPro Thread-Index: AcbYMuIaILygxkQmEduoIwAKlY2Pcg== X-OriginalArrivalTime: 14 Sep 2006 19:16:35.0421 (UTC) FILETIME=[4B8E28D0:01C6D832] X-DSPAM-Result: Innocent X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.9918 X-DSPAM-Probability: 0.0000 Jack: It was good to visit today. The only addition I might suggest to your vision and mission statement would be to incorporate some language about application of cutting-edge technology in this endeavor. It seems that riding the crest of the technology wave is critical to maximum success in this arena. Thanks, Dave

25 1.What is the no. 1 strength of the Michigan Interdisciplinary and Professional Engineering ? 2.In your view, what is the one thing that we should do to fulfill its mission ? 3.What is the one thing we that we should not do or de-emphasize in order to do the prioritized things better ?

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