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All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Commissioning Status & Plans Jae Yu All DØ Meeting Dec. 1, 2000 What have we been doing? What is.

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Presentation on theme: "All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Commissioning Status & Plans Jae Yu All DØ Meeting Dec. 1, 2000 What have we been doing? What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Commissioning Status & Plans Jae Yu All DØ Meeting Dec. 1, 2000 What have we been doing? What is the status? What are the goals for the next few weeks? The end game? Conclusions

2 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! What have we been doing?? We’ve been keeping up with our philosophy of “Commissioning components in their final Run II form!! ” Detector construction has been winding down Detector assembly and installation coming along nicely Physicist shifter contributions have been extremely valuable in making significant progress in establishing infrastructure – Completing SiDet 10% test HV and readout cabling & shifts – Completing fiber optic & laying Tracker readout cables – Completing Wave guide QC at Lab3 – Preparing cable bundles and labeling them – Replacing calorimeter BLS back-planes – Modifying Calorimeter BLS power supplies – Testing MCM modules – And much much more….

3 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Current Shift Schedule No X-Mas Shutdown this year!!!

4 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! However…. However…. Tracker Readout electronics and Trigger hardware bottle neck Installation and electronics schedule leaves practically no time to commission significant portion of the detector But nothing can ever stop us from starting cosmic ray commissioning We’ve had three workshops – July 14 and Sept. 1 for SiDet 10% test stand Establish SDAQ calibration Cosmic ray data taking with SMT-S & N Barrel + Disk Module – Nov. 16 for Integration workshop at DAB to prepare detector systems for Dec. cosmic ray run  This workshop was an EXTREMLY successful one A lot of people worked very hard and made significant progress Virtually all systems are participating in commissioning We must squeeze out as much as we can, before the roll in

5 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! A Cosmic-ray event at 10% test

6 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Nov. 16 Workshop Goals Primary goal: Prepare detector systems for cosmic ray run Run Calibration on (Data taking and COMICS downloading): Calorimeter in L3/DAQ ( Fill and turned on HV ) SMT on SDAQ Muon Readout in the same event, triggered by cosmic scintillation counter coincidence and/or L1  : 1 Cetral Muon Scintillation counter  crates 1 PDT Crate w/ 6 PDT 1 Forward Pixel Crate 1 MDT crate 1 Cal crates 3 SMT crates 1 CFT crate 1 TFW crate Total of 10 crates

7 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Run online Examines on Control room Linux machines: Calorimeter + Cal elec Central + Forward Muon SMT CFT Global Run online event display Muon – Calorimeter Integrate SR for multi-run per node functionality Ship data to SAM Run offline reconstruction at FCC – Need Run configuration information Need cable maps

8 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Event of the day LOOK!!!!!!! Aligned hits!!

9 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Plots of the day!! Calorimeter Peds HV OFF Calorimeter Peds HV ON

10 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Dec. 14:Start cosmic ray commissioning Readout Cosmic Ray hits from 2 Axial Layers of CFT super sector 2 + WAMUS + FAMUS Systems Readout Cosmic Hits in >1/2 CC and ICD (Cal Trigger) Complete integrating L3 Muon Filter and Streaming Readout Noise from partial SMT-S & perform coherent noise study, especially the effect to Calorimeters (Read out all 12 crates) Reconstruct Muon Tracks Test offline streaming and check functionality, eg Lum blocks Run offline reconstruction farm as data is shipped over, using proper calibration information Display events using FULL online event display

11 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! SSA2 +y

12 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Cosmic Ray Commissioning Run Duration: Dec. 14 – Roll in (26 days, assuming Jan 15 roll-in) Primary goals: – Check out the detector as one integrated unit every day – Subject as many parts of the detector as possible to long term stability tests Will have a workshop on Thursday, Dec. 14 to prepare: – Iron out all the remaining little bugs – Another integration of all available systems – Clear and comprehensive shifter instructions and tools for feed back – Daily task lists for evening and owl shifts Shifts cover: 6pm-2am and 2am-10am M-F, 24 hrs Sat. & Sun (Except for Dec. 23, 24, 25, 31, and Jan 1)  Need a total of 32 shifts/wk Detector installation, debugging, and commissioning continue during the day

13 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! End Game? Given the current schedule of electronics & Installation No chance to check out most the electronics outside the collision hall Prepare for worst case scenario – Detector rolled in w/ Partially cabled SMT-N and H-Disks Electronics checkout in progress w/ incremental installation Partial L1 trigger (Cal and muon?) No L2/L3 trigger hardware to handle rates Beam starts rotating in the Tevatron most of the day – Installing & Checkout of the electronics is a nightmare – Need to prepare for good tools for fast turn-around and feed back – Need to increase number of experts to cover three shifts – Shifters must help out debugging Will take much longer to bring up the detector

14 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Conclusions Significant progress has been made on all fronts A few dedicated people are working very hard Detector installation making good progress Electronics are serious concern  Worried that we might not have had a chance to look at some parts before roll-in Detector checkout need to keep up with installation and hook up Cosmic ray run must be carried out as long as we can – These 26 days are the only thing we’ve got before the roll in – This is the model for our collider run operation – Need to accumulate experiences w/ detector running

15 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! So let’s Roll up our Sleeves and Participate in getting the Experiment brought up!!!!

16 All DØ Meeting December 1, 2000 Uncle DØ Needs you!!! Who can help? Experts installing and commissioning sub-detector systems must continue their job, interacting with engineers & Techs. Given the current stability of the system, it is better if we can have a few dedicated people for this shifts  One can imagine these “Experts” be the run guiders at the beginning of the run This means – Anyone who does not need to interact with Engineers and Techs – Anyone who wants to learn detector systems in the field – Anyone who wants to get into the action  In other words, every single one of you can do this Send me ( e-mail by next Wednesday, Dec. 6, for shifts  Will prepare some tutorial

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