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Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Stephen L. Olsen DOE site visit Sept 12-13, 2002 HEP at Hawaii.

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Presentation on theme: "Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Stephen L. Olsen DOE site visit Sept 12-13, 2002 HEP at Hawaii."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Stephen L. Olsen DOE site visit Sept 12-13, 2002 HEP at Hawaii

2 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Kirill Melnikov joins theory group –replaces San Fu Tuan Hirotaka Sugawara joins in April –Dai Ho Chun Chair Peter Gorham wins an OJI –ANITA is approved (and funded!!) Big News!!

3 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Experimental Group Overview

4 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Our strategy is unchanged: Do excellent science Use 1 st -rate facilities Maximize our impact

5 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Currently important HEP areas  Solar neutrino problem  KamLAND  Ultra-high energy cosmic rays  GLUE, ANITA, SALSA  CPV in B-meson system  Belle  oscillations/ mass  Super-K / K2K / KamLAND  Precision tests of SM  R measurements from BES

6 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Hawaii plays an important role in each of these areas

7 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Solar  -problem Super-K + SNO = LMA solution –Ideal for KamLAND (this month???)

8 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen -oscillation / -mass K2K consistent with Super-K Non    oscillation scenarios ruled out All citation records are held by Super-K!!

9 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen B-meson physics with Belle CPV established in B 0 B 0 system Asymmetries seen in B      1 st observation EW penguin (X s l  l  ) 1 st observation  c ’ discovered B-tags

10 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen R-scan and J/  &  ’ physics (BES) Completed R-scan analysis –Factor of ~3 improved precision –M Higgs up by  50% 58M J/  & 14M  ’ events –New particles/resonances J/  pp m(pp) ???  (2230)?

11 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen New directions for HEP Radio detection of UHE cosmic ’s –Askaryan effect verified over 4 orders of magnitude –New limits on diffuse UHE cosmic ’s –ANITA approved

12 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen New types of radiation detectors 3-dim pixel detectors for LHC/NLC –3-d sensors work –They’re fast & rad hard –ADRP award –Important non-HEP applications e.g. Molecular Biology

13 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen KEKB/Belle –World’s highest-Lum collider Super-K / KamLAND –Premier -detectors K2K –World’s longest beamline BEPC/BES –Unique energy range Goldstone radiotelescope Stanford nanofab facility … ~1M B-mesons/day Use 1 st rate facilities

14 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Impact GLUE/ FORTE /ANITA / SalSa / … –initiator / spokesperson: Gorham Belle –cospokesperson: Olsen analysis coord: Browder –largest non-KEK group in Belle – ~6 of Belle’s 1 st 40 papers were  100% Hawaii efforts (plus many Hawaii contributions to the others) BES –cospokesperson: Harris R-scan PhD stdnt: Kong Super-K / KamLAND –council: Learned / upmu leader: Matsuno –KamLAND calibration: Gorham / Gullian

15 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Further future Projected Lum 2002 Gorham is launching a new field of UHE CR detection Browder is a leader in the quest for Super B-factories Harris is co-leader of the BESIII/BEPC initiative We’re recruiting an Asst (Assoc?) Prof x1000!! Super-B

16 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Experimental Faculty/Staff State supported: (8 faculty) –Learned & Matsuno (full 11 month salaries) –Browder, Gorham, Harris, Olsen, Peters + 1 DOE supported: (2 faculty) –Jones & Parker Research Associates (6) –Guillian, Lehtinen, Seuster, Trabelsi, Zheng + 2 Graduate students (8) Technical Support (~2.5 FTE’s) –Ibaraki, Rosen, Varner They’re back!!

17 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen University support (HEP-exp) 8 faculty salaries –11 months for Learned & Matsuno Reduced teaching loads –0 for Matsuno, ~50% for Olsen High-quality lab space Start-up funds Off-campus overhead –0% overhead for postdocs Department machine shop – 2 full-time machinists ~ 50% of our computing system Saltstack CR expt Fishnet PC farm

18 Sept 12 2002 DOE Site Visit Overview Stephen L. Olsen Summary Fore-front scientific program –Solar- ; -oscil / -mass; CPV; SM tests; UHE cosmic rays Talented & productive team –Responsible for important papers/analyses High impact –Responsible for major initiatives; leaders in our collaborations Innovative –3-dim pixels; radio detection of UHE showers; … Well supported by the University –Salary support + equipment + reasonable overhead rates Promising future –Browder & Gorham have emerged as important HEP leaders

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